We are a Homeschooled Non-Vaccinated Endangered Family - We are Potential Targets for the System! Our Story and why we Support @FamilyProtection!steemCreated with Sketch.

in familyprotection •  7 years ago 


The main point of this post is to bring awareness to some horrible truths. I will share some background on what our family has learned and experienced and talk about where you can go for support.

We have homeschooled our children since the beginning and neither one of them have ever had a vaccinated needle come near their bodies. I would be lying to you if I said we were never nervous about our decisions. Not nervous that we are making the wrong decisions but nervous because we are potential targets for the corrupted system. We are an Endangered Family. Although homeschooling is currently legal in our state we don’t live as if it will always be. We don’t live as if we never will have anything to worry about or never face the horrors that some have already experienced and are currently experiencing. We are making plans and preparing ways to forever protect our children. If we don’t prepare now we won’t be ready for a sudden change in laws or for any attacks against our decisions.

Supporting @familyprotection


This is one of the reasons why we strongly support the project for @familyprotection.
There are families facing horrible and scary situations right now as I write this post and are dealing with Social Services and so-called Child Protective Services (there is nothing protective about these services only damaging). Their goal is not to protect or keep families together but the opposite. They are tearing families apart and separating children from their loving parents. Many Steemicans have shared the truth about what some of those children go through once placed in a new home. Some of the stories I read before joining Steemit were hard to stomach. It is just sickening knowing what people are capable of and willing to do to children. Now I am following those who have witnessed it firsthand and I can’t imagine all of the horrible things they had to live through.

Another goal of child services is to take children from their homeschool setting into a public school setting. @misslasvegas has shared with us the process in which they have tried to make her break and give in to their plans. They don’t want her teaching her kids at home. It’s funny that they don’t approve of her teaching methods but during the assessors last visit, her children “schooled” them about crypto currency and about computer programming. She is doing an awesome job teaching her children but in their eyes it will never be good enough until she turns them over to be taught by the public system. To follow her story and learn more about what she is currently facing please visit her blog, @misslasvegas, she needs your support!

Lord forbid this but there might be a day when my own family will have to call on support. Either way I will do what I can now to help build up this supportive family account. If you are interested in supporting this cause please visit @familyprotection to learn more and support in anyway that you can.

Some background to our decisions


Two years after my husband and I were married and before we had children we began looking into the natural homeopath non-chemical lifestyle. I had some terrible experiences dealing with antibiotics and aftermath damages to my body. I’d go to the doctor, he’d subscribe me antibiotics for my condition and then in the midst of me taking those I would get another condition. So I went back to the doctor for more medicine to help with that new condition. You see where I’m going with this? It was a vicious body damaging cycle. Antibiotics not only kill bad bacteria but they kill good bacteria along with it. This was the start of my research because I knew there had to be a better way to better health.

We decided to use essential oils, superfoods and things from our pantry for healing. I will say this, I do appreciate doctors, I’m thankful we can go to them “if” we need them. There are some situations that just can’t be helped at home. The problem lies when we go to doctors for unnecessary treatment. Minor ailments and sicknesses can be treated right in your own home without over the counter drugs and chemicals. Although natural home remedies may take longer than antibiotics to take affect, your body will be better in the long run because you will not have any side affects or new ailments to appear.

As we continued our research and practiced natural alternatives we made the decision to opt out of vaccinations when we had children. We read a book called ‘Vaccinations Deception & Tragedy’ the Truth about vaccines and the dangers they pose by Michael Dye.


We couldn’t believe the occurrences we read about families taking their children in for routine vaccinations and just hours or days later their children couldn’t function normally. Within an instant their able children weren’t able to use their brains properly. How do you explain that? Especially for those families where the only thing that changed was starting the vaccinations.

On top of reading about it, a few years later we witnessed it for ourselves. We witnessed a family from our church in devastation after their perfectly healthy three year old little girl suddenly couldn’t form words correctly or walk on her own any more. They opted out of vaccines until she turned three. Do you get the picture? Yes, it wasn’t until they started her routine vaccines that this happened.

Why is there such a Strong Push for Vaccines?


pic source

Do you ever think it’s strange that they offer flu shots everywhere? You don’t even need insurance because they do them for Free. You can go to your nearest store, drugstore and nowadays even a gas station might even offer them. Oh and have you heard about drive-thru flu vaccination shots? They are really making it convenient for everyone to get their dose. You don’t even have to step out of your car. I can’t forget about the “mandatory” door to door vaccinations. They’d have to kill me first to get through my door...and I’m very serious. Why are these shots so prevalent and urgent?

I watched a very disturbing video that was addressed by Bill Gates where he talks about how to decrease population to zero to stop global warming. He directly says,

if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services we can lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.

There’s your answer right there. Through vaccinations population will be lowered. Here’s the video link. His comment starts about 2:40.

Have you heard of the Georgia Guidestones located in Elberton, GA? It was a monument that was built (and is still there today) that is supposed to be a guide into “an Age of Reason.” The first message on the Guidestones reads this...

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature

Once again the ultimate goal is to keep population under control and they have created ways to do just that. That’s why vaccinations are “mandatory” and if you refuse them you will be a target. They want you to get with the program so you can be apart of the depopulating equation. Here’s a link to read more about the stones.

It seems as if no matter how many families come forward with stories of their children dying or having side effects due to vaccines they will always create a facade to cover their tracks. After so many infants started dying after getting their first shots sudden infant death syndrome was created. Yet still doesn’t give any answers as to why these babies are dying. It’s just a name created to take the pressure off of vaccinations.

Endangered Family


Being a homeschooled non vaccinated family endangers us. It goes against the goals of the system to depopulate and indoctrinate. We are targets because we are raising our children to think on their own and to know the terrible truths that are disguised as help.

We once received a letter from a state official regarding our kids not being up to date with their vaccines. The letter explained the benefits and why it is important to get them done. It then listed all of the shots that our children are supposed to have according to their age. It was labeled as “a friendly reminder” but I seen it as “your first warning”⚠️ Thankfully we never received another letter like that again.

Then we had to change our pediatrician because of a comment he made to us. At this time we only had two children and each of them had been seeing him since they were born. He was the pediatrician recommended by the hospital where I gave birth. He stated,

Normally I wouldn’t keep seeing a family that doesn’t vaccinate but I really like your family. So in this case I will keep seeing you but keep in mind I shouldn’t. You really should reconsider vaccinating your kids.

We did not feel safe there after his comment. We want to take our children where we are free to make decisions for them according to what we feel is best. We want a family doctor that does not pressure us to do what we feel will hurt our children instead of help them. So that’s exactly what we did. Our current family doctor respects our decision not to vaccinate. He made a comment that confirmed we were now in the right place. The first time he asked if our kids were vaccinated and we stated no he replied,

And that’s okay. I don’t pressure my patients to vaccinate because I believe it is the parents choice. Many people don’t like the way I operate because I don’t enforce vaccines and many wish I weren’t in my position.

Wow, we couldn’t believe he shared that with us right off. Not only does our doctor support our decision but he gets a lot of flak for not enforcing vaccines like most doctors do. I’m not surprised that some people want him out of that position because he makes it too comfortable for families like us.

I then proceeded to ask him if there was a schedule of checkup days according to our children’s age? Most pediatric offices have set up routine checkups. He then replies,

We are here to help you as you need us. If you feel your kids are okay and don’t need a regular checkup then you don’t need to come. If you want them to be seen or need us for something else then call and make an appointment. We work for you. It’s your decision to bring them or not.

So at this point I’m looking around like “where’s the hidden camera, there’s no way this doctor is saying all the things we’ve longed to hear.” It was then we started talking a little about religion and he shared with us he was a Christian as are we. That explained a lot about why he operates the way he does. We knew we were there to stay. To prove it, six months later his office moved 30 more minutes away from where they were originally located. We just have to make sure the tank is full because we followed him right to that new office. We’d drive half a day to see this doctor. He is very rare and we treasure that about him.

Our Hope


Our hope is that we never run into direct problems with any type of child services. There have been comments made to me while out with my children during the day. Comments like “shouldn’t your kids be in school” or I didn’t know school let out this early.” In the beginning it was nerve wracking because you have that little fear in the back of your mind that people are watching and they could call someone to check up on us or we could be accused of neglect. Thankfully I keep records of everything we do in school and we are also under the protection of HSLDA (Homeschool Legal Defense Association). They have helped many families facing difficult situations involving their rights to homeschool. It’s a peace of mind knowing that if we were faced with a situation where we need assistance we have that available. We believe in support systems and that is why I invite you to join @familyprotection in making strong efforts to support families in need.

Thank you so much for taking time out to read this Awareness post!

Many Blessings ~

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Thank you for sharing this with us @crosheille,

Firstly I would like to say I'm happy you have found a great doctor and that you are also under protection of HSLDA.

Our hope is that we never run into direct problems with any type of child services.

I hope this day will never come, but I know the love and support you that you will receive here, will help you through any tough times, I know this from personal experience :)

Thank you for supporting this cause, having you on board is an honor.


It is my pleasure. It’s a responsibility I feel I have to share with others. From all I have seen and researched I just wanted to share a piece of it today.

Thank you so much for your continued encouragement and for all that you do. With a heart and passion as big as yours I have no doubts this project will help many along the way~

Thank-you so much for sharing your personal story,
and why you are extra aware that our families need to be protected
from being separated by the State.

What is crystal clear from your post, is the depth of love that you have for your children. And that is what counts the most, no matter if people agree or disagree with your stance on vaccinations or homeschooling.

When a child is removed from their parents, they are placed with someone who does not love them, and may even be abusive. How could that ever be better than remaining with loving parents?

It is truly my pleasure Linda! I appreciate you and all of the support you give to others especially for a cause such as this.

Thank you for that. I’ve struggled with even my close family not agreeing or supporting our decisions and that’s been very hard. But as you said, the only thing that counts is the love we have for our children and doing what we know is best for them.

I agree. Tearing apart and breaking up the design of a family, where children are meant to be with loving parents will never be better.

Thanks, @crosheille to share your story. The system is terrible everywhere in the world, I am french and on the 01/01/2018 in France, all kids under 2 years old will have to do 11 compulsory vaccines. If the parents refuse, they can go 2 years in prison and have to pay 3750 euros fine (minimum). This is totally ridiculous! I highly support @familyprotection. Thanks again for your article.
Bellow is an article (sorry it is in French) about the situation in France now.

It was my pleasure @digital-nomads. That is absolutely terrible and horrifying. The way they are enforcing these chemicals like this is just cruel. My heart goes out to everyone in France that has to deal with such demands. It just breaks my heart hearing all this and how they want to imprison parents.

Thank you for sharing this information.

So much great insight from your post! Thanks for sharing your story and bringing awareness to these horrible truths.

Thank you so very much! I greatly appreciate you taking time to read. I am so thankful you found it insightful. Many blessings to you :)

@crosheille Sorry that I only just read this, and only because someone else mentioned it to me. Thank you for mentioning me and for sharing your story. If more people do this, then others might wake up to the fact that the system is not there to protect us, but only to protect their own.

Hey @misslasvegas no worries at all. I’m glad you were able to read it. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting.

Your story really touched me and just brought more reality to these situations. I was just heartbroken about what they were putting you and your family through and I wanted to send more your way for added support. I hope more people come forward and share their stories as well so others will be aware and prepared. I hope you all have been doing okay.

Hi Crosheille,
Thank you for sharing your story and providing some truth about vaccinations, I've always felt that pharmaceutical companies have a huge hand in controlling what goes on in our world, it's such a huge industry. It's always horrible to think of our welfare being seen in that way. I didnot vaccinate my three children, it was an easy choice for me but for some people that decision can be very difficult especially if it is not supported by family and friends. It's so important to talk about these issues and refreshing to see it happening. From one mother to another Well done and keep up the good work.

Hello @trucklife-family! Thank you so much for reading and commenting. You’re right the pharmaceutical companies are a huge industry and it’s so sad the trickery they use to get families to believe their methods are harmless.

Thank you so much for your encouragement and for sharing with me you as well have refrained from vaccines. Good for you too! It is difficult when family doesn’t support or understand our decisions but we always continued to practice what we believe to be what is best for our children. I hope more and more families begin to realize the truth about these injections.

Thank you @crosheille for sharing your story and sharing this information- I will resteem and pass this on!! I will also check out @familyprotection -- this is so important what you are doing! Blessings

Thank you for taking time to read my post and for your interaction. I really appreciate the resteem. I hope this Awareness continues to be spread around so others can know the truth. Many Blessings to you~

yes! I'm following -- this is of great interest to me! Thank you

Wow, really great post. We are very, very similar! We also homeschool and have varying degrees of vaccinated children. We homebirthed three of our kids and also moved from a regular pediatrician to a holistic one who also told us we didn't need to do the set routine checkups or vaccines. Once you find a doctor like that, it's hard to let him go! We have never had problems with CPS, but we know people who have and when we were in the States, we always had a plan and felt like we needed to constantly be checking ourselves. We even have family members (well, honestly, most of them) who are very against our decisions (all of them) and who are very outspoken against them...without having researched for themselves, but just going with what society tells them. Thank you for sharing your story. If you ever feel like it's time to fly the coop, check out Panama. Are you on discord?

Thank you so much for stopping by and reading! Wow we are very similar. We wanted to have homebirths but couldn’t afford it because of course insurance won’t cover it. We had the next best thing, all four of our children were delivered by midwives.

That’s the part that frustrates me the most about the ones in my family that don’t support our decisions. They don’t even research anything! All they do is listen to the fake evening news and believe Everything they hear. Wake up people and search the truth for yourself. We have learned to continue on with our without support. Although we do have quite a bit of support now. The family members that were skeptic about homeschooling now promote it with us because they see how intelligent and bright our young children are. They can’t believe all of the knowledge and skills that they have already. That only comes from one on one time and full undivided attention from teachers that love them more than any other teacher ever would.

Thanks for that advice. I don’t know that much about Panama, now I’m curious to look into it. 😉

I’m on Discord but I don’t get on much. It confuses me at times lol. I’m on Steem Chat a lot more. Are you on there?

Thank you to share your story @crosheille.

Absolutely! Thank you so much for reading.

The welfare systems destroys families, the law destroys families, school teaches children to be strong and independent instead of how to be good parents and life lessons. They learn what to think and not to think.

I support every decision you have made and I would have done the same.

Here is something wonderful that Nietzsche wrote that fits your post because by preparing for "war" you are not only finding happiness but you are also prepared in case when shit hits the fan.

"The secret of the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment of existence is: To live dangerously"

Thank you for your support! I really appreciate all of the support you have shown me. I agree with everything you stated about about the law, systems and school. We are preparing for “war”. It’s a fight to keep our families safe.

Indeed. Your tribe is the most important thing, gotta keep it secure and strong. I am almost at 100% vote Power! then it's time to upvote your posts with my so far highest value again :-)

Yes indeed! You are awesome my friend! 😊 I try to keep my voting power above 80% so that I can give people enough support. However with all of the awesome posts here on Steemit that could be hard at times because I want to upvote quite a bit.

I just realized that. It ain't good for the commenters & me in the long term.

Exactly! Both you and the commenters will get a better reward in the long run if your percentage stays higher 😉

I wrote you in the chat Crosheille.


Thanks for this post @crosheille. It is great that you have done all this research regarding vaccinations. The stuff that goes into these vaccines is really bad. How many doctors would want to drink their vaccines.

I wish you good luck and all the best with what you are doing.

Thank you so much for reading and for your response. We are so thankful we did our research “before” having children. We were prepared to refuse everything. I doubt any doctors would take those vaccines. Even Dr. Oz admitts his kids are not vaccinated.

Dr. Oz believes in vaccines.

"Immunizations have saved the lives of millions of people and carry little risk compared to the complications from and treatments for those diseases. They continue to be one of the best methods we’ve developed to prevent childhood illness and death."


But there is also this.


But there is also this


Hello @roomerkind. Thank you for stopping by and reading my post and taking the time to comment.

Dr. Oz only believes in vaccines because his job title requires him to be vaccinated. However he admits on CNN that his wife and children did not get the H1N1 vaccine. If someone believed in them so much why wouldn’t they make sure their family gets them? That just doesn’t make any sense to me.

CNN link

All of the “claims” about vaccinations doing more good than harm or carrying little risk I throw out the door. I have done enough research and have seen the damage of vaccines first hand. It will take a lot more than a few articles to convince me otherwise.

That’s the joy about opinions. You have the right to form your own. I will never support vaccinations because I know the real damage they can do.