in familyprotection •  6 years ago  (edited)

Yes The verdict is in and the public have spoken. You are all freaks who raise "FERAL", let me just repeat that, "FERAL" children... Oh and you probably all live up trees!

Yes they really did "go there"...

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I have come across this story and maybe some of you remember it and maybe some of you won't. This situation started back in the middle of 2016, when two unwitting parents decided to appear on a very popular UK TV show, called 'This Morning'.
The main hosts for"This Morning" are usually Phillip "silver fox" Schofield and Holly "Willobooby"( her nic-name, given by a famous British comic she host a different show with).

On this day however, they had their regular stand-in, Eamon Homes and some other side-kick I can't be bothered to remember.

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I do find it remarkable that Eamonn Holmes, who I will show you helped ruin this families life, is currently running an ad campaign, saying how morally sound he is and how family values mean so much to him...
I suppose that does depend on who you are referring to as "family". On this occasion I think he is referring to the governments version of "Family", when he talks of the values he chooses to uphold.
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As I said before. This all started when The Allen family went on national TV, to talk about living "Off-grid", Home-schooling, using natural medicines rather than vaccines and prescribed drugs, they also seemed to want to mention how they intend to go live abroad. Adelle and Matt Allen had set-up a GoFundMe account and this information was used to further ridicule the families motives, as this passage in 'Lads Bible' clearly demonstrates:


But for all those who love a good controversy, the couple want you to fund a better life for them all.

They want to move to Costa Rica to live a more 'free-range' lifestyle and have even set up a GoFundMe page to help them get there.

They're only asking for a cool £100,000. About time you helped out, don't you think?

Now it has taken me all morning to decide how I feel about this situation. If you are against the Allen's way of thinking, as many now seem to be, it just seems too good to be true that this family have presented themselves to the nation. Had they got @markwhittam on the show, @trucklife-family, @misslasvegas, @kafkanarchy or one of the many other fantastic families I have met on steemit, then this would be a completely different post. One that would no doubt be celebrating the great job that they would do in presenting such a delicate matter. But the TV stations don't ever seem to be interested in the real version of life on planet Earth. No, they would rather take their pay-cheques and not think about the consequences of their own actions.

Well guess who has come out to remind them all?! Yes, you got it... @article61 and I take great pleasure in doing so, guiding the sheeple(not you folks) towards a more common-sense way of thinking.

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The government and social services are certainly not fans of those who try to live 'out-side the box' and this whole story seems as if it has been set-up from the start.

Don't get me wrong, I am not accusing the Allen family of being imposters. Foolish maybe, but that isn't a crime and I have made exactly the same mistake in the past. It's just mine didn't endanger my kids and leave me homeless.
Unfortunately, that is just what has happened here and to make matters worse(and a little suspect in my-own eyes), this family seem to be oblivious to any danger posed by exposing themselves in this way...

I mean, why would a "home-schooling" family, like this one, not realise the dangers of this kind of exposure might carry? They must be aware that the social services remove children from parents who choose to fight against any one of the things this family promotes? But yet here they are, on national telly, telling everyone(but giving very little detail) about how they do not vaccinate and that their children do not go to mainstream school.

And before anyone starts getting upset at my blunt assumptions, please explain why they have gone on this show and done such a poor job of promoting something they apparently stand for?

But lets not dwell on my opinions of how the family have underestimated the task they accepted. That is not the point I want to make and for all I know they could just have gone into this with a completely innocent mind-frame. I suppose not everyone is as suspicious as I am, when it comes to how the media operate.

It just doesn't make sense, that's all

And when something smells fishy, it usually means that Captain "fish fingers" Birdseye is about, sailing around the lawless seas and snatching up kids.

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I will add that I think this interview has done more harm than good, but maybe that has more to do with the Journalist who made a point of driving home the same negative message, over and over again, for many months after this interview. As I said, I too have been lured in front of a BBC microphone, thinking that Jolyon Jenkins, of BBC Radio4, was going to be impartial and not edit the interview to the point where it became unrecognizable. It is an easy mistake to make and these "reporters" are very good at making you feel like it is your interview and that you are there to promote the all the good points about it. But that was not the case for my interview about Lawful rebellion and it is certainly not been the case with the Allen family.

All media companies are connected and it is my belief that this story was intentionally "set-upon" by the mainstream media, with an agenda to further ridicule the family and their way of life. In all subsequent article, some as far down the line as mid-2017, the story had progressed and the situation got even worse for the family. An interview on national telly to promote a good cause was allowed to be ridiculed, without fair challenge and then it turned into a media circus, with every news magazine bidding for the story. The stories that followed were about the harassment they had faced immediately after the show and the following article was about how they were now being evicted, after neighbours made a petty complaint. In all of these subsequent reports, none of them had any new information and on most occasions used the same text(to the letter) from the original 2016 article... Isn't this all sounding a little odd? Why have the mainstream media companies(listed at the bottom) all used the same story over and over, with absolutely no real defense or meaningful comments from the family?

So why did the Allen family do such a poor job of promoting the "off-grid" community?

If these are people from that community, why did they go into this with no assumptions that their views would be challenged? Why did they not prepare for this and do what many other "off-gridder" would have done in this situation? Why would you let yourself be manipulated like this? And especially when the consequences are so obviously devastating.
To 99.99999% of the off-grid/home-school community, this would surely be one of your top priorities, if you knew you were to appear on a show like this? Or maybe I am just being too presumptuous...?

Yes, Eamonn homes has full control of the interview and yes it was a hatchet job done to all those who live alternative lifestyles, but even after this event, in every tabloid interview, there is still no real defense coming from this couple. In fact they have probably given out advice that is more dangerous that the ill-fated interview itself.

And now the mum-of-two has opened up and revealed that social services paid her a visit after her This Morning appearance,
Talking to That's Life! Magazine, Adele explained: "Viewers were appalled, calling our children 'feral' and 'out of control.'
"They said my daughter wasn't wearing a nappy. It was true we didn't use disposable nappies. But we did use cloth ones."

She continued: "Vindictive trolls reported us to social services… 'Come in', I told the social worked when she made a home visit. 'I've nothing to hide.' She left, satisfied they were happy and healthy,"

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[source - pixabay]


The more optimistic side of my brain says that this is just a couple who know no different and have found themselves on the receiving end of some "bad-press". But then there is the more cynical side of me that says there is a possibility that this is a family of actors and this is all a big media scam to get us to think a certain way.

Social conditioning is a very powerful tool and it's subtleties are not to be ignored. Media companies do engineer our social construct and have always done so. This is their sole purpose nowadays and it should be seen as a theatre, nothing more. Businesses use media companies to promote their goods and the government are just another company. If you believe in the use of "crisis-actors", then you should consider that this could all just be the same kind of social experiment, just with less violence and more profit.

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Now let's put all my suspicions aside and suggest a scenario for what might have brought this disastrous situation into existence.

Maybe this family is real and maybe they were just naive...
I suppose there must have to be that 0.0000001% somewhere and maybe this post is just a good example/warning, of how the TV networks will work hard to find that 0.0000001%.

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This tactic is common practice and many folk in the UK still think that all terrorist have one eye and a hook for a hand.
Yes, I am afraid that people are actually this gullible...
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The TV networks ensure that their presenters live so far away from the real world, that maybe they do think this is the true story. Then consider, that the team helping Eamonn to appear so wise and knowledgeable, could possibly be feeding him a false information about living "Off-grid", in order to get the right response from their influential employee.

I think they used to call this "propaganda", but these days it seems to pass for real reporting, for some unknown reason...

Eamon demonstrates, quite perfectly, how ignorant to the truth he actually is.

This was a statement made by Eamonn Holmes, while interviewing the Allen Family on the 'This Morning show'.

“I don’t know if you live in a conventional house, or up a tree, in a tent or down a hole?”

If you haven't already spat your dummy out, here is the video footage of the ill-fated interview that went out live to the whole of the UK, in 2016.
Get ready to squirm, scream and maybe even throw your viewing device at the wall, who knows...

The fallout

So let me give everyone the benefit of ignorance here... The Allen family, Eamonn, his co-presenter and even ITV.
Let's just say that they all have good intentions and didn't hold the mics close to the kids or instruct the parents(more probably the ids themselves) before-hand, that the children were expected to "explore" the set while being interviewed. Instead, let's just assume that ITV have innocently picked the worst example to display to the nation.
Granted, this is a very large distance to expand your imagination, but for the sake of a solution we must try to assume innocence, unless proven guilty. To try to prove otherwise, without any doubter being left behind, would take months if not years to prepare and present.

Therefore, it appears that there is no quick way of telling if the Allen family are for real, or if they are just paid actors that have been set-up a long time ago, in order to really set the stage and leave no obvious links to a more conventional lifestyle.

Maybe they aren't even their kids and this is all some messed-up Orwellian nightmare, that's becoming more and more lucid by the hour?

Who knows and I haven't got the time to investigate this to the extent it requires. I will be having a look into the FaceBook profile and checking when these accounts were set-up, but other than that it seems more actions would be wasteful when considering the horse has already bolted, so to speak.

That being said, if the family are for-real, I will certainly extend a helping hand. I will also be offering some more-than-needed advice about the child welfare system and all it's pitfalls.

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As for Eamonn and the rest of #teamITV, I won't be trying to educate them.

They know what they are doing

and to attack the guard-dog still leaves us with its handler...

Let's just leave it as I think all media whores deserve to answer for the lies they tell and the hatred they help spread across the world. Without the help of the willing presenters, this type of situation would never occur.

I just wonder if they ever consider the consequences of their actions?

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I doubt they do.

But just so we can all see what damage these ignorant fools (unwittingly?) cause, let's take a moment to see what comes, for months and maybe even years after an interview like this happens. And for what? So the presenters and all the sheeple can then normalise there own existence? Why would they want to derail the gravy-train they are all on, I suppose? Looks like we've all been fooled by shiny smile and an Irish accent...

I can just never get my head around why they never consider what comes after and why are so many of our fellow citizens willing to act the same.

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Allowing reports like this to be aired and crying out to the government to "sort these sorts of families out" will never end the way you may have intended it to. Reporting a family to the social services seems the right thing to do for some people and for some social workers, they also believe that they are passing a child over into a better life(In very rare cases this is true, however hard that is for some to believe). They fail to see that after their job has been done, the children who are then removed from the home, just disappear into a system that has no conscience and absolutely no real safeguards. The majority of these children had no need to be placed in care in the first place and it is because of social conditioning liker this, that we tacitly allow our government to keep widening the net, in response to such a public backlash(which could possibly be faked)
Picture source

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source from 'Fostering Devon'

It was only the other week that the UKColumn reported that the government was pumping money into schemes asking UK residents to open up there homes to help foster an influx of "UNACCOMPANIED" Child asylum seekers...

The government tax the life out of its citizens and then passes this money to their friends, who have set up all sorts of "charities", to fool us into thinking they are doing a good deed in our names...

Sorry, but that is manure of the stinkiest variety. 🙈 🙉 🙊

Bottom line is this,


And that would mean that the company directors of all the many different profit driven foster agencies, would have to give back their sports cars and some would even have to tell Veronica that a Pony will not be on the Christmas list this year. Oh the injustice of it all, how will they ever manage to cope?

How about we all keep shouting-out loud? Then when the day comes, we might just get to find out why all this is being allowed to happen and why the government seems to be doing everything they can to keep it happening...


Unfortunately, the mindless sheeple of the UK now have the Allen family, as an example of what Home Schooling and living off-grid is all about. To make thing even worse, the story has been backed-up by every national chip-wrapper there is. The Sun. The Telegrapgh. The Mirror. Even the supposedly "trendy" 'LadsBible' have laid a kick into the fallen Allen family.

With "professional" journalist penning these kind of follow-up articles, such as these, we really have some damage to repair and many minds to re-educate.

Please note that these article are from completely different outlets, but yet they contain almost exactly the same stories and some even have exactly the same text. To me this is all sign of what is commonly known in 'conspiracy-land' as a "psy-op".

Breast is best. That's what we were first told in 1999 when the NHS launched the campaign with the same title.

It's also what mother-of-two Adele Allen told This Morning back in July. The only problem is that she feeds them up to the age of six, which is obviously not normal practice.

Source - Lads Bible

Sex robots and 'off-grid' parents: the worst, weirdest This Morning guests(This article actually contains nothing about "sex-robots", the title is the only mention it gets. The rest is saved for the Allen family)

source - Telegraph

One viewer tweeted: "These 2 are f***ing mental!#OffGridParenting weirdos eating random leaves down the park, the garden is disgusting and the kids are feral!"

source - The Mirror

The couple were deemed controversial and irresponsible after revealing their children do not attend school, and they don't discipline them or give them medicine.

source - Closer magazine


Please feel free to email ITV and the "Good Morning" team and let them know just what you think of their supposedly impartial reporting. You may also want to send Eamonn some tutorials about Home-Schooling, Anti-vaccine reasons, Off-grid living and maybe even a video explaining how folk who choose to live away from the mainstream cultures of modern society, do not all live down holes....

Complete morons, the lot of them...


Hope you have all enjoyed the read and please, if you have, put an upvote my way and show some appreciation to those trying to bring original content to steemit. This is the main reason I am on steemits whitelist!

Come check us all out.

I would like to remind you all before I go, that Myself, Debora Milazzo and Scott Bullet will be appearing on mspwaves radio, via the PAL discord server. You will not want to miss there shocking stories and it will also be a chance for us all to welcome Debora to @familyprotection. I am pretty sure that Scott will join us soon enough and then the rest of the gang will no doubt be right behind them.

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This is the beginning of the UK common-law community, coming together in one place(steemit) and finally sharing common ground with other folk from around the world and each other. I have been working on this goal for sometime now and I am very excited as to what this could mean for families all over the UK. The UK's common laws have already helped many people, not only Debora, myself and Scott, and have so much more potential.

It just takes numbers, thats all...

There is much misinformation about common law and the origins of its true agenda. Please, if you do not prescribe to this way of thinking, that is no reason to dismiss the great efforts our groups make to bring equality and justice back to the UK.

If you are interested, you can find out more about me and how I came to be on steemit, tomorrow evening on the PAL Discord radio show(Also available at www.mspwaves.com).

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Please feel free to donate to @familyprotection, via your wallet. Just send direct to @familyprotection and leave them a message in the memo section. Simple!
I give back 30% - 50% of the liquid payouts, back to @familyprotection and this helps to keep the project going and helps to direct the funds towards families needing help.

Big love to @canadian-coconut, @markwhittam and @ecoalex for doing most of the hard work. This is the best project on steemit and I am proud to be part of it.
Also a big thank you to all those who show me support and make the effort to comment. I understand that this can't be done by all and an upvote more than shows your love, by itself.


Rebel Dan


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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

i have to agree with @canadian-coconut on this one.. It is an interviews job to ask difficult questions.. and they hardly even grilled them.. and even ended on a very positive note saying how happy and healthy the kids looked..

im sorry you must be having a very hard time article61.. sending love

That's cool of you both to give your honest opinions. I am surprised you see this as an innocent interview, as I see so many little things that they have do to get people going. Eamon and his co-host are household names, so they will never be made to look bad. That is the job of the news papers and social media profiles that carry on stirring the pot. Maybe they don't have bad intention, but it is hard to stomach this kind of innocence from tv presenters, when they must have been approached by folk trying to speak up for people like debora and Melanie shaw. Where is their exposure and where is the outrage for them? Maybe I haven't done a good job in getting my true point across on this one, or maybe we will have to agree to disagree. No worries and if it was possible I would change the tag(forgot to follow my own advice lol)

i understand what you say.. but interviews always have a job to do.. and normally they can be really harsh.. EVEN when they agree with what is going on.. else it isnt really an interview.. I have seen really biased interviews before and it is SO obvious to tell they really are out to get the interview'ees because of their reactions and side comments..

i really think this family came across very well.. and their answers were spot on.. they chose a good family rather than some really messup folks.. which they could have easily done..


The reaction that the interview generated in the following months proves my point, the way I see it. The family went on a tv show and ended up being checked out by the SS. Main stream TV has to be more subtle in the way it manipulates public opinion. The questions asked and the time given to answer them was never going to be good for learning anything other than They don't vaccinate, they don't go to school and they have no rules. You and I both know what this mother is talking about and that homeschooling has some amazing advantages. We also already know why folk home school and that the system poisons kids minds, maybe this why you see this as a good interview, as you already know why they do this. Those who live 100% in the rat-race(the true sheeple) have just been allowed to persecute a family, without knowing any vital details. Nothing was said about why they choose not to vaccinate and neither was anything said about why they choose to take their kids out of school. This is because they probably told not to mention it and therefore takes away 99% of there reasons for living this way and made them appear irresponsible

P.s. Thank you for the good wishes. Life can be a bitch.

I read your whole post and then listened to the interview, expecting it to be atrocious.

I don't understand why you think that the mother did such a bad interview or that they might not even be a real family?
I saw no red flags and thought that she said many of the same things that I would have said.

Are you accusing the Host of reporting them to Social Services? Yes he made one rude statement about living in a hole, but other than that I do not see any wrongdoing on his part. Yet you went so far as to wish him a slow, painful death.

I get what you mean and I have no problem with the interview, if it stood alone. What I am trying to get at is the bigger picture of how the media(news and tv in this case) take an innocent situation and manipulate it to seem bad. In this case the family were portrayed to be running all over and the comments that were put on the ITV website were not impartial. This is a hatchet job done by the media system and I do think that the family could have provided more of an argument to what the very positive points are. Sorry if this has come across as an attack on the Allen family, it isn't. As far as my views about Eamon are concerned, I stand by what I say as the media shills do too much damage for a quick $$. What started as an interview about alternative lifestyles has ended with the family being compared to those who own sex-robots. That is not right and I thought it needed highlighting. Maybe I have gone a little hard on the narrative, but I think I am speaking sense.

You did say this:

Had they got @markwhittam on the show, @trucklife-family, @misslasvegas, @kafkanarchy or one of the many other fantastic families I have met on steemit, then this would be a completely different post. One that would no doubt be celebrating the great job that they would do in presenting such a delicate matter.

But I believe that the public backlash AFTER the interview (out of control of the people who aired the interview) would have been just as bad if any of the above people had been the ones interviewed. You did make it sound like it was this family's fault. I didn't watch the interview until after I had read your entire article, and I totally expected to hear a couple of bumbling idiots. If I were this family, I would be totally insulted. You said that they picked the worst example possible.

You said:

As much as I respect this family for trying to promote there alternative lifestyle, if that was there intention. I'm still left bewildered, at their ignorance and frankly think that what they have done has caused more harm than good.

Again, I never heard anything ignorant in the interview.
Can you please tell me specifically what they said that you think was so bad?
If there ignorant remarks began later, in the backlash with the public, then you have not linked to those so I can't judge that.

Yes, they were naive to share their alternative lifestyle with the world IF they expected the public to accept it and play nice. Although they were probably more interested in spreading awareness than in gaining friends. We all know that people on Social Media, and the comment secions of the news stories, get way more rude than they would probably ever be in real life.

They were naive to let Social Services in the door, but so are most people, even most people living alternative lifestyles.

Nothing they said was ignorant and like you, I support what they did say but they left sooo much out. Why put give yourself such a huge responsibility and then not mention any of the positives. My opinion about them being ignorant was 100% in reference to the dangers of interacting with the MSM and I think I have probably made the mistake of assuming we all understand how this machine operates. The comments I have referred to are that of proffesional journalist, not public messages(although I did add one, but that was just to show what type of rhetoric ITV was allowing to appear. There were no positive comments shown and that is bias and dangerous) It was the MSM that pushed the backlash to this story, not the public. They do this kind of thing to mis-inform people and I just think it stinks. I may do a little editing so not to berate the family so much(your comment about them not being "the worse example" is right and I have gone too far there).
Always happy to have some constructive criticism put my way, so no offense taken at all.

What I am trying to get at is the bigger picture of how the media(news and tv in this case) take an innocent situation and manipulate it to seem bad.

Yeah, that would probably have been a good post. I wish that you had focused on that and not how terrible the interview was.

So were there follow-up TV news stories about this family? Or was it just people being nasty in the comment section and on Facebook? And if it was on the news, was it the same station or News Show or interviewer who slammed them later on?

Thanks and I was trying for that narrative. Can't get it right every time.
In ref to your Q about the follow up articles, they were all about the same family and they seemed to carry on following them for months after. I suppose it was a story that sold papers but then to link this family with stories of sex-robots basically giving no opposing argument, other than this family is weird and I quote "unnatural". This to me is a great example of how the media work together. The family was never the point and they never intended it to be, the point was to ridicule those who live like this, before folk get to look for themselves. It's kind of beating us to the punch and once folk have this image of "off-gridding" they stick with it.

By the way, thanks for taking my criticisms so well.
I wish you all the best!

As I couldn't remove the tag, I have tried to iron out some of the confusion and false narratives. I hope this make my point a little clearer and sorry for the confusion.

thanks for this Dan, i wasn't aware of any of it, the family seem quite legit, but going on national t.v is never a good idea when you are living this way, there is a reason we don't wish to be in the system xx

Hi Aishlinn :) No I have been burnt myself and am very aware of how the media work together. Always best to say no and leave them guessing as they have no intention of accepting this type of lifestyle.