As some of you know we are expecting our 5th child this coming June. This is usually around the time I check to make sure we have all of our forms updated (birthing plan, refusal of certain meds etc.). After giving some advice to @kryptocoin’s friend George, I started to dig and didn’t like what I found.
I suggested to him to make sure he had filled out a vaccination exemption form so he wouldn’t be harassed any more. He verified he already has one signed and documented. After that conversation I realized we never signed one to have on file, we have only verbally refused them for each of our children. One of the reasons being we are comfortable with our doctor and he doesn’t pressure us to vaccinate. The same goes for our midwives who encourage Natural ways to give birth.
To be on the safe side I decided to pull up the form online to print it out and sign it. I always feel you can never be too prepared or too safe. The website I pulled it from had an article titled ’12 Reasons To NOT Sign The Refusal To Vaccinate Form’. Of course that totally got my attention and here’s why...
If you as a parent sign this form, it could be used against you to remove your children from your custody. Signing this form is a “confession” that you are intentionally neglecting or causing harm to your children.

The article breaks down each number on the form and explains why it’s a big setup to be used against parents. I’ll go through a few in this post.
#2 - The scientific term for HPV has been listed to discourage parents from making the connection of this dangerous vaccine.
#4 - This is just straight up propaganda. They want you to sign that you have read about each vaccine and “All” of their possible side effects. The website they give does not include all of the factual information about these vaccines. There was a paper published by a doctor and an investigative medical researcher that exposed the true hazards of vaccines. You can read more about that paper here.
#7 - It’s funny how we as parents are falsely told the dangers of not vaccinating and the illnesses and dangers it could cause but we are never told the truth about the injuries and the illnesses these vaccines have caused.
#10 - It is asking you to agree with everything the document is saying. You are confessing that declining these vaccines puts your child at risk and endangers their health and life as well as the lives of others they come in contact with. You are signing that you know these things and pretty much don’t care because you are refusing them.
You are also permitting any health care professional to keep your child in isolation (removed from your care) due to exposure of undefined communicable diseases with evaluations and testing.
As you can see this form is very deceptive and sets parents up for a possible bad situation in having their children legally taken by the CPS. They could use this form as an “admission” against the signing parent. You would be signing that you believe everything to be true on this form but yet you are still refusing them. You will look like a negligent parent that doesn’t care for the well being of your child. This is something every parent needs to avoid.

Don’t fret, if you have already signed this particular form there are ways to fix it. I read some good advice from this article...
• Start by asking your doctor to return the signed form back to you. You can give him a very brief explanation that you have given further thought on the situation and have decided having the form in your child’s file is not of his/her best interests.
• If the doctor does not comply you will have to write a certified letter rescinding your signature to nullify the form. The article includes a sample letter for you to view.

In my opinion this is the best option. You are writing up a refusal to vaccinate in your own words and stating upfront your reasons for doing so whether religious or philosophical. You will not be setting yourself up to look like a negligent parent or giving consent for your child to be removed from your care under any circumstances. Below is a sample to give you some ideas of what to include on there.

I hope that I was able to bring some awareness to you about the risk of signing that form and the position it puts you in. If you have done your due diligence and research and have come to the conclusion that vaccinations are not what’s best for your child, you shouldn’t be tricked into signing a form that basically states the opposite. It’s like an oxymoron. Please be careful and vigilant of the forms you sign.
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Thank you @crosheille!
This is really good info for anyone who is about to have a child but does not want to vaccinate, these forms are supposed to be confusing so that parents who are usually stressed out at the time, end up just signing away without realising the consequences.
Great job!
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My pleasure Mark! Yes absolutely! That’s why I really encourage parents to get their forms signed and prepared Before they are at the hospital ready to deliver. It’s so easy to sign away under pressure when you are tired and wore out.
Thanks again!
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What you're seeing in this form, is what is known as a "Contract of Adhesion."
A Contract of Adhesion is any contract in which has other terms and conditions, consequences, etc...that was not made fully known to all signing parties.
Technically, contracts of adhesion, according to contractual law --- are illegal.
A valid contract is one where a meeting of the minds has occurred, all parties are aware of all of the terms, conditions and consequences of entering into said contract.
What that means if you DID NOT fully understand due to carefully veiled legal language and or intentionally vague language, what other consequences might be allowed by signing something, you've just been a victim of one of these illegal contracts.
How could you have possibly known that by signing something like this it gives the state/county (whoever) the rights to then do (fill in the blank)? Was that explained fully up front?
If these types of contracts are so illegal, how does our governments get away with presenting them to us in every facet of our lives? Because somewhere, on a nested and oftentimes buried link on a county web page, a statute is listed and publicly available, and then by their own statutes, they can say "it's been made public..."
What government agencies (city, county, state, federal, etc...), corporations, lawyers, and anyone else who has knowledge of this behavior counts on is the ignorance of the general public to these things. Therefore, in my opinion, these contracts are purely PREDATORY in nature.
The OP is correct. It's an admission to something legally binding. In the eyes of other agencies, according to implied or expressly written (and then 'hidden') statute, this then gives them the right to have authority over these areas of your lives.
In this case, it is best to do YOUR OWN form, taking advantage of the 'right' you have to have things placed on record in your own medical files.
I read somewhere that attempting to rescind a signature though on previous contracts, simply implies that the signature was valid to begin with. Then it comes down to who has the most money to keep arguing in court and or compel the administrator of the case to listen.
Great write up!
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Wow! What a great informative response. I greatly appreciate you reading and then taking the time to respond with such information.
Illegal contract sounds right to me. It’s so sad they count on ignorance of the general public . They disguise things as good when really they are set up to hurt us in the long run. I have never heard of the term Contract of Adhesion, thank you for clarifying what type of contract this is.
We will definitely be writing our own contract for sure. That’s a very good point about rescinding signatures. Thanks again for your input :)
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It should be noted that if anyone actually comes out and says to (Agency, corporation, etc...) that presents this to them, they will simply deny it. The terms and conditions on the contract, plus their currently declared statutes allow it --but none of that changes the fact that, that is exactly what it is. If this legally binds you to something else or allows overreach by another department into your life and that wasn't spelled out -- it's a Contract of Adhesion.
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Wow! Thank you for this informative post! I've definitely signed this form in the past, not knowing what I was getting myself into, potentially. So with the form you made, do you sign that and give it to the doctors, schools, kids athletic programs...etc that are requesting shot records? What about the form about vaccine refusal due to religious reasons?
Also, what meds are you refusing when you give birth? Do you plan on a natural birth (vaginally without meds)? I refused the Hep B shot at the birth of my son. Since then, I have refused shots for my son on multiple occasions, makes me feel very empowered I am taking control of my family's health and well-being!
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It is my pleasure! I’m so glad you read this post and now know what the form is really saying.
The form above is not my own, I found it online. However we will be using it as a guideline when we create ours. We homeschool so the only place we need to turn this into is our family doctor. The form above includes a statement about being philosophically opposed to vaccines...you can substitute that word and add religiously opposed instead.
I refuse ALL meds when giving birth to my babies. I have had all natural, intervention free vaginal births 4 times and I’m going for 5 this June :)
You should feel empowered, way to go Mom! That’s awesome that you are taking control of your family’s health! Stay strong and don’t back down or let anyone pressure you into changing your mind. None of our children have ever been touched with a vaccinated needle and we plan to keep it that way. Thank you so much for reading and commenting~
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Thank you for your lovely comment! Wow, 4 vaginal births without meds, you are Superwoman! I had to give birth via C-section for my son due to placenta previa. I wonder though how I would manage a vaginal delivery, let alone meds free. I typically get squeamish when it comes to my lady parts, I mean I get nervous at a paps smear appointment. What is your secret to a natural, intervention-free birth?
Do you guys live in a big city or countryside? We live in a city and I always feel pressured by schools and doctors to vaccinate. On one hand, I understand where they're coming from but I've also read so much about vaccine injuries, autism...etc. My son is 2 and I'm not sure which way to go. Go slowly or not at all...
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You’re welcome! Yep 4 and going on 5!!! Lol thank you! It takes a lot of dedication and commitment but any woman can do it!
I have done a couple of posts with some tips for laboring naturally you can check them out Here and Here ;)
We live in a city but our goal is to move more towards th country. I definitely understand about being pressured by doctors etc. We were blessed to have found a doctor that doesn’t pressure us to vaccinate but believes it is the parents choice. We have seen the horrible affects of vaccinations firsthand and will never be convinced they are safe or appropriate. You really just have to do your own research and come to your own conclusions. We took a whole year and dived in and really looked at both sides and we now know we made the right decision to refuse all vaccines.
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This sneaky criminals!, A true setup!. I for one have never had to deal with vaccine exemption issues. This is eye opening, thank you so much @crosheille I am calling George immediately !.
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You said it right!! Very sneaky!! Sure thing...I’m so glad you will be informing George about this!
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I'm so sick of the hypocrisy of the vaccine propaganda. They keep saying that my "unvaccinated" child could endanger the vaccinated ones. There are two big flaws with this statement.
Either vaccinations work, and they do in fact inoculate the child(As they would like us to believe), or they do not. (Note: I'm aware that according to their much more hidden claims it will take several years and countless top-up doses to achieve and maintain this supposed state of immunity.)
How could my child who has only come into contact with these viruses via children who have had it injected into them, in anyway pose a risk to those same children?
These claims of unvaccinated children posing risks to those who have be vaccinated fly in the face of the most basic levels of logic. The reality is vaccinated children pose a risk to unvacinated ones as they have been injected with the very viruses everyone fears.
I think the best course of action would be to never enter into "contract" with those who are pushing such illogical agendas as their motives are far from honest ones. If you need to make a statement, do not use the "contract" they provide but make your own statement in your own words.
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I did not do any of the vaccines for my son. I am glad I did not. Doctors always raised an eyebrow at me and pushed me to get the vaccines at each medical checkup I had for my son. One of my aussie friends vaccinated his daughter and she ended up in the E.R. within less than six hours after inoculation and developed later on a severe form of autism. The parents have been struggling a lot to help the child.
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Thank you so much for this comment @imjustsaying! I’m quite sick of the propaganda too! I totally agree with you. If the vaccines really did what they claim they do, then why is anyone scared? Whey are the parents of vaccinated children so afraid to have them around unvaccinated ones? Either you believe these vaccines protect them or you don’t. Good point about they are the ones being injected with the viruses everyone fears.
Yes making our own refusal form is the safest and best way to go in my opinion. We definitely don’t want to enter a contract and have it back fire on us in the long run. Thanks again for reading and commenting~
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Wow so many legal hoops to just have the freedom to raise your children how you want to. In a way it seems like harassment to be singled out to take the extra steps. But you do it for the love of your children. Thanks for sharing.
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Yes @enjoywithtroy, so many legal hoops. It’s seems there’s always a catch to everything dealing with parental rights. We definitely do this for the love of our children. I pretty much research Everything before I commit to it...you can see why with tricks like these. Thanks so much for commenting~
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Until recently I was strongly pro-vaccination, with cause. My youngest child was not vaccinated. No discussion, my wife just decided against it. Poor lad got whooping cough and will probably never be totally right. Hence my unshakable view.
So what changed my mind? Well, I'm not sure it's changed, but I am open to discussion. Back in 1979 there were I think only a couple of shots, one of which I believed to be essential. It covered half a dozen diseases including whooping cough and rubella. I firmly believe my son would be a lot healthier had he received that cocktail.
Now though, there are excuse me how fucking many vaccinations against how fucking many diseases? I was shocked when I saw that form.
Of course, they have all been tested properly, right? Not only to be sure that each vaccine is safe but to be sure they don't interact badly, right? Right? Oh, please tell me that's true. And tell me the solutions are safe, please. And that the companies who put this stuff together have been certified to the highest standards. Pretty please.
What!!! None of the above is true? Oh, crap!
I still think vaccination is an excellent idea. That is why we hardly ever see a kid with leg braces now. Polio was a horrible disease. So was whooping cough.
Pre vaccination, infectious diseases were often shared. Certain diseases are more harmful the older you get, so if your neighbour's kid had, say, measles you would send your younguns over. That meant everyone was exposed as a child, and the sick kid had others to play with. Vaccination is somewhat the same principle, but theoretically safer.
Theoretically. The sick kid would be sharing one bug with your brood, and it would be pure, not a whole bunch of bugs mixed with who knows what.
I doubt any vaccine is 100% safe, but sensible vaccines should cause far less damage than not vaccinating. I honestly believe that was once the case. I think we could go back to that.
Is there any chance you could stop fighting against vaccination and start fighting for sensible vaccination?
Trust me, I'm a doctor.
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Thank you for your comment @catweasel. It is ridiculous how many vaccines are “required/recommended” these days even for a newborn fresh out of the womb. Where are all of these combinations coming from, what’s really in them? I see you answered your questions above...there have been numerous reports of vaccines being released and used on patients that haven’t been properly tested. Let alone when someone comes forward with an adverse reaction or total mutation from them, these vaccines are protected and never put on trial for the causes. Doctors go out of their way to make excuses or claim those reactions were caused by other things. I for one don’t trust the companies that are putting these vaccines together. I don’t trust what’s really in them.
It’s funny how parents of vaccinated kids still fear them being around unvaccinated ones. If they truly believed those vaccines worked then what’s to fear? Their kid should be totally safe right? I’m sorry but allowing my children to be injected with a virus that the world fears to get them immune to it just doesn’t make sense to me. We’ll take our chances and stick with Natural health and safer prevention methods. The real question is how are these viruses really getting here and why is there a new one every year?...but that’s a whole different discussion.
I really appreciate the way you approached this and asking this last question but I do not believe in a sensible vaccine. We have experienced firsthand the effects of them and what they do. We have watched family and friends suffer and there is no convincing me otherwise.
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Thanks for highlighting what you have discovered about this form, and the treachery involved in its wording. I'm not surprised at the deception involved in this, given who it is coming from. Educating others as to best options to take is to be commended.
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Absolutely! I don’t want parents to keep being deceived. Thank you very much for reading and commenting.
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This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection!
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Thank you also for your support :)
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You are most welcome!
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Have heard that vaccines may induce autism or hyperactivity, greedy big pharma, you what I am talking about.
But kids in Hong Kong cannot hide them from vaccination, mandatory... :-(
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Yes they cause that and a lot more. It’s BIG money in it. That’s why they don’t want us to know all of the hazards and side effects...they know more families would refuse them and they would loose that BIG money.
That’s sad to hear about the kids in Hong Kong. If they had it their way it would be mandatory in every country. It’s very displeasing.
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Thank you for making this post, this is some info I am glad to know about on forehand. Even though I am not a US citizen I guess this will be valid in more countries in the world. Our daughter is not at the school age yet, but we have to start thinking about a game plan .. Basically this form means that if someone will get this form from CPS, they will gladly kidnap the child as you already confirmed in this form that you are neglecting the child of medical care? :s pretty twisted when you think about all the dangers in vaccines, right?
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Thank you for reading @anouk.nox. Yes that’s exactly it! They can easily use this form against you for reasons of taking your child away. It’s very twisted.
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I resteemed it...as a reminder also to myself when I am going to do my search for solutions about our little one before she reaches the age that she is obligated to go to school.. thanks for sharing this.. very helpful
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That’s awesome! I’m so glad I could give you a reference to such information. I really hope you all come up with a plan for your daughter. It’s really smart of you to prepare now instead of waiting until the last minute. 👍🏽
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Yes, I have made some mistakes in the past with the oldest 2 children. Thinking CPS was there to help me and the children, so waiting last minute, no not for me anymore. Learned the hard way better to be prepared for their scams. I love this community because next to my own writings , I find many useful posts as a reference for these kind of issues (vaccinating, homeschooling etc)
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I don’t blame you...it’s not worth taking that risk.
That’s why I love this community too :)
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In Russia, the parents write a rejection of vaccination, but this failure does not say, that in this case, parents bear for it responsibility. Such a law is planned to be introduced, but so far this has not been done - doctors force parents to write this phrase by hand in refusal. This in no way case not to do!!! In this case, everything will be as you wrote!
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Yes exactly. Writing up our own form at this point is the best way we can go. That way we are not signing to anything we don’t agree with.
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Thank you @crosheille for sharing this important information with us.
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It’s my pleasure! Thank you for reading @joalvarez!
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I never signed anything.. never gave it a thought it might work against me. To be honest I believe it is registered somewhere anyway if a child hasn't had her vaccinations.
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That’s good you have never signed anything. Yes that is true. It is already on record who vaccinates and who doesn’t. We received a letter after our first was born, reminding us about getting her shots updated and we have never signed anything.
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Each time I get these reminders as well but I simply ignore them
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We do the same.
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Wow! This is so scary!!! How many people have probably signed this thinking that its for their protection!
Thank you for making such a detailed post (and putting in the "what to do if you've already signed" section)!!!
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Yes it really is! It’s a scary shame! I’m sure thousands have signed it and don’t even realize the type of contract they have entered into.
My pleasure. Thank you for taking time out to read the info.
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Hopefully the parents that have signed it will not have it used against them! I fear that this is not the only document that we as US citizens have signed unknowingly. I have a friend who has told me that oftentimes... Many of the official documents that we feel the need to sign have hidden consequences. I believe...and I may be wrong.. but I do think he said assigning a social security number to our children at infancy has some indications too. Deep sigh. But... Many of us are unaware and do what we think is best for our children given our situation( and age). It's really unfortunate that these things happen. I appreciate you shining the light... It's how truth gets passed.
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I am hoping that too! Yes you are definitely right! I’m sure there are more documents than we can imagine that have that sort of “hidden” agenda that we don’t see upfront all of the time.
I have heard about the social security thing. I heard having that number says the government owns us and can sell us off as debt to other countries if need be. There was a time my husband and I thought about not getting our children one but we ended up doing so. I have also heard birth certificates have some trickery to them too. 😐
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can you even imagine? wow. and who ever really reads the fine print??? very few of us! and even birth certificates? is there nothing sacred??? LOL
a BIRTH certificate!!! come on people! I guess they know when we are at our most vulnerable! After 44 hours of pushing and shoving, only to have an emergency C -Section... then they put papers in front of our morphine-soaked gaze and say "sign"
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Exactly!!! Hardly anything is scared any more! Right, who reads the fine print especially after labor? They are smart people and know how to manipulate.
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Sad but true!!!
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Thank you!
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Hello, great post.
I could not agree with you more about signing a "vaccine refusal form".
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