in family •  6 months ago 

The old stage of life has appeared or made to be a time of suffering,pains and regret to numerous old people, people around them now feel uncomfortable been around them as they are attributed or considered to be irritating but that isn't nice.
This solves all the difficulties of the old people and how to care for them without much stress.
The old stage is a precious time of life.
Their contemporaries may not be alive but they are, even some young people are leaving the earth without achieving anything but those old people out there have achieved a lot, therefore I dedicate this to the old people out there,I love you all.

The old people are those people that are advanced in age,I will choose from 60 years and above depending on your own perception,they may be a graduate or not, civil servants, business men and women, government officials, some are disabled,they have children, house,cars and other properties you can talk about,they have lots of life experience,they have lots of memories and lots of stories to talk about.
There was at point in life they were very vibrant of mind and body,they encountered challenges and they conquered,there where moment they do what ever they wish without any body's help or support,they did not just become old from moment of birth,they were once toddler, teenagers, handsome, beautiful, best dressed during their time, intelligent, smart decision makers, eating what ever they wish to eat, traveling, best dancers e.t.c.
The old is faced with lots of challenges, some are in pains, abandoned, disabled,sick, disrespected,made fun of, wished death, some are regretting why been on earth,why still alive?, some a maltreated and starved, regarded to be a burden.
They sit on a spot morning and night, some are surrounded with different kinds of medicine, some tears have become their daily drinks,they encounter different varieties of sickness, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, vision problem and many more,the body and the bones are very weak, some are medically restricted from taking certain foods, drinks and even from engaging in some works, old people act strangely, funny,there are more to unveil about their challenges but you will be in love with old age when you give them befitting attentions and care.

The youths or the young usually forget that they will not remain young to the rest of their lives, you are so handsome, beautiful, intelligent, energetic and so what?, those old people are once like you and you will come to be like them some day except you want to die young but may that never happen to you okay,it is good to enjoy your youthful or young stage of life because it will pass away,be guided on what you do,say,eat,drink, apply on your body, life style and decisions not to be what will make your life uncomfortable during your old stage,do not be the architect of your future pains.
As a youth or young person you get annoyed or uncomfortable taking care or being around old people.
Do you know that the old is far better than you they are hero? that's sounds surprising right? just pay attention and I will give you reasons for such stand, now, they were once young like you,they planned and established their lives properly,they are graduates,rich, have conquered lots of family and personal challenge, able to survive the threats from people and most especially they are still alive but you are still young, you don't know how your future will be,then why can't you cherish those heroes around you,why would you hate your parents because they are old or because they are taking much of your time, don't abandon them,they patiently nursed, protected, provided for you while you are still tender, without them would you have existed?,they didn't torment you while you are still infant why will it be now?
What ever you do to them you shall reap during your own time, cherish them and you will be blessed.

There are huge and awesome things that will make the old happy but with these few points of mine it will proffer solutions if accorded even if it's a little attention.

  1. Aways be patient to listen to all they say.
    2.When ever they need your attention respond to them.
    3.Tell them sorry when ever they felt they are offended.
    4.Be positive in discussing their challenges.
    5.Give them the assurance that you are capable of protecting them.
    6.Do not put on long time argument with them.
    7.Correct them with pleasing tone.
    8.Show them that you love them.
    9.Keep their environment neat.
    10.Their clothes should be neat and changed after wash up.
    11.Every thing they use in the bed room, birthing room and toilet should be kept in order.
    12.There room should be well ventilated.
    13.Be meticulous with what they consume be it medicine,food and water, always follow the medical advice from the doctors.
    14.There should be constant light around them at night.
    15.Always engage them with discussions, they shouldn't be left to be alone.
    16.Always walk around with them.
    17.Tell them about God's love and care.
    18.Celebrate them when the need arise, like birthday etc.
    19.Buy gifts for them and take them out for sight seeing.
    20.Take them to their contemporaries homes so they can have heart to heart discussion.
    21.Always seek history from them because they always feel happy,proud and satisfied to talk about past event.
    22.Study their characters and body movement to know when they are sick.
  2. Allow them to make some certain decisions.
    24.Lots of them hate noise,so avoid it.
  3. Always put on television for them most especially news channels.
    26.Always have something to answer when they ask any thing, give them back the treatment they gave you when you are still tender.
    27.Tell them sweet words, your are cute, your clothes are looking good, you are very strong today, you are becoming young etc.There are lots more but lets go with the ones I mentioned,it may not be easy to carry out but if you give in actions from today to practice them before one month it will be the story of the past.
    Oh that today that you listened to these words hardened not your heart.


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