in family •  7 years ago 

I had some sort of revelation the other day.

For those of you do not know, in the United States there is a government run school system commonly called "public education," although it is not really public and the exact amount of education that occurs there is debatable. Often, it is indoctrination that takes place, not education. Critical thinking is not even on the menu and it is the Department of Labor that provides a lot of the guidance to the Department of Education. This is because part of the purpose of the "public education" system is to train the youth grow up and become a workhorse for the system that the government has already put in place.

From a very early age children are asked "What do you want to be when you grow up?" The unfortunate reply expected to this question is some sort of job title. A doctor, a lawyer, a farmer, a pilot... the options are almost without limit. However, it is not our "profession" that identifies us, in my opinion, nor what everyone's goal needs to be "when they grow up."

Many children have no idea what they want "to be" when they grow up. Sometimes this question remains unanswered into adulthood. I am not bashing anyone who aspires to a certain profession. We are all free to choose if we would like to work a certain job or not. However, I personally am opting out of answering this question in the traditional manner.

Whatever job I may or may not work will eventually pass. It is not my goal in life to build bridges, mow lawns, be a politician, or lay hardwood flooring. It is not my goal to become a cashier, drive a forklift, sell used cars, or be a TV host. Even if I wanted to do such things, they would eventually pass and then I would too.

For @papa-pepper, what I want to be when I grow up is simple.

A husband and a father.

Yes, it is simple, but it is also extreme. To live out my days loving my wife and raising my children is more important to me than any job. If I could accomplish my goals of being a husband and father without working a job then I would opt for that.

Too often it seems that too many people are too busy earning a living to actually enjoy living a life. It is not that kind of living that I desire. Sure, I work my butt off and have worked at a lot of jobs in my time, but they are to help me fulfill my goals as a husband and father, not just to have the job title or work in that field.

Once I retire, hopefully I will still have @mama-pepper by my side. It looks like only death can separate us, so that goal should be achievable. No matter how good I could be at most jobs, eventually I would have to give them up and retire I don't want to have to "retire" from what is most important to me, therefore, it can't be a profession. Also, I think that too many people look back at the end of their lives and wish that they had spent more time with their spouses and children (if they have any) rather than wishing that they would have spent more time at the office.

At some point last week I actually answered the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" with "A husband and a father." I had been doing some thinking on that subject previously, but actually answering the question that way got me thinking about the whole deal a little more.

It is this goal that caused @papa-pepper to move to Arkansas with @mama-pepper and the @little-peppers. It is this goal that is fueling our current lifestyle change and progression towards the homesteading, self-sufficient lifestyle. The less bills we have to pay and the more of our own needs we take care of ourselves, the less money we will need. The less money that we need, the better the probability that we can earn however much we need from home.

If breeding animals, propagating plants, selling produce, and blogging on steemit can provide for whatever financial needs that we have, then I will have more time to focus on being a husband and a father. Obviously, I am exercising my freedom to evaluate my own life, goals, and purpose here, and I am only sharing my opinion. Yours may be different, and you are free to conclude otherwise. I just wanted to share some of my recent thoughts with all of you. Enjoy them for what they are worth.

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

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What about what a child NEEDS when he grows up? Rather than basing everything on wants and wishes, the basic and spiritual needs of a person should be top priority!

I could write quite a bit on this topic myself.

You should! Sounds like you have some good ideas!

Thanks for the encouragement. I am not usually much for sharing, but I am beginning to see the need to share what I know about it. @papa-pepper knows what I mean. While over sharing seems to be the norm nowadays, I think the way this is done by him works on a lot of levels.

You should! No kidding, the default setting of fulfilling wants and desires ruins many a person.

When I caught on to this concept, I started to make some decisions that were no longer knee-jerk, self-centered ones. Thankfully, I got this somewhat under my belt before I got married and had children. There were a lot of things I couldn't learn in school from professional teachers and superintendents, and this is the prime example.

Public school wasn't exactly a highlight in the grand scheme of things in my life. I am who I am in spite of the Department of Education and its guidelines.

@papa-pepper Glad things are working out for you and the rest of the peppers.
You my friend are a true Multi-potentialite.
full steem ahead!

Thanks @streetstyle! I can't wait to meet up with you in person one day!

Papa you've described exactly the situation we're going through now with our teenage kids.

There's an unbelievable push for kids to "Go to College".

It's pounded into them starting in elementary school even though it's selling them into economic slavery.

I'm trying to make them grasp the concept of entrepreneurship; sure go to college if you want, but do it to better yourself, not so you can get a good job.

And don't take on debt that will take you until your retirement to pay off.

Jobs suck; they don't last forever and you usually don't get advanced notice when they go away.

And that sucks too.

My wife has both a Bachelor's Degree and a J.D. (yes, she's an attorney, and a damned good one).

Contrary to popular belief, most attorneys are in debt up to their eyeballs. If not from Law School, very often from buying their "Partnership" in a Law Firm.

And Law Firms turn otherwise bright, compassionate people into soulless dicks.

We're both glad she "wasn't a good fit".

I don't ever want to "retire", I want to do work that I find interesting and challenging right up until the day I die, on my 120th birthday in a freak skydiving accident.

Wow, excellent comment. I am a strong advocate for a debt free life.

Excellent post.

I'm glad to have finally found people with similar values.

Me too!

What I love about your comment is the statement "go to college if you want, but do it to better yourself, not so you can get a good job". THIS is what it is about. Attending a largely liberal arts school, I knew a lot of students studying literature, music and the arts who said their parents weren't very encouraging or supportive because "they weren't going to support themselves with a useless degree". But they were artists! They were happy! Life has become about unimportant things like jobs and we are forgetting to live by what we enjoy. I went into the field of animal care and biology knowing I wouldn't be making much money (luckily with my parents supporting and respecting my decision). I work long hours, take home little pay, but at the end of the day, I don't think I'd be happier anywhere else!

Your post is full of great marriage and parenting advice. You have a beautiful family.

Thanks @marymg2014! I am glad that you think!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Not all of us public educators are indoctrinators.

I teach blockchain technology to my Business Spanish class, our Biomedical Engineering teacher doesn't allow students to get away without developing critical thinking skills. Our Family Consumer Sciences crew is incredible at developing life-long skills.

We have multiple teachers that push back against administrators/lawmakers that don't have the students' best interests at heart.

I know you're railing more against the system than the teachers, but just remember that those closest to the kids often have their back.


Right, I agree. It is the system not the individuals. Thank you.

Yeah, there are a lot of wonderful educators in the system but unfortunately they are bucking a system designed to prepare kids to play their part as workers and debt slaves, something required to sustain the American consumer economy.

It's part of a larger plan.

Individualism and critical thinking are discouraged and group-think rewarded. This also makes it easier for those at the top to influence public opinion and control the masses.

Kids that grow up to run things go to elite private schools, not public schools.

The sinister plan to "dumb down Americans" started to take shape as we see it today back in the days of Carnegie and Rockefeller and is well documented.

Two brave people that have written extensively about this subject are Charlotte Iserbyt and John Taylor Gatto. Both have books and material on You Tube.

Gatto was a public school teacher for 30 years and Iserbyt a top education advisor in the Reagan administration.

I have great interest in this subject and it will be one of the topics I'll be discussing here on Steemit.

Your children are super lucky papa-pepper to have a dad that sees through the deception, something unfortunately many do not.

Thanks for this wise and informative post :o)

Ya know @papa-pepper, the title question got me to thinking. If we are to ask a bunch of 6th grade students "what do you want to be when you growup?"

In the US - that answer has become "I want to be famous" and then I say, Ok how? "I want to be on youtube"

ME: SMH :-(

What happened to doctor, astronaut, etc. Blockchain prodigy I'd take now too!

Fame simply for the sake of fame is too often the goal. How foolish.

i like people who know the importance of sharing quality time with their families, it is very encouraging to know that men who see beyond just providing their families with money really still exist. Beautiful post, thanks for sharing.

Thank you for encouraging me with your comment!

i feel so humbled. thanks boss

What are those strange hats? Are they shells from the base of some large fuzzy acorns?

Yup, strange hats from the homesteading conference.

Those things are neat. They're flexible, turn inside-out, make all sorts of goofy shapes, and are relatively indestructible. I wonder how much they cost?

if i had children i know what i would want them not to be - i would not to be dishonest, i would want to be not fearful, i would want them to be not afraid, i would want to be not uninquisitive or incurious or unquestioning and most definitely would not want them to anti-thinking

Wow! Very well said! Thanks @tommyquest!

Amen!!! @papa-pepper.

Thanks @rainwalle!

The question should be what can you be when you grow up. Leaves a lot more room for a child to think. I wanted to be a pilot, then an aeronautical engineer, but winded up being a teacher. Lol

Winded up... I hope you don't teach English!

Oops. Got me. Lol. Math and physics. Opposite spectrum. Thank the lord apparently. I spelled piece wrong once in class. I before e...

When I moved to Arkansas I got a job managing cemeteries... The first letter I wrote to the State Cemetary Board... was a bit embarrassing!


You live and learn haha

Amen... My hat's off to anyone who would become a teacher!

Thank you for sharing. You are going to make a grown man cry..

nice proof picture..

Yeah, that is still fun for me! Taken on Friday I think!

Glad to hear it!

Not like my immediate family. Educated. Selfless. Helpful. Charitable. Kind. Without an ego. Loving. Cared for. Comfortable instead of struggling.

I always look forward to your very much based posts. Keep it up, you're an absolute gem to the community.

Is that list of characteristics about your immediate family, or someone else?

Beyond "Not like my immediate family," were characteristics that I wanted to adopt into who I am because who I was surrounded with were not representative of the rest of the traits that I listed beyond the first one. I had a lot of anti-role models, and luckily, I was able to perceive them that way.

Glad to hear it. I got confused at first.

Know that you can move beyond all of that and choose to be different. It is worth the personal journey!

Yup! Very well aware of that and doing it everyday!

Nice post papa-pepper :), thank you!

You're welcome!

That's a lovely dream growing up! And it looks like you're doing a great job. I hope it's not quantity over quality? ;)
I wanted to become a princess growing up... I'm afraid that's never going to happen :(


A large number of kids :P
But all kidding aside, they all look very cute ^^ How old is the youngest one?

2 weeks on the youngest.

We have no plans for family size. If we get more, we get more. If we would have had less, there would be less.

We will just take what we get.

Ah :) Congratulations!
That's lovely. Nice laid-back attitude ;) Cool

I very much enjoyed reading this post.
My mantra in the family as a father of two brilliant college kids is that I will never grow up and what I want to be is the cool grandfather down the road. Hopefully, way down the road..........
My chemist daughter is heading to Caltech for grad school and my son is a computer science major at FSU.

Those are great goals! Thanks and glad to hear it!

This is very important. As a kid, when I was first asked this question I had no clue what I wanted to do. I couldn't say "I don't know" so I just made stuff up. Then answers I gave them were used to mold my learning pathways in school. Pathways that I had absolutely no interest in. I still made the most out of it though :)

@papa-pepper, what career did you think you were going to pursue when you were younger?

I had no clue, so I opted for not going to college to invest in a ?

In a what?


A "?" - the unknown, a mystery, that kind of thing.

Nice post and lovely pictures!

Thanks @team101! Thank you for your support. I am truly blessed!

I'm really glad I came across this article being a college student that has changed his mind about what he has wanted to do a million times. The question "So what do you want to do (or be)" has always been one that I have struggled with and the answers that I have given have always felt hollow and this article pretty much explains why. Great read!

Cool, I am glad that you found it too, and that I felt like sharing. There is much more to life than "what you do!"

You got everything a man could want! Good for u :)

It is going well, to be sure! Thanks!

Amazing post friend, it's high time people started looking at life from a different perspective and breaking free from the norm..Thanks for sharing...BTW nice wedding pictures :)

Yeah, that was a happy day.... almost 10 years ago now!

I am glad that you enjoyed it!

You are welcome friend :)

Childhood experience determines so much about our world perspective later on. Too many folks are guilty of being bad parents, which simply means they are sowing the negativity of ignorance and misdirection, often coupled with fear and uncertainty. To be a wise parent and caring partner should be everyone's goal in life, for the sake of the future of all peoples... and may the rest materialize before you from your intentions!

To be a wise parent and caring partner should be everyone's goal in life, for the sake of the future of all peoples

Very well said! Thank you!

Awesome family! For me, it's ministry and music.. but I don't have the big family yet

Ministry and music sound good too!

This is something I've really been struggling with lately. I dropped out of college and lost my job after discovering the path I had been following my whole life wasn't what I actually wanted to do! It was incredibly disconcerting... But now I'm pursuing my real goal with the help of Steemit - ironically, it is also to live sustainably on a homestead! Thank you @papa-pepper for your advice and continual support of us minnows :) Excellent article and much needed today!

WOW! That is amazing! Very cool and glad that it helped!

I know that people wamt to farm when they retire

I think that if they started sooner, they could retire sooner too, since they would need to spend less on groceries.

As a parent we should give the best more that what child expects from parents. Understand the child and be a Blessing

I agree, understand that they are blessings and bless them by parenting them appropriately.

What an interesting perspective! It makes me think of my dad. He definitely defines himself as a dad first, and the whole career thing mostly worked itself out (as a series of jobs). I admit it, a good chunk of my identity is tied up in my work. But I also strive for financial independence, so I can let passion dictate where and how I work, more than monetary gain.

Thanks for sharing!

Cool, thanks for sharing @nickelnerds!

Inspirational post Papa! I remember having to rack my brain trying to think of a good answer to that question because I liked everything and so I wanted to be an astronaut, an inventor, a doctor, POTUS, etc.

Now that I'm finally an adult, I have a much better idea of what I want to be - the BEST version of myself, a true Ace, and of course financially and location independent!

Most of those answers at that age were unrealistic anyway. I think that most of the earth's population would be floating around in outer space if every who wanted to be an astronaut got to actually become one!

Haha that actually conjures up a pretty cool image in my head ;) I have no idea what kids today want to be when they grow up.....especially since most of their idols are on Instagram all day taking duck-face selfies lol

LOL indeed!

Hi papa-p nice line of thought.

Good to see you around again my friend. Sorry I missed your Morels last month. We found some a bit ago too.

When I was young, I never had a straight answer to the question of what I want to be when I grow up! Instead I just copied other kids or just said I wanna be a pilot because everybody thinks it's cool - so did I back then. But did I really want to be a pilot or know how to be a pilot at a young age? No.

Did I actually know how to be anything, or was I taught how to be anything when I was young? No. You're taught everything except that. You're taught how to do math, you're taught about the sun, you're taught about chemical substances that you probably will never have to deal with.. but you're never taught how to achieve your dreams or to have goals or learn about life and what you really need to be.

I know past is past and I'm way beyond learning any of that, but now life has taught me a lot. Life has taught me to always have a goal and I know what I want to be when I'm older. I know what I need to be surrounded with when I'm older. I know what would make me happy when I'm older.

I knew all of that, not from school, or my boring classes, but I learned about them from LIFE - which is the best teacher anyone can have.

I wish you a great life man, with your wife and lovely kids. We do share a lot of goals, I wish to get there one day.

Best of luck!

I think that "school" is an attempt to learn "life skills" in a "sterile" environment, where the skills are divorced from the purpose. You measure a line for the sake of measuring a line, buy you do not cut the board to length. You count dots on a page rather than chickens in a pen. You put down an answer on a test rather than living it out.

Something gets lost along the way, or so it seems to me.

At school, it doesn't matter whether you're a Cat or a Monkey; they teach you how to swim regardless.

Awesome post !

Well said brother. The way God intended it.

Thank you very much. I am currently still in the middle of a one man revolution...

so true, I think sometimes we are so focused on the destination, we forget to enjoy the journey. you have the right outlook.....remembering what's really important.

Great perspective!

What a great post. Very true words. I handed in my resignation at work last week, letting them know that I won't be returning after maternity leave. I've decided to stay home and raise my girl. It does mean we have to go without things since we are a family on one income, but I'll happily give them up if it means that I can spend my days watching her grow.
Your post made me feel better as initially it felt like I was giving up part of myself with my job. It had been my identity for years. Now I happily tell people that I'm a stay at home mum. To me it's the best job in the world.

You know, there was a time when @mama-pepper wanted to be a dental hygienist. I told her to just focus on college and I would take care of all the bills. Then, we started having children, and we still haven't stopped.

Evaluating our true identities was key in restructuring our lives. We decided that first, we were children of God. Secondly, we were the spouses of one another. Thirdly, we were parents. Everything else came after those three for us.

We now realize that she will never be a dental hygienist, and we are okay with that.

always a farmer.

LOL, Thankfully that fits into the rest of the puzzle for me! Thanks @kyriacos!

my pleasure my fellow farmer. Just know. You are living the dream

Congratulations @papa-pepper!
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This is real education, enriching! Thanks for sharing.

🍒 Curious, just a week ago I asked to be part time at my current day job, because I realized I was too busy earning a living and not enjoying living life, I wanted to spend more time with my two kids and my husband @lenin-mccarthy, so now I'm doing some stuff from home to earn money, like Steemit and translation jobs, whe are still working on getting enough money to have a self-sufficient lifestyle, so for me it's inspiring to read about people, like you, that are striving to be Free to live their life outside of the traditional way, that's why I'm happy for you and your family :D

Thank you so much and what a great step forward to make for your family! I wish you the best as you continue to progress towards your goals! I am also glad to hear that both you and your husband are on steemit.

Thanks papa-pepper 😊

We have much in common papa pepper. My wife and I have 6 kids under 8years! we live off grid in the desert of Southern California. It's true that being husband and father is first.

younger :)

A better question to ask children than "what do you want to be when you grow up?" is "what do you want to change about the world?"

That's a question which will stimulate thought and lead to action - instead of a path to a title. Not only does it provide an outlet for children's creativity, it also gives them the chance to understand that they can make a difference in the world, no matter their age.

I heard someone ask a child what he wanted to be when he grew up and I loved his answer. He said he wanted to be a teenager. I have never forgotten that.
I had to grow up fast due to my family life. My hope is that kids get a chance to be kids. Thanks for the post and nice to meet you @papa-pepper BTW: I love Arkansas.. like one giant park so beautiful and the water is great.

Unfortunately, consistent real inflation is making it harder and harder for the average family to be able to avoid worrying about finances.

I completely agree. The odds are really getting stacked against us. I can only assume that it will keep getting worse.

will like to be a steamer so i can steem high

Best wishes as you attempt to achieve your goals!

I wanted to be father that had time for his family. I quite my job and started cleaning windows so that I could be home more.

Well done my friend! Way to go!

I really like what you are up to as a husband and father too!

I love this post! I wrote almost the exact same thing a couple months ago here on steemit and completely agree. I guess we want similar things in life here on steemit.


Very cool! I just followed you!

Great to see your thoughts on that from months back!

Thinking about the future is good but asking what someone wants to be when they grow up is ridiculous. I barely know what I want to be. A better question is WHO do you want to be when you grow up? What kind of identity will you have, how will you treat others, what kind of human being will you be? It's still an extremely difficult question to answer, especially for a kid, but I think it's a question that really engages and makes you think about yourself and look inward. Who you are as a person is substantially more important than what you do to bring home the bacon. :)

Absolutely right. Identity is more than a job!

Great looking family. And great post. Thanks and thumbs up by DR

Thanks for that! I am glad that you liked it!

Thank you and look forward to future posts

Great post @papa-pepper just love the pics .This post make's one think and will have to do some stocktaking ...

Hey @papa-pepper, I just want you to know that this post really inspired me. I've never known what I want to be when I grow up. I'm 25 now with a degree and still have no idea. I don't even really want to grow up in a sense that I don't want to end up like the adults I see around me, but you are an inspiration for those who aren't sure.

When asked what he wanted to be when he grew up, John Lennon said "happy", and his teachers told him he didn't understand the question, to which he retorted "you don't understand life."

Well Said!

You are such a great role model for all of us here on Steemit!

Thank you for that. You have been a consistent source of encouragement for me @daveks!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

More crypto

Awesome post just be like Ben Franklin and teach yourself what you want to know. Self taught and hands on is better than reading only a book. I wrote a post recently about public schools when I ran into my 7th grade teacher, total mess it has become.

Never stop learning what you want to know about. Thanks @natevegas!

Hi. I just want to tell you that I made an update on steemit chat. :)

Checking it now!

What you do is only a part of who you are. I once knew a man that derived his entire self worth from his occupation. He worked 12-16 hour days, made loads of money, and sadly missed out on any sort of family life. One day the kids were grown and gone, his marriage was in tatters, and his occupation, his sole source of identity, was taken from him as his body gave out. He never lived.

It is so encouraging to read about your opinions regarding such matters and your family's journey in homesteading and self-sufficiency. My two kids have never been a part of the public school system because I didn't want them to derive their self-worth and identity from the standards of others. They are free to seek out and develop a sense of self without societal pressure, and I wouldn't trade the time that our family has spent together for anything. There's nothing like plucking 250 chickens together to strengthen the ol' family ties 😉

Wonderful post and happy journey to you all!!!

Love this and LOVE your family. You and I share a soul, I swear. All I have ever wanted to be is a husband and father. A more honorable and worthwhile endeavor I cannot conceive. Keep on steeming !

Work to live, don't live to work. Very inspiring post, papa!

Cool. I like the way that you put that! Thanks mate!