Founder of Cambodian orphanage Arested for Child Abuse

in familyprotection •  7 years ago  (edited)

Before I start this article I want to give a huge show of appreciation to all those from @familyprotection who came to the aid of @hickorymack and this post here:

It was great to see so many folk recommending @familyprotection as a sanctuary for families like this. Well done @canadian-coconut & @markwhittam, you are making such a difference exactly were it matters most.

The case of Mr Nicholas Griffin.

Yet again it is my own nation under the spotlight and yet again the abuse has been facilitated through the mechanisms of government.

This is Nicholas Griffin and much like his surname he is truly a beast.

Mr Griffin hails from the Welsh Valleys and after he had finished buggering all the local lambs he decided, in 2006, to jet off to Cambodia. This is where he would go on to set up the Orphan Fund, just one year later.

In 2010, an operation that involved British and local investigators rescued over 100 children from the orphanage. At first Mr Griffin had been arrested, along with his assistant, on suspicion he had broken child labour laws and his orphanage license.

The orphanage manager, a Cambodian man, has been charged with the illegal removal of a child to the orphanage.

The report from the BBC doesn't give much more detail than this, other than to say that Mr Griffin is facing the possibility of 10 years in prison(Obviously not long enough from our perspective in 2017).

This story has more to this, I'm sure of that, and it would be foolish to think that the BBC cared enough to report this with any kind of integrity.

I trust Poogle about as much as I trust the BBC, so it's time to switch search engines and send my little ducky on what I hope will not be a wild goose chase.

Screenshot-2018-2-5 Nicholas Griffin Cambodia at DuckDuckGo.png


At first glance it seemed I had found a copy of the article I'd just read, over at BBC propaganda HQ. Then I scrolled further down the page and found a very detailed reply. One that sheds a lot more light on this situation. Oh and the 10 yer jail term I mentioned earlier... That may have been a slight over-estimation, in the BBC report.

From what I have read, it appears that not only had Mr Griffin been arrested for suspicion of working unethically, he was also being held under the suspicion he had sexually abused a 15-year-old child from the orphanage. It has also come to my attention, that his willing assistant has been buying up land all over the surrounding countryside near Siem Reap, Cambodia, on the promise of helping local orphans.

But the worse finding of all has to be from a comment way down the page...

And I quote,
"Briton jailed for child sex crimes in Cambodia".
(AFP) – 2 days ago
PHNOM PENH — A Cambodian court on Friday handed a British orphanage founder a two-year jail sentence for sexually abusing boys at the home, a prosecutor said.
Nicholas Griffin, 53, was arrested in the northwestern tourist hub of Siem Reap last October and charged with committing indecent acts against six boys under the age of 15.
Half the sentence was suspended, meaning Griffin will spend one year behind bars, prosecutor Sok Keo Bondith told AFP.
The Briton was ordered to pay a fine of three million riel ($750), he said.
Griffin, who is believed to have left Britain in 2006, founded the Cambodia Orphan Fund, which housed around 70 children at the time of his arrest.
The orphanage is now under different management, said Samleang Seila, country director of the anti-paedophile group Action Pour Les Enfants.
Cambodia is engaged in a major drive to catch foreign paedophiles as it looks to shed its image as a haven for sex criminals.
On Thursday, a court in the capital Phnom Penh sentenced a 38-year-old British man to seven years in jail for buying sex from two underage girls.

Copyright © 2011 AFP. All rights reserved.


Nick Marsh, a trustee of VPO, stated after the trial: “I can’t say I’m happy about the sentence but even a week in a Khmer prison will be better than 10 years in one of ours.”

Screenshot-2018-2-5 Nicholas griffin cambodia - Google Search(1).png
Staff who worked alongside Griffin complained about him first in 2008 but the complaints were never proven and it was not until last year that he was arrested.

Sally Sayer, a regional director of Volunteer Project Overseas, lives in Siem Reap and said she had become concerned about 53-year-old Griffin and the orphanage more than a year ago.

She said: “I didn’t have much to do with him at the start, but then in January last year I took over as project manager and I had a huge amount more to do with him. It was then that I started to look at things and think things were a bit odd. People were moving in to the orphanage and we did not know who they were. I was worried about the children. We took our worries to Nick and nothing was done about it. It was the whole set-up of the orphanage. I knew something was going on but I could not put my finger on what it was. I decided that we needed to pull out of the organisation."

“We started to ask questions about this man and what he had done before he came here. But we were ignored and accused of causing trouble and wanting to take over. There was one incident which I can remember, where we went for dinner one night and Nick came along. He brought one of the boys from the orphanage with him, he was about 14 years old. There was just something that wasn’t right with the body language between them. One of the volunteers came up to me and said ‘just tell me it’s not what I think it is’.

To read the rest of Sally's interview visit: Transcript posted by "shizzle"

It seems obvious that Sally was a big part of this operation and maybe it would never have come to light if she had not noticed the warning signs and raised the alarm. Although the 1st attempt to arrest Noicholas Griffin failed, it was all part of "Operation relentless Pursuit", described in detail here:by "keeping_it_riel"

Now not being one to sit back and let other do all the work, I decided to do a little digging of my own. Even with the reassuring comments, made by Lidia Linde of the Orphan Fund, after stating she wanted to “guarantee that this nightmare would never happen again.”, I still feel that we may not be getting the full picture.

You know how this works by now. It's like pulling teeth trying to find out the whole story these days. I've must have used 3 or 4 different sites just to find out what we have so far! Fragmented and cast out to the wind...

So tea in hand and an extra strong cigarette at the ready, I am now ready to go to work and do some digging. First stop,

Searching for the name Nicholas Griffin has brought up many possibilities, too many to be quite honest. To narrow things down a little I decided to cast my net in another direction.

Screenshot-2018-2-5 STICHTING CAMBODIA ORPHAN FUND Free business summary taken from official companies house information Fr[...](1).png

We have a hit! But unfortunately that is all there was to find out. No directors listed. No company assets. Nothing but an active company status, an address and a company I.D.

We work with the tools god gave us.

Screenshot-2018-2-5 STICHTING CAMBODIA ORPHAN FUND Free business summary taken from official companies house information Fr[...].png

It has to be noted that this company is now registered in Holland, the sex-trade capital of Europe(Well, the legal one at least). So not the most promising of starts, but maybe I have the wrong company. I know for a fact that the Orphanage is still open to this day. I also know that Nicholas Griffin is not the only Child-abuser in Cambodia. I am beginning to get a bad feeling about this...

OK. After a good long search I have to admit defeat. I am unable to pinpoint the new owners of the exact orphanage in question. This however has opened up my other suspicion about where these companies are based.

I've managed to locate 2 of the big players when it comes to Cambodia and orphans. Worryingly, they are both based in the Netherlands. Why do I get the feeling this has a sinister motive?

Before I go down this rabbit hole, I would like to just tie up a loose end. I never told you what happened to Mr Griffin once he had finished his time in prison, all 12 months of it.

Screenshot-2018-2-5 Paedophile Nick Griffin arrested on Cambodia return amid child rape allegations.png

It seem that my prayers weren't answered and Nicholas hasn't been gnawed to death by rats(Starting you-know-where).
No, Mr griffin has been flown back to Pedo GBHQ. Typical. Just bloody typical...

Screenshot-2018-2-5 Paedophile Nick Griffin arrested on Cambodia return amid child rape allegations(1).png
Screenshot-2018-2-5 Paedophile Nick Griffin arrested on Cambodia return amid child rape allegations(2).png

So let me just get this straight. A man who had allegations of child abuse made against him, in 2004, then goes off to start up a fucking orphanage in Cambodia(A country renowned for child-trafficking) and not one person does a damn thing about it until Sally Sayer came to the rescue, 4 years and countless victims later.

I've said it before and I will say it again. Our system is completely kaput. There is nothing we can do to repair what is in place and it must be removed entirely. To do this, those who live within the British Commonwealth need to look into Lawful rebellion and pay attention to what it offers us. There will be a link at the bottom of the page to enable you to become a Lawful Rebel, like myself. Now I will say no more about it.

Back down the rabbit hole we go...

Company #1

Screenshot-2018-2-5 Don Bosco​​ Foundation of Cambodian - Fighting poverty through education in Cambodia .png
Screenshot-2018-2-5 Don Bosco​​ Foundation of Cambodian - Fighting poverty through education in Cambodia (2).pngScreenshot-2018-2-5 Don Bosco​​ Foundation of Cambodian - Fighting poverty through education in Cambodia (1).png

Company #2

![Screenshot-2018-2-5 Home.png](

Company #3

Screenshot-2018-2-5 Orphanage Orphanage Cambodia.png

Screenshot-2018-2-5 Orphanage Orphanage Cambodia(1).pngScreenshot-2018-2-5 Orphanage Orphanage Cambodia(2).png

ALL DUTCH COMPANIES!!!(I think this is known as spreading your bets) Why does the sex-capital of Europe have a monopoly on who looks after vulnerable children in Cambodia? Maybe I will take a look into the directors and see if they have their snouts in any other industries. I can certainly think of one lucrative industry that may temp someone from this world to use their contacts.

It's sad to say that if I were to tell this to someone who is plugged into the matrix, I would be offered a straight jacket. For them to believe me, they would have to accept that the industry would have to have been infiltrated by pedophiles, and that never happens... How could I have been so gullible, it must be that "fake news" the BBC keep warning us all about. Maybe that's why they left all of this out from their report? I'll just go sit down and put my tin-foil hat back on, shall I?

Screenshot-2018-2-5 Siem Reap orphanage cambodia - Google Search.png

Screenshot-2018-2-6 The race to rescue Cambodian children from orphanages exploiting them for profit.png
Screenshot-2018-2-6 The race to rescue Cambodian children from orphanages exploiting them for profit(1).png
Screenshot-2018-2-6 The race to rescue Cambodian children from orphanages exploiting them for profit(2).png


Sadly this is nothing new and exactly what we should have expected to find. I am not even sure what shocks me anymore, is the abuse itself or the fact that it seems there are so many warped people within the highest depeartments of child care and protection.

For now all we can do is keep spreading the word and helping to uncover the facts. Until I wrote this article I had not considered the consequences of visiting these orphanages and treating them as tourist attraction. My mother and auntie have both been on these types of holidays and I will be warning them off future visits.

There will come a time when we will be forced to act. That moment will produce a era of violence or peace and it is down to us to decide which way we go. I have put a link to the peaceful path and it is up to you whether you put your faith in what it offers.

In the meantime maybe we should get behind this movement and show our support for @familyprotection, @markwhittam and @canadian-coconut.


Written by Rebel Dan. @article61/@team-solutions

Link to Lawful Rebellion -


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Good for him that he was arrested. In other country's this guy is already been executed.. i really hate people who uses kids for their own money and interest.

Thank you my dear. This is a terrible industry and Cambodia is one of many that work like this. Shocked to find the links between Holland and these companies who earn from this. Truly horrifying to think of the awful possibilities.

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs

Most kind of you @thethreehugs, I will have to come visit your page and catch up with you :)
Speak soon.

Thanks my friend. Mostly a lot of resteems right now but hope t get another article in soon. Had to go play on the beaches a bit yesterday. LOL

HaHa poor you. The beech must have been a drag ;)
OK well I will keep an eye out for you. Take care in the meantime :)

Yeah well it's a tough job but someone has to do it. LOL

This post has received a 67.11 % upvote from @kittybot thanks to: @article61.

Nice work, Rebel Dan. I feel it's so important to hear about other countries so we all get the global scale of this stuff.

This case stinks and as usual it has more to it than the MSM have let on. Those farmers get paid thousands to propagate bullshit and have the nerve to call themselves reporters. I uncovered more truths in one article than they have in a month. It honestly makes me rage inside when I notice stuff like this. Why did they not mention in the initial report that he had previous? It took me maybe 2/3 hours to find that information. It isn't difficult to do if you have good intent. Thanks for the support @healingherb

Keep finding gems like this. People don't notice - they are experts in making sure things go by unnoticed. I'd upv your comment but my vp is right down.

Lol me too! I'm giving out 2c votes at the mo :/
I wish it was as difficult as finding gems. More like finding needles in a huge mountain of needles ;)
I've given you an imaginary up-vote. Sending it now :)

lol - when my vp is back up I'll catch another of your nuggets :)

Screenshot-2018-2-7 telekinesis - Google Search.png

great news.i think it is important for us.
thanks for sharing.please carry on...