Conspiracy, Murder, Child Abduction and all dished out to one family. Part2 (The good bit...)

in familyprotection •  6 years ago  (edited)

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Hello again and now we shall get straight into part 2 and this part of the story is where we get into @familyprotection territory...
(for those of you who are hearing about this case for the 1st time, here is a link to part1)

As far as we all know the story goes, Debora is being allowed very little access to her son while he is being held against his will, by Edinburgh Social services. Deborah is being assisted by John Smith, founder of the International common law registry.

On several occasions Debora has raised serious concerns about the care that her son is getting while be kept away from his mother. Fractured hands and near-missed car accidents have been amongst some of the worries Debora has had to deal with. And It is supposed to be Debora that is a danger to this young boys well-being.

A point that must not be forgotten here, is a young boy, no older than my own daughter, and he has not only lost his Grandfather, but has also been imprisoned away from his nearest and dearest. Cruel is an understatement and again I say, WHO IS THE DANGER HERE??!!!

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By sending in the Social workers(see part 1), which we all know is a regular tactic against any family making serious claims against the authorities(Just ask Melanie Shaw), they(Authorities) decided to go way above the law and kidnap a child, using a court order that had been unlawfully granted, by an Evil Sheriff of Edinburgh.

Sheriff William Holligan granted the social workers the CPO(Child protection order), without there being any evidence whatsoever.
Here is a link to another of Sheriff Holligan's "Judgements" and please sit down with at least a spare 30 minutes as this is a long read.



By their very nature child protection orders (“CPOs”) are matters requiring urgent attention. They do not call for written judgments. The present matter was no exception. One of the consequences is that there is no opportunity for written consideration of practice and procedure. The case before me involved a hearing in which the applicant was a social worker who appeared without legal representation. The mother who had only very recently given birth left hospital to attend court and was represented by a solicitor. In the present matter I granted an order in limited terms but said I would give written reasons relating principally to the procedure followed in this, and I have to say, other cases which has given rise to some concern.

Remember, Debora received no parental assessment and no home visit. Her child was taken by a social worker, who had been granted a CPO, without giving any evidence to the Sheriff of the court.

All Debora could do now, was to wait patiently for her court date to arrive and then she would have her say.

Or maybe not...

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As you can see from Debora's FB post, she had indeed "abducted her own son". In-fact it wasn't actually Debora, but I'll get to that part soon. For now, lets look a little deeper into why she would instigate such a drastic maneuver..

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And who better to describe why this is such genius, than Debora herself:

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The empire strikes back...

Perfect team, social Worker an policeman husband, theft and fraud, removal of my son, responsible for investigation for my dad's murder and asset theft...last week knowingly held me and 3 others for 2 days, property stolen from my flat where they entered and spent several hours no warrant, no consent, I was in custody, opened my mail. I never left the social worker on a supposedly heavily supervised visit and I suggested she call police as I wanted them to come and I would have broken the law . Yep police turned up and I insisted I be arrested...3 others and I spent 2 days... 2 got pf acquittal and my bail sheet says breach of peace. Police are making charges up and retaining individuals with no right... They say I broke the law and a court order, I say show me a court order IF they have a court order...abduction, murder,kidnapping, holding against will , fed once from wed until Friday and even the so called food has traumatised me...
But you know, everything happens for a reason and at a certain time. Thank you very much police Scotland because my time riding the karma train is incoming full speed..
.Edinburgh council financial asset stripping and murder cover up in report by police to PF. 3 friends and I experience first hand last week how they operate and evidence.
Bullies, along with the local authority abduction of my son with the local authority children's reporter with multiple names ,changing outcomes of panels , lying to judiciary of court outcomes. You have to be collectively the biggest group of total fuck ups. The criminals weren't in cells last week or ripped away crying not to be returned to care where he has had untreated broken bones, black eye and cut... 4_months no contact but injured the handful of times over a year, not looking good for you in any way.


So just in-case anybody missed it, I will reiterate what has just been done.

Debora and her band of merry-men and basically forced the hand of everyone, in one foul swoop! The obvious part is that there was never any real CPO. This has now become more than an inconvenient truth and will now be used against Edinburgh council to prize out the grubs.

But who will hear the case if they just shut you down when you do appear in their courtrooms?

The breach of the peace is a charge that carries a jail term and is considered a 'criminal offense'. Therefore, anyone standing for or against this charge will be appearing in a crown court and not a family court...Are you beginning to see where this is going yet?

Once given an opportunity to speak in this more scrutinised part of Judiciary, Debora and John will hopefully be assured a proper say and their evidence will therefore have to examined in a lot more detail. They will have expensive barristers and the police will turn up to say that Debora gave herself up willingly, after informing them that her son was safe and finally out of danger. So once the statements have been edited and approved, they will be read out to the Judge and then it will be the turn of Miss Milazzo and Mr Smith. After making sure the court is in no doubt that common law must be upheld, as its own constitution dictates, they should then be permitted time to present there case to the Judge.
(Unfortunately we are not yet back to the days of being judged in a real court of law, by a group of 25 of our peers)
From the accounts given by Debora, the police have tried their best to destroy any incriminating evidence from her computers, phones, home and even from the bloody Family-Dog! No, honestly, they stole Debora's dog! I mean who does that!? What is wrong with these people? And they even returned him back in ill health, after being dehydrated and exhausted from being kept in the heat. They also charged her £33 for his "safe" return...

Jesus! These goons can't even look after a dog and they think they know best when telling us all what to do.... Crazy.

It's just a good job that Miss Milazzo is well prepared, like any mother would be if they too had the support of the common law community. She has dealt with these monsters for years and is well aware of what they are capable of. This is exactly why Debora gave copies of ALL THE IMPORTANT DATA to many of her nearest and dearest.

Now I expect that those of you who have had personal experience of the corruption within the courts, will no doubt be scoffing at my remedy.

"No. It can't work... The courts will just ignore your evidence and accuse you of 'contempt of court' the moment you mention the words "common-law". They do this all the time"

And I would have to agree with you on that(After applauding you for your wisdom)... But who ever said that was all Debora had up her sleeve? You didn't think she would come this far and not have something extra to give, do you?

These monsters murdered her father and kidnapped her son. This is as personal as it gets and any of us would fight with all our might to get justice heard, so there was never any worry of this Mother leaving anything to chance...

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Oh yes they did...

Haha! Gotcha, you dirty conniving scumbags

(OK... A little closer then).

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Screenshot-2018-5-8 (3) Debora Milazzo parliament – Facebook Search.png

(In the comments section, there was this reply)

Have you reported who took your son unlawfully to the ones in there? Or Ruth Davidson? Has she replied a letter?

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Within touching distance...

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This was Debora's frank, but tempered, introduction to petition1673

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And now Edinburgh Council are done for...

I'd also like to mention that petition 1673 and 1675 has just passed in parliament, investigation into the running and operating of child protective services. Well done James Mackie for allowing me to share my case where Ruth Davidson msp and Tommy Shepherd were aware of all issues and abuse and done nothing despite all facts. Nicola Jessop , royal mile primary, different name using the care inspectorate report for nursery next door for newly renamed, royal mile primary nursery... I am one of many parents of special needs kids you have manhandled, excluded, isolated, victimised and withheld the right to education and his being a pathetic report . You each are guilty life-changing ACTUAL abuse
So triple Brucey bonus time this week , you can all be assured I will be seeing you in a court of LAW very soon.
Don't have nightmares, so sleep well.

The phrase "Rats leaving a sinking ship" springs to mind.

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Screenshot-2018-5-8 Five new appeal sheriffs appointed - Scottish Legal News(2).png

Both tragically and amazingly, this all has not yet brought home Debora's young son, but it will, it has to. Otherwise the world will explode and we can't let that happen, can we?

Thanks to you all for showing your support throughout all of these posts. It has been my honour to write about this and I will continue to do so as long as needed.

If you do get any spare time, please go through one of the many links to Debora's FaceBook page and drop Deborah a message of support. Tell her the steemit community are right there with her, I am sure she would like that.

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I would also like to direct you all over to the group exposing 'Dementia Fraud' in the UK. Unfortunately they are only on FaceBook, but I have just contacted them and informed them about
Here is the link
Screenshot-2018-5-8 (5) DEMENTIA FRAUD.png

Big love to team behind @familyprotection. Thanks for giving us all this platform which we are able to spread the word and share stories that help us understand and progress past what we know to be the status Quo. I would also like to give out a special thank you to @globocop, for allowing me to highlight part1 of this case, on his radio show. The article had a great response and the gesture meant a lot to me. Thank you and to all who have supported and shared this story.
I may not be proud to be British, but I am dam proud to call myself a steemian.
Love to you all. Peace.

Rebel Dan signing out.



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"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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Briliant! I am so curious what the follow up post will say.. stay strong Deborah! You are not one to mess with!

Thanks @anouk.nox I am pretty hopeful after hearing about the investigation going ahead. Can't wait to hear that her Boy has been brought home. Thanks for the support

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.

This is really teaching post..and I gain knowledge from the post..this post helpful for us.. thanks for sharing this valuable post..

Excellent,this is really good educative post..we learn many thing in your educative post..this also helpful to us..Carry on..
I will wait for your next post..

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Boom, this post has blown my mind, just like the last one. so deep. I feel it for her as I have 3 kids and I would go nuts if some one tried to to take my kids from me.
I am not as calm as some people so it would take a small army to stop me haha.
Just shows how corrupt councils governments really are.
make me sick to think that since aug she has not seen her kid, really boils my blood.

the system violates her rights as a mother by omitting the opportunity to see how her daughter is doing, this is really sad

it's her son who has been taken.