father's note : dadxperiment !!

in family •  7 years ago 

playing with the children has become the duty of the parents, not just a duty but becomes a fun thing. in the game, the child is not just playing but he learns by way of experimenting about things around him. sometimes  the way they make us laugh, sometimes also makes us dizzy like my daughter who recently played with powder and his father became a victim. LOL

but  it was all in the course of the experiment, my daughter knew that the powder  was useful as a skin smoothener, so he tried on his wrinkled and rough  face of his father, how his experimental results. seems quite successful. :)) 

Subject: baby's powder test with semi-natural face of the dad
Object: dad
Result:  negative, the object does not experience skin rejuvenation,tend to  experience respiratory symptoms (the object has coughing most powder) 

Indonesia section

bermain bersama anak sudah menjadi kewajiban para orang tua, bukan hanya kewajiban tapi menjadi suatu hal yang menyenangkan. dalam permainan sang anak bukan cuma bermain tapi dia belajar dengan cara bereksperimen tentang hal-hal disekitarnya. kadang kala tingkah mereka membuat kita tertawa, terkadang juga membuat kita pusing seperti anak saya yang baru-baru ini bermain dengan bedak dan ayahnya menjadi korban. LOL

namun itu semua dalam rangka eksperimen, anak saya tahu bahwa bedak berguna sebagai penghalus pada kulit, maka ia mencoba pada wajah ayahnya yang penuh keriput dan kasar, bagaimana hasil eksperimen dia. tampaknya cukup berhasil. :))

Subject : uji coba bedak balita terhadap wajah semi alami orang tua
Obyek : ayah
Hasil  : negatif, obyek tidak mengalami peremajaan kulit, cenderung mengalami  gejala gangguan pernafasan (obyek mengalami batuk-batuk kebanyakan  bedak)


Another post :
 a small note : long hard road of being a fun dad

 Ragnar Lothbrok : a father's perspective

1st KSI Jakarta meetup
 late post :
the basic things to be a super father

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Oaalaahh sekarang saya baru paham waktu kemarin abang bilang fokus postingan tentang ayah.

iya bang, tapi tetep ada review filmnya kok ahahaha

Nice, having time with family

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Quality time with children

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

pure skin too hahaha

so sweet

Berhasil dikerjain sama anak ahahahahah

LOL it was a nice moment. But the most important thing is our children always happy..

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