From Rat-boy to Edge Hill University. A look into UK Boarding-Schools.

in familyprotection •  7 years ago  (edited)

Yesterday, I found myself being pulled down another rabbit hole and boy has it opened my eyes even wider. I have eaten more from the endless supply of cyber-carrots and my vision has regained its clarity in full 20/20HD.

What a despicable sight I now see before me and surprisingly I discovered the entrance to this rabbit-hole in my own backyard...

Yes we are indeed hunting "Wabbits", but these aren't your everyday 'wabbits'. No, these wabbits have been eating poisoned carrots and instead of helping you see in the dark, they just make you see the dark....

So yesterday, I went out to find one of these creatures and my first kill of the day was this gormless freak-of-nature.

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Michael Kinnear (Image: Nottinghamshire Police).
Now there are certain things in life that are worth looking into and how this 'Skip-rat' was allowed to lure girls, who were between 12-15-years-old, to his 'house-parties' is definitely one of them.
From at least 2014, 'Ratboy' has been grooming young girls on faceBook. In some cases Mr Kinnear, who was posing as a 16-year-old, had been very forthcoming with his intentions and made it clear to his victims that he wanted to meet them for sex. (Full Story by The Nottingham Evening Post)

At this point I would like to interject and reveal that I live 10 minutes walk away from were Rat-boy operated. I can tell you that the area this guy lives, is just one of those council estates that we all know to bring out the best in people. It's the place in town were the jeans hang low and all the boys seem to be constantly checking whether their 'Crown-Jewels' are still there.
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"Brap! We da 'West-side-Bell-ticklers'
Pic source

I know I am in danger of sounding like a old fuddy-duddy, but how is this appealing to any female of the species? I get that girls have been conditioned to love a 'bad-boy', but these guys aren't bad, they're just Boys. Angry teenagers, deprived of social contact and a normal family life. Unfortunately, the girls around this part of town are often equally misguided.

Due to the corruption of the family unit and the lack of responsible male role-models, the boys have nobody to show them how to be a 'Gentleman' and the girls have nobody to protect them. Then Rat-boy walks onto the park and after realising he has the social skills of Box-Jelly-fish, decides to fulfill his natural urges through deceitful means and with no though to the consequences.

Selfish. Twisted. Heartless. Child-abuser...

These are all perfectly good names to describe Rat-boy. But never forget that this kind of child-abuser is a product of the twisted environment he has been forced to grow-up in. In my opinion, Micheal Kinnear is a different kind of peadophile. I believe that Micheal is so low in self-esteem and confidence, that the only girls he feels able to impress are those who can't tell that he is one of life's 'Lost-Boys'( a looser if I may be so blunt). Any girl without the experience of a decent Father figure in their lives, will never know the difference and fall foul to sewer-rats like Michael. That being said the guy deserves no mercy and what he did is abhorrent, regardless of labels.

But while we choose to focus on the hand that demands attention, we will never question the hand that shy's away and hide itself under finer fabric.

David Cammeron(PM at the time),checking in on his flock.

Screenshot-2018-2-24 chavs uk - Google Search(2).png A thousand words...
Picture sourc

Oh no, not again...?!

It looks like we are off down the rabbit-hole... Come on, I'm not doing this on my own.

The article about Rat-boy had many links that lead off to other local-news reports. One that caught my eye was about a Nottingham resident who had been sentenced to ?-years in prison, for abusing boys at Chelfam Boys home, Devon.

It was only the other night that I had watched an ITV documentary, about child-abuse within boarding schools. With the comments made in the documentary still fresh in my mind, I had to take the bait. CLICK.....


Statements from this article are unsurprisingly familiar...

"Peter Weyman is facing a jail sentence after he changed his plea and admitted sexual assaults on two boys which date back to the 1980s and 1990s."

"They relate to a boy who was abused from the ages of 12 to 14 at the privately run Chelfham Mill School, near Barnstaple, and earlier offences against a boy aged nine to 13 in South Yorkshire."

"Weyman, 66, of Cleveland Close, Carlton in Lindrick, near Worksop, admitted eleven offences of indecent assault or indecency with a child."

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After Mr Weyman had abused his first victim, he then moved to Devon where he was given employment at a Devonshire Boarding school. Here he would go on to abuse his second victim, from 1992-1994.
Unfortunately, the report states that Weyman will not be prosecuted for various other crimes, such as the abduction of a Chelfam Boy, because he has denied the charges...
- They must have been pushed for time, eh? Dunkin'Dohnuts does normally run out by 4pm -

Peter Weyman worked as a groundsman, maintenance man and janitor at the school. The purpose of the privately owned boarding-school was to cater for vulnerable children from troubled backgrounds, many of whom were sent there by local authorities
(In there droves, no doubt).
Chelfam was home to 40 young boys, who were all sent there because they were categorised as having "Behavioral issues"
I think we know that this title has an infectious omnipresence that can form a cloud over any family that the Social services wish to cast it over).

Shame the SS only use their powers, when it comes to filling these houses of ill-repute. I think you would be right in suspecting the Social services, for purposefully sending our children to the hands of well-known peadophiles...

As you can see from the date at the bottom of the headline, Justice was a dish served very cold. My first thought was that this case had come to light after some kind of intervention, by the Police or Social services(Both of whom would have had constant access and regular contact with those at the boarding-house). But that was not the case and you will have to go right to the bottom of the BBC's article to find out that it was, in fact, an Ofsted inspection, that blew the whistle on Chelfam Boarding School.
Considering how long has passed since Weyman's departure from Chelfam, in 1994". It seems startling then, that it took an independent-authority to expose decades of blatant abuse. But more startling than that, is the sad thought that between Weyman and Ofsted, 11-years of abuse was allowed to continue at Chelfam Boarding-school...

The Social services didn't raise the alarm and the Police have no claim for glory in this case. Not even Principle, Katy Roberts, can say that she has paid due diligence to her post. Even if she does try to make herself look honourable, with the help of the ever-so impartial BBC. Katy Roberts, when asked by a BBC resupporter, made this predictably weak call for action(After the horse has bolted, of coarse)
Katy Roberts: "I can assure you I am committed to supporting the investigation process."

The only reason anyone has taken any action at all, is because of the bravery of the victims. Victims who should consider themselves lucky that they haven't named anyone important as their abusers.

Because we all know what happens to those who enter the "Special-victims unit"mel.png

For the MSM report about Chelfam Boarding School, visit this link.

To view the Ofsted report visit this link

Being a curious son-of-a-gun, I decided to look for reports of victims being ignored, in the hope that this would expose the corruption from the usual suspects, ie SS, Police and Family-courts. What I actually got in return for my curiosity, was a view into a much deeper hole than I had ever considered there to be.

It seems that Devon has a deep history, when it comes to educating the children within its community.
My inquiries into Chelfham boarding-school, led me to find out that this is not an isolated issue and the private schools are tied to a Religious movement that began in Devon itself.
Thing is, in order to find this out, you have to keep on going down through the warren and tackle whatever comes your way. Because within each case, there always seems to be a trap-door that leads further down tho hole...

Shebbear College, Devon.

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Shebbear is a mirror image of what happened at Chelfham and it will do us no favours to spend the next half-hour, inspecting the gate to the stables. Face it, the gate was never latched and the horse bolted long ago. Ignorance, apathy, greed and conspiracy. These are your villains and it is becoming a little overwhelming when I think about how we are to keep up with the gigantic task of exposing all they do. So today I have decided not to expose the specific cases in their entirety. No, instead I have chosen to find the lowest point of the warren, leaving you(the readers) a trail of crumbs to show you how I got here.

Hopefully you are keeping up with the story so far and it is time to reward you for digesting this bland starter.

It's time to sit down for the main-coarse.

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It appears that Shebbear College is part of a family that has many siblings. One in particular, is a sister that has been allowed to grow in the shade, while her brothers take get fried in the heat.

After reading several different articles about the atrocious crimes that had been committed at Shebbear, I decided to go back to where I had found the story about Shebbear and follow the links provided. The most obvious link to start with, was the Shebbear College link and so this is where I found the the core of this particular warren...

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As you can see, Devon's private boarding-schools have more to them, than first meets the eyes...

It is on this page where you will find a very significant part of the warren and if you look hard enough, it will lead you to the ugly-sister, who has been hiding in the shade.

The Wabbit in a Habit...

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And guess what happens when you type the words 'Edgehill college' and 'abuse' into the google search engine?

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Now this may be a distant link, but just because something is classed as historical doesn't mean it's any less important. Especially when it comes to child abusers and where they have previously been employed...

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Not only am I very concerned that a violent peadophile was a SCHOOL GOVERNOR, for Christ sake. I am also concerned that a college that has so many links to a possible peadophile-ring is now allowed to operate as a UNIVERSITY....

Sometimes, the best form of defense is to attack(Or at least look as if that's what you are doing)

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As you can see the 'Multi-baggillion' $ earning super power, that is the EU, have seen fit to give the "leading Europe-wide project" just £500,000. A sum of money that would struggle to keep a charity shop afloat, just says it all really...

For those of you who think I am being too cynical, I give you this as my reasoning:

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***So as we draw to the end of my blog, I would like to highlight a positive reaction that will always occur.

Going back to the Edge Hill project. I believe the reason that the EU have given such a small portion of OUR wealth towards such a study, is that they fear what will be exposed. I also suspect that the Looney-tunes who have been infecting the education system, are the same Looney-tunes who are running the EU.

Any slight I make of an institution, must be reasoned against the fact that there are always good people within and the work they do never gets showcased as it should be. So to end this post, I will help highlight some of the great work that has been done, by people who have no choice but to swim against the tide.

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Until I had read this next passage, I had never considered that sports were placed on a pedestal for such a reason as this. I have to say that it does make sense and when you think who created the Olympic Games, you begin to realise that this might not be such a cynical theory after all...

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This is such an informative piece and I hope I find the time to read it completely, one day. But for now I have just picked at the references it supplies(Some are irresistibly intriguing).

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Must look this up as it sound like a foundational piece of research.

Another person who is fighting from within and certainly deserves a mention is this guy, who seemed to be the first public servant to raise concerns and the only one in authority who cared enough to realise what was going on...

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In reference to what happened at Chelfham Boarding-school: Alistair Dewhirst, Devon county councillor for Teignbridge South, told BBC News he has asked the chief executive of the council for an urgent report to members about the “scandal” at the school.

He said he previously raised safeguarding issues with the authority…

Well, Th-Th-Th-Th-That's all Folks! And remember...


For those who have been following my work with Deborah Milazzo and the flyers I have made to help raise awareness. Well I had a bit of change in my pocket and I thought I would stop at the shop, to buy some stamps for the flyers.
Well, you know you are on the right path, when you are thrown signs like this one.
I swear to whoever. I only asked for a couple of books of stamps and this is what the lady gave me...



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