Do children have a choice? Yes they do!

in familyprotection •  6 years ago  (edited)

Do I Have A Choice?

Distributed by
Families for Justice Network
Draft Release – December 16, 2008.

It's been a while since I posted to #Familyprotection. I don't think it's fair to spam this tag, and only relevant information should be posted. I had a court date with CAS where they were ready to WITHDRAW, low-and-behold there is some "new" allegation or protection concern. What that is I do not even know; but I'm not adjourning and I'm going to court anyways. All I know is that this agency can be used as a weapon and I am completely fed up. I have kids and I am giving them a MANUAL on how to deal with CUSTODY DISPUTES, and of course how to deal with CAS. The kids are DONE with CAS and I am going to argue with the judge that it's ENOUGH! They have been nothing but a politicized, bias, confused, dysfunctional organization.

Information for parents:

This document gives tips on troublesome parents, the police, and of course CAS. Some of the answers lye in empowering CHILDREN to help fight a parent's cause. I will include excerpts to help guide children into the light. It's not just CAS, it's also problem parents who cannot get along and even USE CAS as their own puppets! Yes, believe it or not there are some very mentally ill parents who actually WANT CAS to do things to their kids!

"This document has been assembled based on the input and collaborative efforts of many parents and children and has been produced with the intention of providing help and guidance to more mature children of divorce and/or separation who wish to know what their basic right s are when it comes to their choice of the parent they
prefer to live with and what they can do to protect their right of choice. Currently in the family court system, children are being wrongly placed under the sole custody of only one parent and are being forced or intimidated to live with sole custodial parents who keep them in situations that are not in their best interest."


Excerpt 1: What to expect from a hostile-aggressive and controlling parent

"Call children’s aid officials and using the excuse that you are a bad child, attempt to force you into a foster or group home. Your hostile and controlling parent may go so far as to make false allegation against your other parent just so that children’s aid officials will not be able to place you with the other parent."

Excerpt 2:

"It is always a good idea to record your conversations with police and CAS workers so that you will have proof of what was said should they try to threaten or intimidate you."

Excerpt 3:

"Your abusive parent may set you up for charges or to force you into a foster home. Some parents will go so far as to fabricate false allegations against their own children so that they can force them into the care of a child protection agency. Parents who would go so far as to fabricate false allegations against their own children are likely have sever mental problems. You are only placing yourself at risk should you remain in the same home with such a parent."

I have printed out this document and I will ask my older son to read it, and take what is in it as IMPORTANT in order to empower them. Sometimes we as parents are at the will of vengeful ex-spouses, and of course CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY. Let our kids know they can fight back as well!

DoIHaveAChoice _Working Copy_ - DoIHaveAChoice - information for kids.jpg

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Thank-you @bearbear613 for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

The kid sounds like Shlomo haMelech.

Have a shabbat shalom too brother^^

It is good to know that children do have rights and a choice. I would be afraid that though this is out there, many children may not know their rights. i know as a child I was not allowed any input on decisions and did not know of my rights. I did not even know I had any. Perhaps it was an isolated situation or the day and age of the time. Education and awareness is important in making sure children and everyone are on the same page and the best interest is provided to the child. As I expressed before I feel children are overlooked in certain areas in the scheme of things. Good article my friend. @bearbear613

Older kids definitely have a voice, and bless you for doing your part to help them. The major problem I think is those young kids who are victimized before knowing any better

I noticed that most of my posts using the tag are just emotional rants (not that there's anything wrong with that) than quality information. I've also decided to rant elsewhere and restrict my articles to 'useful only'

I noticed that most of my posts using the tag are just emotional rants (not that there's anything wrong with that) than quality information. I've also decided to rant elsewhere and restrict my articles to 'useful only'

Thank you for this. I have stopped short a few times now from doing a post (I did bitch on it in one thread that was suggesting @familyprotection as well as other tags like informationwars were good account building tags) about many of the low effort posts I am continually seeing under the tag. It feels like many are viewing posting here as a cash cow and it has been angering me to think that such a low opinion of what CC and Mark has done here could be held by others.

I have also noticed many who appear to support them only send a small fraction (some using some weird percentage formula) of the SBD to prove their "support"

Also noticed almost no one upvotes the familyprotection comment. Imagine how powerful their account would be now, and the good it could do if many of us were to spare 1 or 2 upvotes a day to them (I try to do this).

My last gripe is some who post under it but never respond to comments of support. I find myself selective now, and some posts that are endorsed that are low effort find that my only upvote on their post is going to the comment by familyprotection.

End of rant. Once again, thank you. I wanted to say that you showed your heart in the generous donation you made to Snowpea about a week ago. Thank you for caring so much about what this group is about.

Thank you so much. It is easy to get carried away by big upvotes from CC and Mark (even I have been guilty of this), but I don't want to lose sight of why I support this community and what made me join steemit.

I really don't feel a sense of community here sometimes with the relative lack of engagement. Maybe they're teething problems to be expected though

I really enjoy the contents of your post,
Your work is great..

Older kids, as @empress-eremmy mentioned do seem to get some say legally, but unfortunately younger children not so much. Here in the U.S., the mother seems to get the children by default, and almost has to be found unfit by the courts for this not to be the case. There are numerous cases where it is clear to anyone with eyes the mother is unfit and she still gets the children.

There needs to be more punishment for people who level false allegations (and not just regarding family court). Years ago, a friend of my ex wife had begun leveling allegations against her husband who had left her that he was sexually molesting their 3 year old daughter. I had never thought it true. He was gone almost a month before he went back and no further mention by her of such horrible crimes were said again. So either she made it all up out of spite, and he came back to avoid never seeing his daughter and to avoid possibly going to prison for her lies. Or he was a monster and she was willing to sacrifice her child to be with him. Neither scenario gave me much hope for the little girl who was a pawn either way. Either way, she was a monster.

Children can decide who to be with when they are big, but when they are babies sometimes the right decisions are not made, it is very delicate, and at some time they will be able to defend themselves thanks to informative articles like this one.

That's right, I agree, and how happy I am that when children are a certain age or older, if they take their opinion into account, that they are considered is a great achievement.