"We will learn from our mistakes" (No they won't. It's time to leave the table) - Updated with Today's Live Hearing from the IICSA -

in familyprotection •  7 years ago  (edited)

I have updated this post with today's public hearing from the current IICSA. Today is day 6 of the case study looking into child-abuse within the Anglican Church. You will find the Live feed at the bottom of this post.

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Ah the trusty wink emoji...

A hidden message between folk who desire to hide their true intentions. Along with the the hand-signal for 'OK', a nod and the 'cut-throat' hand-sign, the wink is one of the few elements of the universal language. I'm not jumping to conclusions and assuming this to be yet-another symbol of conspiracy. No... That would be against common sense and foolishly in-line with the proverbial assumption, the mother of all.

And That is the point of this whole article...

We have been programmed to lie, or at least accept a lie. And a wink is the perfect evidence of this.

Let's look at it this way, for a moment... If the Lord, Jesus Christ, and the creator himself were ever to wink at one another, this would still be a deception, would it not?

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Whether you subscribe to the tales of J.C and the miracle birth is not an issue with me. Each to their own in the search for peace and honour. A white Jesus in the depths of the middle east is just too much of a red flag for me and anything that comes after is also tarnished. But let's not get into a religious debate. I believe in there being a higher power and I believe there are commandments that are inexplicably ingrained into our being. To go against natural law is to take a giant turd in the garden of Eden and kick mother-nature, right in the fanny(UK or US, you take your pick).

Therefore we are one. Regardless of religion, colour, status or any other shackle you wish to place yourself inn.
Simples ;) Now let's get back to our acceptance of the wink.

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The universal folly of passively ignoring this one-eyed symbol of deception, is one that has left us with little room for maneuver. In other words we have let the wolf through the door and now it's time to eat some 'granny-pie'. The world is FUBAR... truly FUBAR.

Wink-wink. Winkedy-wink, fucking wink! Not funny now, is it?

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Have a look around town and see what is going on out there... The U.N. and the White-Helmets.
The sexual predators running 'Save the Children'(who have been allowed to quietly exit the building. I mean Brendan Cox, what were you thinking when you shoved your thumb in your co-workers mouth and pinned that other lady up against the wall? And we all thought you were a family man).

But the ' Winker' of the year award, must go to Oxfam.

The newest member to be entered into the Jim'll fix-it's hall of fame. And boy did they "fix-it" for all the little boys and girls...

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Fucking Oxfam! Really???? And just for a recap. This is OXFAM! One of the highest funded charities there is, claiming £millions£ in government funding and private contributions and you would have to assume that a company this well established, should have its safeguarding policies funded with the same level of generosity.
So why then, have they allowed one of the abusers to step-down and avoid prosecution? And worst still, allowing him to go onto work for another charity, completely unhindered. And why are we now finding out(Telegraph, 15/2/2018) that they RE-HIRED an ex-employee who had been fired in 2011? Gurpreet Singh, along with 3 others, were dismissed from their posts in Haiti, for hiring underage prostitutes and luring them to their rooms.

With today's oppressive regimes, that make our lives a misery with ease and efficiency, how is it possible that these companies do not get cracked with the same whip as the rest of us? Because from what I can see, they seem to have complete immunity from any form of punishment.

I know this must be true, because I took a trip to my local town center and Oxfam was still bustling with happy costumers. All doing their bit to fund an organisation that they know supports, funds, and employs child abusers. Interesting response to child abuse, that one....

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The current evidence against Oxfam, heavily suggests that we are dealing with an institution that has been infiltrated by a paedophile racket. Personally I would think it naive to think this hasn't happened to every official institution that is ran by 'Big Brother'. It seems our public institutions are easy pickings for those who want to gain unsupervised access to Children.

This has become all too common, in the cruel times in which we live, and it is certainly a global phenomenon. One that rots our world to the core.
I am talking about how desensitized society has become. How can people still hand there money over to this company? How does it make the employees feel, when they put on their work-shirt, emblazened with the Oxfam logo? That's a reflection I would not be to proud of. But maybe that's just me?

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Sadly, this story will soon be sucked dry by the MSM and once the next scandal comes along, this one will be as if it never happened. Jimmy who...? Used charities as a front, you say? The BBC hid the truth, did they...? So the whole safeguarding system had been compromised then, right? And you say that this has come as a complete surprise???

Not to us it doesn't! Want do you reckon, do you believe this is all just a coincidence? You think it is just random, that from the police, to the social service and from the family courts, to the solicitors, they have all been exposed as being involved in this sick trade.

I could go on and on about how the 3 members of Oxfam who have been allowed to abuse victims of the Haiti disaster. And it would be justice served, to tell you, in detail, how they have managed to find time to go and threaten victims who spoke out against them. All whist being in the midst of a national disaster. Very efficient and maybe it was these talents that persuaded the bosses at Oxfam to employ such a beast. Someone like that must be a great asset, to an organisation such as this one(Especially now we know it's true agenda).

I could go on about it, but I'm not going to.

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We know what's been going on.
Folk like us, send them clothes, money and books and what do they get? Well, you know the answer to that, don't you...?

I wouldn't be surprised to hear more revelations of this type of disorder, especially amongst 'official organisations'.

It appears they all carry themselves in a similar manner, so I'm expecting the worse.

Let's break it down and see if we can dig out a root.

As far as we are lead to believe, the world is created in Gods image and so are you and I. We aspire to be as worthy as he. Just 1 problem... God is being erased and in his place comes our new creators...

Society has been crafted in the eyes of our new (over)lord. It has morphed into the image of our psychopathic oppressors. We have become like them and that has been the plan all along. We are the most studied species on the planet and this piece of information has always spelled everything out to me.

Men Behaving Badly

" The elephants introduced to the reserve were most often orphans of culling operations. The reason these elephants were chosen is that the orphans were still small and easier to translocate. The translocated juveniles formed large groups, were very secretive and avoided human contact, often showing aggression to humans. (Slotow & Van Dyk 2002). The subsequent introduction of family groups had a positive effect and the majority of juveniles integrated with the herds and became less secretive. The reserve was, however, still without fully mature bull elephants and a strange dynamic developed amongst the younger bulls. Without their larger role modes to teach them the ropes, the younger bulls were behaving badly, bullying females and trying to force them to mate. The young bulls were going into musth (heightened hormonal state) 10 years earlier than elephant males normally would."

Original report report written in 2015, by Brad Leontsinis

Sounds familiar doesn't it? I remember watching the T.V documentary about this, a while ago, and it sent shivers up my spine back then! The most studied species on the planet, the Human Being...

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Much like God, our new master(s) is(are) both omnipotent and enigmatic. Coincidence or consequence, mainstream religion has the same framework as every oppressive government that has come and gone.

Religion has to purchase its loyalty, by presenting itself as the 'good', who is there to battle the 'evil' of the world.
On the road to their hedonistic totalitarian destiny, this tactic would only ever take the 'Winkers' so far.

The problem with disguising your crimes with religion(or any other good deed, ie charities), is that somewhere along the way the evil would burst open the seems of it's black dress. Exposing its owner as being just another institution of corruption.

Trip 6's! not bad, Mr Pope. But your poker-face doesn't work anymore and we all want to leave the table, bro.

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The Brand-New Testament.

The breads stale and the wines corked.
Mary's hailed the villain and the kids are lined with chalk.
The Pope has got the focus, joker in the hat .
But the wind hath changed and now we see his speeches are all chaff.
The lord is still our saviour and your right to crave his love, but never a rich man will make it to heaven and our lord never stands above.
He would not forsake our children and I guess he's not a He.
But I have been conditioned this way and I owe it all to thee.

I don't want to offend anyone who chooses to have faith in God, I too share a similar feeling. Something is definitely out there and in our present state, it is certainly a higher power than ourselves(No big feat when you consider whats become of us). So please accept my apologies if this has come across in the wrong way. I just can't subscribe to what is presented to us today, as our Savior.

A white male, who has powers above all others.... Not the message of God. No, that is history written by the 'winners'. An edited version of the truth. One that has lost its integrity, through its obvious bias towards the white-man(or whoever is the strongest at the time) and a crusade to force itself upon others. Once pure and natural and possibly containing some familiar themes and characters from the HolyHollywood Bible. The origins of religion are no doubt a lot more innocent than the form it takes now.

This is not Salvation. This is not the actions of our creator. This is yet another institution that has been usurped by those who desire to take advantage of the access it gives them to young children.

This is a report from the Guardian, by Harriet Sherwood
"Priests at a leading Roman Catholic school abused boys as young as six, including beatings and sexual assaults, the national inquiry into child abuse has heard. Former pupils at Ampleforth College in North Yorkshire gave evidence to a hearing in London"
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6-years-old, handed over to a monk by his parents. Abandoned on a bus, with many other children he had never met. After a 4 hour journey to Ampleforth boarding school, York, England, the boys nightmare began.

Teachers swimming naked with pupils. Alcoholic teachers, beating students. Unauthorized photography. Teachers showering naked with pupils and a supply-teacher, named "Pervy Pierce".... And that's the account of one man who refers to himself as "one of the lucky ones"

For those who weren't so lucky, Father Pierce Grant Ferris played a major role in their misfortune. As the 2nd witness describes, the abuse handed out to some of the boys was relentless, degrading and extremely brutal. May of these punishments were dealt out for breaking rules, such as climbing a tree that is higher than head-height. The second victim to speak at the hearing, gives vivid accounts of how Father Ferris would walk between the boys in the classroom and stop next to someone, place his hand on their shoulder and then carry on to choose 3 or 4 more. Those selected would later be taken away and beaten.

In this comment, made by the victim giving his account at the hearing, you can start to get some perspective of what these poor young children had to survive. After revealing how he was once beaten for reading a comic-book, the Barrister then asks the victim if he was beaten there and then. This was his reply: "No that was the awfulness of it. We all sat at the table and he(Father PGF) would walk around with his hands behind his back and he would select children for subsequent beatings."

"If he stopped behind behind you and tapped you... Then you knew it was you"(at this moment you can hear the victim become very emotional. He bravely carried on).

***"And, erm... if he stopped and tapped someone else one the shoulder. One thing that stays with me to this day, is the sense of relief one felt, that it wasn't going to be me"(at this point the victim breaks down. Again, he bravely continues) "But I knew what was going to happen to those boys"....

This victim was beaten on so many occasions he could not recount. In bathrooms. In the teachers bedrooms. In the confessional(No prizes for guessing who dished out that particularly ironic beating)

The full account can be seen on the video below.
To watch any of the recent IICSA hearings, please search the tag: uk-inquiry or abuse-inquiry. I have been posting all IICSA hearings to my steemit profile and will be continuing to do so until the inquiry ends. This evidence will forever be on the block-chain :)
For all details about the UK IICSA, please visit there home page by following this link
to the official inquiry website

IICSA English Benedictine Congregation Case Study - Day 3 29/11/17 AM1

My point to this post, is to show you that we must realise that anything to do with the "mainstream" is bound to be corrupted in one way or another. The courts, the police, the social services, many registered charities(too many to hold any faith). They have all been exposed to be part of the system we here @familyprotection fight against. We must turn our backs on these asinine projects and toxic companies who claim to be operating in our name(Which isn't far from the truth as we're the ones who fund them).

But please don't think I am leading you down a dead end. This is not misery for the sake of misery and I always aspire to offer some form of alternative. And here it is...

From the ashes

Last night, whist I was writing this post, I as tuning in and out to @mspwaves. Anyone who has ever met me in the chat-room will know that my lap-top is constantly asking to be thrown, violently, at the wall. Slower than a L.A cop, attending a black-on-black shooting. On one of the occasions I did manage to tune in, I was treated to hearing @robocop talking about @familyprotection!


As I tuned in it sounded as if @robocop has a guest who was very upset. As I had entered the show so late-on, I wasn't aware why she was so upset. But then it lead to the sudden mention of @familyprotection and whether it was the same lady or not, I could not be sure. But what she said made plenty of sense and goes along nicely with this post.

The lady speaking to @globocop had children who she had always home-schooled. When asked if she had ever had problems with the social service/cps, over her children not attending a main-stream school, the lady replied that they had never given her any hassle at all... I assume that some of you who are reading this will be as surprised to hear this as I was. "Never had any hassle"?? I want to know this ladies secret!

"I think it's because I have never registered them in the first place. If you never enter them into the State schooling system, there isn't a problem. There is no law to say you have to. But once you have entered into it, I think this is when you come into problems"

And there you go... Pretty obvious, right? And also very unhelpful to families who have already made this fatal error of judgement. This includes myself, so it is a little frustrating that I cannot benefit from this information(Not unless their is a Mrs Rebel-Dan on the horizon, who can convince me to bring another child into this mad, mad world).
You can't help everyone all of the time and I suppose if this article manages to prevent one family from entering there precious children into the meat-grinder, then I have achieved a little of what I have come here to do.

If you are going to take this advice and reconsider putting your children onto the state-school register. You may want to look into registering yourself, your children and any of your property, onto the International common-law register. It is completely free to do and it means that if you ever do have to go to court, even if you do live "off-grid", you are not then required to register onto there system(which is what they want you to do). You will already be registered onto an OFFICIAL COURT REGISTER and you will serve them a copy of your common-law birth certificates and any other documents that will help confirm your identity. Very handy when someone comes to remove your children and change their name.

here is a link to the International common-law registry.
(It may not be the full-solution but it can't hurt to register).
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I hope this post has been informative and helpful. Please remember that Melanie Shaw is still being held against her will by the DPP, Andrea Saunders. Melanie was a victim of child abuse both by her own family and by the carehome that she was sent to(Beechwood, in Nottinham). Melanie was being supported in her claims by Nottinghamshire Police chief Chris Ayre, until she began naming high level politicians as her abusers. Since then the Nottinghamshire police have turned their backs on Melanie. After persisting with her claims, Melanie is now serving an unlimited period of time in side various UK prisons. Melanie has been denied medical care and is in solitary for 23 hrs of the day. She has been physically assaulted while in prison and to hinder those who wish to contact Melanie, the authorities keep moving her around different prisons and in each one her name is slightly different. Melany Shor will never appear on any list when a concerned friend or relative asks for Melanie Shaw.

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This is happening all over the UK and in Scotland there is also the ongoing case of Deborah Milazzo and her fight against the social services to have her son returned home. Deborah is one of the many people around the world who are turning to the common law registry for help.

Please watch this video to find out how it could help us all.

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Thanks for sticking around! PTYAY

Written by Rebel-Dan in support of @familyprotection.

All pictures supplied by Pixabay

UPDATE - Investigation - Child Sexual Abuse in the Anglican Church - Public Hearing - Day 6

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If you want to get to the bottom of "not registering" or rescinding your signature, I implore you to research anything and everything you can get your eyes on from www.annavonreitz.com, and then with the due diligence you should have come to your own conclusions as to what comes next, as for the whole White Jebus thing, check out the Talmud Jammanuel, The Silent Revolution and then And Did They Listen? and equally, draw your own conclusions.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post. I will certainly check out the links you have supplied. very intriguing... Great comment and I will get back to you after I've checked out the links.

really there are fragments of your post that still resound, is overwhelming as they can accept it openly without suffering any repercussion, no guilt remorse. I have made a post with psychological suggestions for parents who walk through the separation, I hope you read it as it will provide you with tools to share with those who need it

Thanks @psicmarynes and there evil seems to know no bounds, your right. Very twisted society that works around ours. Creepy to know how close it all is. I will certainly take a look at you post, thanks for that. I'm always up for learning more.

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