in familyprotection •  7 years ago 
Just because of a family being Christian, the CHILD PROTECTION SERVICES (CPS), separate children from their parents, it seems an atrocity, since there is freedom of worship and everyone has the right and the freedom to choose their religion, and not for this the state must take extreme actions and snatch their children.

The situation in Norway is intolerant in separating children from their families because they are only Christians, it is absurd to think that the mere fact of having a religion different from the government could lose our families.

"Thank God that these children were returned to their families".

On December 9, 2015

A Norwegian Christian family has lost an appeal trial to see their children again, after the government took their five children from their home. The public has reacted with indignation.
Marius Bodnariu, Romanian and his Norwegian wife, Ruth, both former members of the Pentecostal church in Bucharest, moved to Naustdal, Norway 10 years ago, where they raised five children.

According to Marius's brother, Daniel (who is a pastor of a Pentecostal church) on November 16, government agents of youth protection took the two eldest sons of the Bodnariu family, showed up at the school and took them away from the class without informing their parents.

Later, the police arrived at the home of the Bodnarius family and took two other children, leaving Ruth with her three-month-old baby, whom the police took the next day.

Two days later, the child protection services notified the parents that their children were under the care of two separate adoptive families and were "integrating" well.

According to his testimony, one of the officials told Ruth, "the children do not even miss you, what kind of parents are you?"

Later, the government informed Marius and Ruth that they were guilty of "Christian radicalism and indoctrination."

Apparently, the decision was instigated by the director of the school, who complained about child protection services because Bodnariu was "very Christian" and his belief that God punishes sin "creates a disability in children".

Consequently, the director believed that parents needed the "guidance" of the government to raise their family. The principal also said he was concerned about discipline in the family home, since physical punishment was occasionally used.

But after a physical examination of the children (the three-month-old had X-rays and a CT scan), no physical abuse was discovered.

The Youth Protection, however, maintains that Marius is violent, while he and Ruth vehemently deny the claims.

An audience on November 27 rejected the Bodnariu family's recourse to reunite with their children. The Court ruled that they should remain under the care of their adoptive parents, while Marius and Ruth could visit their three-month-old son twice a week for two hours.

They could also see their two older children, but the Court did not grant them the right to visit their daughters. The parents are studying other legal actions.

Meanwhile, a petition has begun in support of the family and has gathered almost 30,000 signatures, and a Facebook page documents the family's ordeal.

On December 2, Romanian Senator Titus Corlatean spoke on behalf of the Bodnarius family to the Commission for Equality and Non-Discrimination of the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Council (PACE) in Paris.

Corlatean condemned what he considers abusive behavior on the part of the Norwegian government and called for an investigation of the Assembly.

He also noted the previous actions of the Norwegian child protection services, which have separated children from their parents on the basis of unfounded accusations.

Marius's brother, pastor Daniel Bodnariu, writes: "I testify and swear with vehemence that Marius and Ruth have fathered and raised a 'normal' family with Christian values.These parents love their children and have taken every imaginable step to raise to your children with love, care in all aspects of your well-being The separation of your family by Barnevernet [child welfare services] is a nightmare in the life of Marius and Ruth.Your hope is founded and rests in God; any situation and always in control. "


A year has passed since an intense joy flooded our hearts when we discovered that our precious children would return home. We are very grateful to God, our wonderful and good Father for his care, love, kindness and mercy. God came for us, and still does!

Let us take this opportunity to thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts, for the support they have shown to our family in many wonderful and loving ways. We pray that God will reward them all, since we believe that He does it.

We also have some wonderful news! By the grace and kindness of God, Rebecca Bodnariu arrived safely on May 10, 2017. The whole family is overwhelmed with joy and Rebecca is a blessing to us. We pray and believe that God will use Rebecca in the healing of our family. The joy of Rebecca for life, being loved and breastfeeding in these first months is a wonderful experience for her and the rest of the family. Sadly, Ezekiel was stripped of this experience, just like Ruth and the rest of us when he was ripped from our family in the most terrifying and terrifying nightmares of last year.

Ruth is recovering well after birth and we thank God for everything he does and for all those who have been praying for us.

Continue to pray and support those who are still experiencing tragedies similar to those we had in Norway. We discover more and more cases in Norway, which on the one hand cause us compassion, pain and sadness, and on the other hand, disgust and indignation. We are very grateful to all those who are involved either to support individual cases, or to expose the nature of this system by bringing to light the evil deeds of darkness that Barnevernet (Norwegian Child Welfare Service) often exhibits.

It is our hope that there will be a real change in Norway, and what happens to families today will stop happening and will never happen again. Instead of families being heard and supported in Norway, they are sadly despised, belittled and walk everywhere, in an attempt to take away all self-esteem and self-esteem with the vehement desire to destroy the identity of those people. Who are the objective? We remember it too well, the moment when we debated between being treated as infrahumans by the Norwegian authorities and being encouraged and encouraged by God through the thousands who support us.

We really thank God for those who are the voice of the voiceless in Norway. They are silenced by the pain of their own tragedies and also by the real threats of those in the system to never reunite with their loved ones. We thank those who fulfill the commandments of Jesus who call us to love and have compassion for the needy, for the abandoned and the wronged, for those who defend the orphan and the widow, the children who were left without parents and parents without children . We thank the organizations and entities that have exposed the broader panorama in which the legal kidnappings of children have their purpose.

In all of our plans and actions, we will continue to trust in God. May the Lord bless you all and thank you once again.



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