The Other Day - Poem And Commentary on Choices, Consequences And The Innocent - Enjoy with Troy!

in familyprotection •  5 years ago  (edited)

Hi Friends. I humbly offer a poem called 'The Other Day,' and a commentary on how choices impact lives and change tomorrow. We are given the choice to protect children, innocent and helpless. If we chose apathy and selfishness instead, children suffer, as does our future. But when we chose in love to protect, life springs forward and grows in plenty. But the choice is ours to make...and so to the consequences.



The Lives Of Innocent Children

Children are the artistry of innocence. They are a fountain overflowing in wonder, naivety, creativity and dreams. This childhood innocence is pure and virgin, like the first robin of the season or flower, rising from the earth. Yet, left unprotected, it can be tarnished, trampled and tragically left to die.

Are Corrupted By The CPS

The CPS foster care system ensnares families in fear and preys upon children. Through child kidnapping and human trafficking, social workers reap high commissions on the placement of babies and the innocent. It is a global industry that, through corruption, fuels money to governments, while destroying families, futures and freedom.

Children die when dreams and innocence dies. There is no eulogy or acknowledgement... only the sad pain that monumentally entraps them.

And We Are Responsible

If we chose not to protect the innocent, we are just as guilty as the CPS. Our apathy and selfishness is the seeds where their misery and tearful pain is planted. We are an accomplice to the corruption. Why must we betray? Why must we look the other way?

For selfishness and apathy
Must die for children to be free.

Unless We Protect Children

When we chose to protect innocence, children live and so to our future. Through sacrificing selfishness and discarding apathy, we preserve freedom for all. Rising above our wants, to help the helpless, also raises the standard of humanity and the quality of life. But the choice is ours to make.

The choice was ours you might say.
The voiceless scars or laughter gay.



The Choice Is Ours

Concerned people are coming together to protect innocence. Pro-family groups are speaking out for the helpless and stalked. Folks like @familyprotection are choosing to save innocence and defend families. They see the clear choice of freedom and need to be a voice. Truth and justice are valued and human life cannot be bought or sold. They see the need and heed the call. I encourage you to support @familyprotection as they chose to protect freedom and the innocence of children.



The Ironies And Opposites

For lies and truth cannot agree

Life offers us countless hidden ironies. To live is pure and beautiful. Yet, to spell live backwards we have evil. Love spelled backwards is evol, which sure sounds like evil. We know that the CPS foster care system is also the Orwellian opposite of the natural family. The Orwellian world uses repetition of lies to replace truth. Yet, no matter how many times a lie is told, it is still a lie.

By embracing foster care, we are spending our children’s lives. This sounds like we are maxing out our balance on our human life credit card, when we throw away their lives.

The Other Day Is Not Today.

The poem is in two sections, representing the choices of death and life. The writing offers the twist at the end. A child lived… the other day. That does not mean that child still lives. The choice is ours... and so too the consequences of that choice.

Now enjoy the poem and be sure to support @familyprotection

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The Other Day


A child died the other day
Never more to laugh or play.
Scripted not on marble clay
Or eulogized in any way.

A child died upon the day
Yet, we looked the other way.
Why? Oh why must we betray
Innocence to hungry prey?

For foster care ensnares with fear
A pittered pulsing pressing tear.
But apathy can never hear
The death like rattle crackles near.

The dreams that die and lives that weep,
The helpless cry, the worlds asleep.
The filthy lie in cash they reap
Why? Oh why must evil creep?

A child died the other day
As voiceless echoes etched its way
Bound. A baggaged future lay
Weary, worn and weathered grey.


A child lived the other day
For evil’s grip was kept at bay
You did not turn or look away
But chose to help the helpless prey.

A child lived because of you.
No foster care would ever do
With mom and dad. Protection too!
The CPS could not undo.

For selfishness and apathy
Must die for children to be free.
For lies and truth cannot agree
And discord is not harmony.

To live backwards spells evil friend
Or love evol. Let’s not pretend!
Orwellian foster care must end.
Tomorrow’s children’s lives we spend.

A child lived the other day.
The choice was ours you might say.
The voiceless scars or laughter gay.
A child lived… the other day.

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What is @familyprotection

If you do not know what family protection is I would encourage you to read our posts and help support the efforts of the fine bloggers who support the freedoms and rights of families. We work hard to promote an support the values and rights of moms and dads, that has come under attack by governments who wish to eliminate the God given authority and power of the family. @familyprotection uplifts the family and is always welcoming bloggers who wish to contribute to its cause. Consider standing for truth and the family. Consider @familyprotection.

Support Family Protection

THIS POST IS DEDICATED TO THE PROTECTION Of FAMILIES AND CHILDREN EVERYWHERE! God bless the folks @familyprotection who are speaking out for others. I encourage you to support their cause and support the bloggers who expose this tyranny and injustice. I want to offer a shout out to @canadian-coconut in gratitude for all their efforts in this cause. Support @familyprotection.

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Hi Troy,
I will not be resteeming any further posts from the Steem blockchain to the familyprotection community.
We have moved to HIVE.


Thanks Linda good to know that I need to do the same. It seems all my friends have moved there. Appreciate the heads-up.