
in family •  7 years ago  (edited)

Here's a story of two sisters who had different fathers and one mother. Lisa and Margaret. Lisa was the first daughter of Matilda but she never married her father, he was too poor to take care of his family rather she married Margaret's father Alonso.

He was a very wealthy man. A business tycoon. Lisa and Margaret has been best friends from child hood not minding their financial status. They grew up loving each other, they never let anything come between them.
Lisa had a son of which her husband took away. Just to punish her. Margaret never had any issue. She felt she was barren.

Finally after Some years she became pregnant but there were complications. So she went to the aid of her sister to help her carry the child. The sister agreed because they always did things for each other. Never did they know that the day she accepted to carry the baby was the downfall of the two sisters relationships. Margaret's husband started giving Lisa more attention than her.

She felt useless. Like she had no space in his heart. Lisa was accused of seducing Margaret's husband. She couldn't take the insults so she left for another country.
There she gave birth to the child. And it was a girl. Amanda grew up knowing Lisa as her only family. images.jpgNot until questions were thrown at her. She began to have series of questions. Lisa was forced to tell her about her real family.

She took her back to her home town. Lisa and Margaret reconciled after many arguments and misunderstanding. The whole family came together as a whole. Lisa remains the surrogate mother. Amanda is getting used to her new family. And everyone one is happy.
The end

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Nice one. You have my vote.



Nice onw
