How to be a Good Husband 10 Exclusive Tips

in family •  6 years ago 

Tips on how to be a good Husband and Be Happy
Marriage is a beautiful part of life; this is a phase when two people tend to share their life with their partner. I have seen many posts on Facebook regarding how to be a good husband. Most of the people have their ideas and plan to get married at the right time to the right person. Some of the lucky people get the right person and get married. But some of them get married at once and start the struggle to be good enough for their partner. Marriage is an all growing and progressive relationship, things cannot be static in the lives of husband and wife. They have to take care of many things that really matter. Commonly girls are taught to be a good wife but on the other hand, they are expecting something forms their husbands too. So, it is good for men to know that how to be a good husband.
Here are the tips to be a good husband are explained in detail to bring the best suggestions for all husbands. This actually helps them to be good in their relationship and give the best treatment to their wife. Before catching up the tips you need to know something more.

Why is a good husband?
how to be a good husband

Well, it is a common question raised by men that why they need to put an effort into a relationship? When you expect your partner to be good with you the best is to be good for her. As a matter of fact, you will get what you give to others in life. If you are expecting love and affection from your wife you need to do the same for her. To sustain and progress a relationship it is necessary to invest your time and energy in that relationship. When you and your partner are comfortable in a relationship you can grow better and could have more of happiness. Marriage is not about a day or two, it is your lifetime relation that grows with your family and kids. So, to give your kids a sustainable future makes sure to have a perfect bond with your wife.

How to be a good husband?
All the newlyweds, about to be hatched and already married husbands are keen to know the tips to be a good husband. To be a good husband most important thing that required having such through is the urge of making your life happy and satisfied. In sharing one life everything happens in the lives of husband and wife will affect both of them. They have to face the consequences together and be the support for each other. In this regard, the most important thing is to not to be the cause of the problem. If your partner is upset because of you, then you have to face the music. It can disturb your life and that is something you really don’t want to happen. Here are some tips you can incorporate into your married life to be a good husband. These can be the best help to have a happy life with your partner.

Be the man of principle
The best tips to be a good husband are to have settled and specified principles of life. Make sure that you are not going to be destabilized or undisciplined in your life. Discipline doesn’t refer to being strict or have a subtle attitude. In fact, it is about having some major practices that you do not want to let go. Especially when it comes to your wife make sure to help her with everything and make her feel special. The following points can actually help you to focus on how to be a good husband with some specified principles.

Be gentlemen
how to be a good husband

When it refers to a man to be gentle we get the 17th-century mannerism in our mind. That rulebook contains some of the chivalrous actions of women. These actions commonly include open doors for her, give her, hello and goodbye kisses, take her heavy shopping bags, offer her seat and much more. All these acts of Gentleman track are very attractive and mesmerizing for a woman. This gives her a feeling of being the lady of your choice. In the tips of a good husband gentleman-ship is the ultimate one but exceptions are there. It simply depends on your kind of relationship with your partner. If your partner doesn’t like to be treated with extra chivalry then keep it normal but not supposed to be discouraged. It is ideal to be happy and friendly with your partner just the way you both are comfortable.

Be Respectful
Respect is the ultimate act of understanding. When you understand your wife you respect her as being independent, different and just the way she is. Most of the time we have conflicts with the people because we are not just like them. You have to understand the fact that every human being is different with different thoughts and ideas. Being a good husband you have to respect your wife’s thoughts and ideas. She can be sometimes wrong and sometimes you might not agree with what she thinking or doing. But dialogue and conversation is something that can actually help you to get out of that problem.

Never Assume Anything
how to be a good husband

The voice thing men can do in our marriage relationship is to assume the things on their own. Sometimes your partner cannot be very much expressive or explain the things to you but do not assume them. It is very much important for you to assess the reality. On the other hand, do not always think that being a while she has to do something for you. It is not necessary for a wife to be in the ideal way that commonly explains why the society to ask. On the other hand, she is also a human being and she does have some of her own ideas and things going on so exception happen.

Lying is not a solution
If you did something wrong or had happened something different that you are not comfortable to share with your wife then lying is not the ultimate solution that you can have. The most important point of any marriage relationship is trust. If you lie to your wife that means you are hurting her trust and for the next time she is not going to trust you again. Make sure that you will find out some of the solutions or parameters to discuss the matter with your partner. The trust can help you to communicate the reality to your partner easily.

Cheating is actually not your business
Cheating is next to lying if you love your wife then definitely you will not lust for anybody else. But, if you are cheating on your wife then it is an injustice to yourself too. Things will definitely get worst shortly and you might end up your beautiful marriage relationship. Most of the time on the basis of some conflict you might end up falling into the wrong side. But, at that time you need to evaluate what is more important? Whether your conflict or the marriage. This will simply get you the right way. If you are cheating on your wife you do not love her anymore. So there is no point in being together but if you want to be with her for life then you should not cheat.

Keep yourself energetic
how to be a good husband

Commonly after being married the husbands get a little careless about their activities and get into some lazy routines. Their work pressures lead them to be dull and lazy all the time. This is very irritating for wives generally; such situations are not welcoming for them. They are looking forward to your free time to have some energetic activities with you. On your off days being a lazy head will get them irritated to the highest level. Make sure to divide your work effectively to get some of your time for your wife and be involved in some energetic activities like sports, going out, cleaning house, exercising and much more. This will keep your guys engaging and bring more chances of having good memories together.

Not to be selfish with your wife
Depending on circumstances man can be selfish and just consider his own advantages. But in a relationship of marriage, you have somebody else as your responsibility. Here your selfishness comes to an end and now you have to start share and care. Even if your wife is really independent and does not want you to be overly protective. But your unconditional care will definitely be a boost for here in hard times. In fact, you can do it in a bit of common routine. It is good to offer her a cup of coffee, share an umbrella in rain, and offer her your jacket if she felt cold and more. These will be the small gestures but collectively get you the real happiness.

Don’t abuse her
It seems to be a hard statement for a man in case of abusing his wife but this is something very serious. Commonly abusing refers to beating up and saying slangs to the person. but as a husband, you might abuse your wife by not giving her that importance and respect that she deserves. Most of the time during arguments anger turns into next level and leads you towards personal attacks. When arguments turn into humiliation it gets abusive for your partner. Being a gentleman and a man of principles it is necessary for you to follow the way you are behaving. Specifically, when you are angry or not in a good mood consider what you say. Among the tips to be a good husband you have to take care of such things more precisely.

Showing affection
Once you are done with your gentleman treatment now it is time to get advanced with everything. Make sure to have some of the Exclusive expressions of love for your wife. These are the extensive tips to be a good husband and show your affection and concern towards your partner. You can actually make and feel the difference in your relationship.

Find little ways to make her feel special
how to be a good husband

If you think that your wife needs some have fantasized and luxury surprises to be happy then you are at fault. You need to reconsider the thoughts for sure. Your wife is a simple person who loves to have surprises and like to feel special. The small things and little efforts can actually boost a relationship and let you have the best out of it. All you need to do is to consider what she likes the most. If you will follow these little things that make her happy that will be the best thing you can do for your wife to make her feel special. All the luxury fantasies do not work when the little thoughts of care and concern came into action.

Be free to express your love
Expression of love is the best thing in a relationship that actually can help you to share the best emotions with each other. It is always good to show what you feel and what you actually have in your heart for her. She is your wife and she deserves to know how much you love her. Now make sure to find out some new ideas to let her know about your feelings. This will bring you closer and lets to discuss every emotion.

You are the integral support
Your wife as a person wants to grow, wants to learn new things, and wants to experience many of adventures in her life. She is the one who is career oriented and wants to have the ways of her own. to be a good husband you need to find out that what she is Happy with, what is her vision, what are the things she wants to try out in her life and support her in doing all these things. Whenever she is down you should back her that she is good enough to do it. And let her know that she can do it and nothing can stop her from achieving what she deserves. Your support as the husband will be a real boost for her to progress.

Never let your romantic side fade up
how to be a good husband

The most common problems come to your married life when you stop being romantic in your relationship. To be a good husband it is very much important for you to remember that Romance is the key to the happy life. In order to provide your wife with the perfect and idolized husband makes sure to keep the romance on. Whatever it takes like date night, a celebration of anniversaries, intimate relationship, movies, Hangouts or adventure trips anything that makes her happy is a must to do. Remember that romance is not like to be good in bed. It is all about showing affection and being together having a good time and celebrating your relationship.

Put it all together
Now you have gone through all the basic principles that you need to know and the tips to be a good husband then it is important to put everything all together. To get the ultimate results and outcomes in your marital relationship it is important that you will have the combined effort. It will lead you to the best way of having the perfect relationship. The following can further help you with combining all your efforts and having some composite attitude towards your wife.

Trust is the real base
If you want to know the foundation of any relationship then trust is the one. No matter if you are in a marital relationship or a friendship you have to trust each other for every good and possible reason. If you do not trust your partner it means you are living a pretty miserable life. In this regard make sure to show confidence in your partner and understand the logic behind every action. More specifically for husbands, it’s very necessary to support and trust every action of their wife. If she is unable to discuss something give her some time and stay positive about the things.

Be open with your personality
Bing your life partner, your wife has a right to know you in a better way. Marriage gives you the opportunity to get to know each other better over years. This can only happen when you are having long conversations with each other and Express everything that you feel about life. Do not feel that she will not understand you. In fact, make sure to explain everything to her, discuss your ideas by considering her your partner. Most commonly sharing of Ideas, having a long conversation, sharing interest, hobbies, occupations and having engaged debates will actually lead you to get open up to each other. This also gets you some of the extensive relationship goals.

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Put yourself in her shoes
A simple comment and your verdict about anything is not the solution when she is upset. Do not think that she is cribbing over nothing but make sure that you can actually feel the pain and discomfort she is going to. At this time she needs your support and understanding and all you can do is to make her sure that you do understand what she feels and you are with her in the hard times of life. This will happen for many of the times in your life that you wife need some extended support from your side and you have to show your support.

Don’t Boss around
Being a husband you do have the special space and position in your wife’s life but you are not her boss. Make sure marriage is not like a job where she is your employee and have to serve you with anything. In fact, it is your mutual relation where you guys share your life and you have to be balanced with each other. It is not necessary that your wife is doing everything for you and you are simply ordering her or asking for your work. In fact, it is an ideal way to be a good husband that you are going to be the part of every task she is performing. Make sure that this is your mutual relationship and the house you are living in belongs to both of you.

Pay attention to your appearance
The most common problems and issues that are reported by wives about husbands are their appearance and maintenance. Commonly after married men are not likely to keep their habits aligned and disciplined. So to be a good husband you have to make sure that you will keep yourself well maintained and take care of everything commonly you have been taking care of. It is all about your personal hygiene, your clothing and caring for your stuff as well. Although your wife is helping you with the management of everything but make sure it is your primary responsibility and you have to do it on your own. This will let her relaxed from the pressure of your basic needs and maintenance.

Follow to live happily
These are the best tips to be a good husband that will collectively give you ultimate benefits. To lead a balanced and successful life ahead and grow your family it is very much important to be good at your side. By following the tips to be a good husband you can end up having the successful relationship. It will lead you to ultimate progress in personal life. When you are happy with your relationship you can explore all the beautiful things. Most importantly you can give a better future to your kids. These tips cover all aspects of your marital relationship and give the best guidance. You can make your partner understand you better by understanding her better. In the marital relationship, it is all about making ways to being close to each other. This is the ultimate key to happiness.

Wrapping Up how to be a good husband
So, if you were in search of how to be a good husband you probably got the answer. All you have to do is follow these tips and live a happy life.

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