Vandal In The End -Proactive Song Parody Ending Foster Care (Trilogy) - Enjoy with Troy!

in familyprotection •  6 years ago  (edited)

In humbleness I offer a song parody. 'Vandal In The End' is a song parody on the Elton John song, 'Candle In The Wind (Goodbye Norma Jean). This song parody presents the death of the foster care system on a personal level as we move forward in our lives to freedom...yet commemorates an global end to foster care. This song parody is also the third in a trilogy of proactive song parodies on this subject of moving forward and taking charge of our lives.

The death of foster care

Have you ever wondered what it would be like in a world without foster care? Indeed it would be a glorious day for families and freedom. That is why we writ @familyprotection. Cam we even imagine the joy of that day? This song parody endeavors to instill that dream in the listener's heart. It tells the story of the distress it caused families as well as its demise and tombed death. Yet in the aftermath the lyrics offer hope in the freedom of life and love.

To get to that point of freedom families are forced to crawl out from their misery and face the CPS addicted racketeering as expressed in these two lines.

We crawled out of the hurt as you twisted lies so insane
Racketeering had its way like heroin it addicted you.

Finding freedom to live and love again

Although we all want to see an end to the CPS foster care system on a global scale, it starts with you taking charge of your mind, heart and life. Why give the evil CPS free rent space in your mind as you worry? Why let them control your heart with pain and anguish? What right do they have to have to that? Do not give them those keys as they are privately yours. Do not let them control your life...but instead be on the offence and work to end theirs. Only then will you have freedom in your life as the young man in this song parody has to live and love. Only then can you help others to reach their freedom of living and loving again.

An excellent resource in moving from crawling enslavement to freedom, life and love is the good folks at @familyprotection. They work hard to protect children, family, truth and freedom. These kind people understand the ins and outs of the system and blog daily on the subject. Their articles hold an endless wealth of help. Consider reading them and supporting the cause of @familyprotectionas together we work toward freedom for all.

The Elton John Goodbye Foster Care Trilogy

For those who follow me you know this is my third Elton song parody. The other song parodies, Goodbye Foster Care Homes - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, and Someone Steemed To Save My Life - Someone Saved My Life Tonight, express proactively the spirit of taking charge, moving on and saying goodye to foster care. Together with this song parody (Vandal In The End), the trilogy unites verse and music in this sentiment as one entity or song cycle.

The Videos

I offer three videos to accompany the song parody. The first is the traditional Elton singing his song at Madison Square Garden in 2000. His performance is done well. The second video lends the sweet voice of Olivia Newton John in a 1980 Hollywood Nights. This is a simple piano and voice exempt the guitars and drums offering an intimate feel to the music. The final video is a bit more modern as a 2018 recording and music video by Ed Sheeran. I suppose the video paints a story however did not wow me. For those that appreciate current music I include this taping. It also reflects how beloved the song is.

Other renditions you may enjoy include Goodbye England's Rose, a nicely done performed at the funeral of Princess Diane. Finally I include Billy Joel live in Tokio 1998. Regardless which video you choose please listen to the parodied lyrics and call to end CPS foster care.

Now enjoy the song parody and music and be sure to support @familyprotection.

Elton John Madison Square Garden 2000

Olivia Newton John Hollywwod Nights 1980

Ed Sheeran - Candle In The Wind 2018

Vandal In The End

Goodbye foster care. Gone forever as we recall
A sad disgrace you sold the young while families had to crawl
We crawled out of the hurt as you twisted lies so insane
May you ever lie dead...still. in your sorrow of your pain.

It seems to me that you shattered lives like a vandal in the end,
Always stealing profits mattered in your filth and sin
And I'm sorry that I knew you but I was just a kid.
Your scandal turned out hurting more with evil that you did.

CPS was tough... the toughest road as children are preyed
Etched upon the heart are scars with broken homes that you made.
Even when we cried! Our distress was blind to you
Racketeering had its way like heroin it addicted you.

It seems to me that you shattered lives like a vandal in the end,
Always stealing profits mattered in your filth and sin
And I'm sorry that I knew you but I was just a kid.
Your scandal turned out hurting more with evil that you did.

Goodbye foster care. Gone forever as we recall
A sad disgrace you sold the young while families had to crawl
Goodbye foster care from the young man with the wisdom now to know
Who's free now from your chains perpetual to live and love and ever grow.

It seems to me that you shattered lives like a vandal in the end,
Always stealing profits mattered in your filth and sin
And I'm sorry that I knew you but I was just a kid.
Your scandal turned out hurting more with evil that you did.

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What is @familyprotection

If you do not know what family protection is I would encourage you to read our posts and help support the efforts of the fine bloggers who support the freedoms and rights of families. We work hard to promote an support the values and rights of moms and dads, that has come under attack by governments who wish to eliminate the God given authority and power of the family. @familyprotection uplifts the family and is always welcoming bloggers who wish to contribute to its cause. Consider standing for truth and the family. Consider @familyprotection.

Support Family Protection

THIS POST IS DEDICATED TO THE PROTECTION Of FAMILIES AND CHILDREN EVERYWHERE! God bless the folks @familyprotection who are speaking out for others. I encourage you to support their cause and support the bloggers who expose this tyranny and injustice. I want to offer a shout out to @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam in gratitude for all their efforts in this cause. Support @familyprotection?

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"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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Thank you Troy you are amazing ❣️

I don't know about that amazing stuff but I do try to write and speak the truth.

Here's a free vote, just for being you!! Have an amazing day!!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I understand what you are doing and agree, in part.

Raised as a foster child myself during the 1960s and 1970s my experience in the homes was a good one. Given; my younger sister, younger brother and I were bounced around for a couple of years but were placed finally in a stable home with very loving foster parents. We were spoiled in so many ways and well taken care of by our foster parents who, to this day (I am 58), I refer to as: mommy and daddy.

My birth-father was a pedophile and violent drunk. My birth-mother suffered from a rare form of schizophrenia. It was for this reason that the State stepped into the situation and removed us from our birth-parents. My maternal grandparents had already taken custody of my two older sisters yet, were incapable of caring for all five of us siblings.

Children are not the property of their chromosomal donors, they are a gift from G-D. Anyone that would condone a child being sexually, emotionally, and physically abused (I am not talking about an ass-whooping, but breaking of bones) just because the perpetrators are the biological parents, is very misguided.

I was embarrassed about my biological family history for quite some time. These days I speak out on this topic. In life there are no black and white answers. Each situation must be looked at individually.

There are times when there is a need for intervention in a dysfunctional family. Believe me I know from personal experience. My birth-father is still alive and has never shown remorse or asked forgiveness for his actions. Unlike my other siblings, I have not spoken with him in over 40 years.

My parents were my foster parents. Mom and Dad Reynolds as well as Momi and Pappi Lopez, will always have my love and I will always honor their memory.


A grateful foster child

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment