Family Protection - Why I Joined and Who I Am - Enjoy with Troy!

in familyprotection •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Each of us is a piece of sand on the shore. Together we can protect the shoreline and the world against the waves and storms of life. I want to take a moment and introduce myself and why I am part of @familyprotrection. My name is Troy or most folks know me as Enjoy with Troy.


I joined @familyprotection because I felt a calling to take a stand against the injustice and attacks that daily horrify the lives of families and children world wide. I want to make a difference. I started commenting on @familyprotection posts in October and by December wrote my first post called 'The Christmas Gift', an original poem. It was a big step for me but I'm so glad I did. Steemit and the @familyprotection site has provided me an opportunity to use my creative skills in a way to inspire others to see the dream. I truly believe if you can dream it, you can do it. But it will take a lot of work.

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CPS = Child Parent Sepration

Injustice and what I call the bullshit factor is out of control. If we do not address this attack on the family structure, who will stand up and do what is right? Surely not the enemy! It is important that we come together with what skills and talents we can bring to the table. I am a writer and a creator first and foremost. I can research at some point, but I try to inspire others though my blogs and comments.

I feel I was prepared for this moment by God. About 6 years ago or so I was awakened from my slumber. I stopped listening to the liberal public radio an started listening to alternative media on YouTube. I began listening to shows like Greg Hunter (USA Watchdog), Infowars, Greg Mannarino, SGT Report, X22 Report and countless others. Many of these are on Steemit today. They awakened me from my slumber and I learned the truth about the government, 911, Sandy Hook, the shadow government, the New World order, Agenda 21 and so much more. I became awake.

Becoming awake is like that moment when you give your life to Christ and are born again. Well the same is true when a sheeple is awakened from their apathetic slumber. I WAS AWAKE. You could not shut me up about it. I had to learn and grow and feed my mind.

Steemit and particularly @familyprotection was a very natural progression for me. I again was awake to the injustice and lies. I saw a way I could make a difference through blogging and commenting on posts. I was trying to make a real difference. I am proud to be part of the team. Most of these stories I read break my heart and bring tears to my eyes. How can people be this cruel? Yet I remind myself this is a spiritual battle and the enemy has no remorse.

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A second more minor reason I joined was because of my late sweetheart, Marcia Mandle. You see she passed away December 12, 2016 from a blood clot to the lung. She was 62 and it devastated me. I was lost and so heart broken. Why did God take such a beautiful woman away from me. She had such a loving selfless Christian heart. Sadly most women today do not know the meaning of selflessness. I had finally found the woman of my dreams. It took everything I had in me to go on. In May 2017 I joined Steemit by the encouragement of Greg
Mannarino. I started to blog off and on about Marcia as well as many other subjects. It was therapeutic for me. Marcia was passionate about the welfare of children and particularly vocal about child sex trafficking. She would have understood and supported the efforts against the CPS and I am sure she would encourage my effort to do the same. So I feel led in that respect as well. Perhaps one day I will have a woman who I can love again and who will stand beside me in my efforts to fight the injustice of the system. Perhaps she will be Steemit sweetie. But until then it is a lonely life and I will continue to stand to protect the family with all my brothers and sisters here.


As may be evident much of the Scott Campbell series is part of my life. I was the child of two music teachers who divorced when I was 4. After leaving Chicago, I was raised under the auspices of my Mom in a small town in Tama County, IA. The lack of a father figure in my growing up years impacted me in so many ways. I used my family history skills to meet my dad when I turned 18 but by then the psychological damage had been done. Mom was bitter about marriage and I inherited commitment issues. I also got in trouble with the law in my early 20's. Thank God after a few run inns I straightened myself out. Children need a father figure that they can identify with. This is so crucial and I am passionate about this today.

Looking back, had I been born later in life under those circumstances I would have ended up in a CPS foster home and much worse than I did. Today I would have been a number one candidate for that. God watched over me. Mom had a lot of psychological issues that - instead of dealing with it- she passed it on to me unresolved. Most parents try to correct the mistakes of their parents. Not in her case. She repeated them to the book. I could say that it is because of her I have no kids. But at age 56 how are you going to find a fertile Myrtle? So i give back to children and make a difference through @familyprotection. I suppose in a way I was robbed and can relate to those children who are robbed by the CPS. We must protect each other.

I may be inspired to do one or two more Scott Allen Campbell Series. I do not know. But if I get the inspiration I so hope I can. On a side note, the minor character Bob represents my best friend Jeff who owns and operates a hardware store. He is much like the character described in real life.



In real life I am a seasoned piano man in the Quad Cities (Iowa) Mississippi River area. I play over 600 songs from memory. I do weddings, retirement homes, corporate venues, singing telegrams, costumed characters of Santa and the Easter bunny and what ever else comes my way. My professional website is and you can also find me on and I write poetry and am addicted to estate sales and coffee. Steemit has provided me opportunity to develop friends and write blogs on poetry, music, prepping, humor, christian-trail, life Marcia and so much more.


As @familyprotection is in its infantcy, I see it as an international organization. It will be a friend to the child and family in distress. Yet feared by the enemy. It will be strong and quiet yet carry a very big stick. It will be loving and embracing to those who are weak and burdened with care. Yet it will be firm and hated by the CPS and others in the courtroom. It will have allies and work with other organizations in concert, building allies and friends along the way. It will have big donors. Though I make very little money, but have a savings, it would be worth it to make a stock investment in its future.

As I constantly say this is NOT a legal battle but a SPIRITUAL one. We must change hearts rather than cases. we must develop relationships with our enemy to do this. We must gain the trust of the enemy in order to be able to educae and change their mind and heart. This is an international problem and an international effort must be made. I will continue to write in the meantime as best I know...for the families and the dear children.

I would encourage you all to join in this battle to save the family and our children. We need everyone to do something as we all are key to the end cause of protecting the family from attack. Consider yourself invited and welcomed. As I started this post so shall I close. Each of us is a piece of sand on the shore. Together we can protect the shoreline and the world against the waves and storms of life. Be part of that protection for families and the children. Our future depends on it.

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THIS POST IS DEDICATED TO THE PROTECTION Of FAMILIES AND CHILDREN EVERYWHERE! God bless the folks @familyprotection who are speaking out for others. I encourage you to support their cause and support the bloggers who expose this tyranny and injustice. I want to offer a shout out to @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam in gratitude for all their efforts in this cause. Support @familyprotection.

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This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @enjoywithtroy for supporting @familyprotection

You are most welcome. What I do is from the heart.

Good posting I've seen well.
I'm following you.
I hope to talk with you often.

Thank you and welcome.

Hugs to you...

I WAS AWAKE. You could not shut me up about it. I had to learn and grow and feed my mind.

There is no going back to sleep no matter how sometimes we wish we could!

So true. We are awakened and see the world in a whole new light. I thank God for that. It is like an added depth of wisdom. Blessings and hugs to you as well my dear friend.

Wow I find this post heartwarming! You are a good person, sorry you have lost your wife.. condolances! Are you doing ok? Thanks for being here to support all those families (like mine) raising awareness for the breaking up of families due to CPS.. thank you!

You are most welcome. Yes the death of someone you love is a wake up call in so many ways. I take one day at a time with God's help. He blessed me so with her. Perhaps I can bless others in my own way. Thanks for your kindness.

You're very welcome. You should take it one day at a time, and enjoy the memories you made together. They will never be taken away from you! Have a good weekend!

And God bless you too, for being part of this beautiful cause. God give it back to you in health. And we are going to fight for all the children of the world. @enjoywithtroy

I believe the same. Blessing to you my friend.

Thank you for sharing such a beautiful, moving post @enjoywithtroy

You are most welcome. Thank you for taking time to read.

We are honored to have you Troy!

Your heart is in the right place and I believe we are all gathered here for a reason.

You are right! This old problem needs a totally new solution for it to ever be solved!

Thank you for joining @familyprotection

Thank you my friend. Yes together we can brainstorm and bring new ideas to the table with a new approach. Perhaps even a multi layered strategy. Thanks.

Your heart sings "Good" and you are just so Good. I keep on hearing you say it is a Spiritual battle, yes it is. We are to be the sand.

I'm truly sorry for what you've been through, but keep remembering Apostle Paul's words, "All things works together for Good, to those who love God and are called by his purpose". So God has always been in charge of you Dear Friend.
God bless you abundantly.

Thank you so much. Yes God is in charge and teaches us abundantly. I truly appreciate you my dear friend. Blessings @kryptocoin

This post has been upvoted by @thethreehugs

Thank you for your support of @familyprotection!

Thank you . You as well my friend.

the more that join and put their soul into this the bigger it will get. I welcome you

Thank you my friend.

Bravo, it's good to read stories that fill you up as a person. I am somewhat shy, but I already have an impulse to tell my story of life, so I call it.

Thank you for sharing my friend.

This post has been upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs

Thank you for your support of @family protection

Again thanks so much!!! @thethreehugs.

You are most welcome my friend!