
in family •  7 years ago 

We live in a day and age where family is neglected. Family is afterall the backbone of any community. We sacrifice family time to chase this and that... Mostly money and the spoils thereof.

Strong families make strong communities, strong communities make strong citys and strong cities make strong countries. We kill ourselves chasing money, our children that want to spend time with us are shunned because when we get home we are tired and just want to relax. Yet all the child needed is attention and to know they are valued. The child feels unloved and that s/he does not matter to the parents. They then seek solace with friends into all kinds of dealings so they can geel accepted. Problems arise and the child is blammed.

Its time for us, as parents, to look at ourselves... On our deathbeds we wont think about that report that must be sent, the bills that must be paid, the meeting that was scheduled. We will want our families around us. Let us not forsake our families while seachimg for a better life!

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yes dear, you are right. I think as you think. waiting for this kind of more post.keep it up,