I Have A Story About Being Raised By The Ignoramus!

in familyprotection •  7 years ago 

I was taken by the government oh yes! The culture is schizoid! My mom has schizophrenia! Not much difference. Lived my whole childhood in that world! All these freaky stories about government spies, clones, biblical revelation, hidden microphones, perverse tricks being played on the family! It was my moms delusional world! Yet it all turned out to be true! The psychiatrists really are cannibals, the culture is mechanical, indifferent, it doesn't care about you or your family. Why do kids have a hard time in government care and foster care? Because they are singled out for being poor. The issue isn't just child services and all this. It is systemic prejudice that manifests itself in these corrupt institutions! Kids that have a harder time are usually in poorer families.

I knew the indifference as a kid. It proved my mom was right. School really is trying to brainwash children! Although I wish my mom could know she didn't have to be that afraid! The perverse haze rituals of so called progress. So a child isn't able to concentrate in school, gets fidgety, one gets disturbed when there is no sense of community. So my brother and I lived with mom in her schizophrenic world for years before we got taken by costumed strangers!! The school and government treated me like I was just a kid! But I was not! I was a person that was a kid! They didn't tell me and my brother that my mom was mentally ill. They didn't tell us whey they took us that day! It was like my moms nightmares come true about people out to get our family!!

They separated us boys and the foster home my brother was in wasn't good. They didn't talk to the kids and just made them watch t.v. They were fat and smoked cigarettes inside and were even mean to the kids sometimes. The culture has nothing! The government, doctors don't know how to deal with mental illness or vulnerable children period. You hear it on the news all the time. There is a problem with social, and mental pain in Native communities and in poor parts of the cities. The government or doctors don't help. Just medication and psychologizing. The system is damn rude to abused and vulnerable people. It's like my mom say when she was homeless and crazy - people are murdering children and doing acts of bestiality in the alley. Mad doctors about to stab you around the corner with mind numbing chemicals if they don't like what you look like. She's not far off.

Ya you even look into the small town history book here. They say right in there they considered Native people savages because they didn't punish their own children! It's no surprise we find the same attitudes towards the vulnerable and children today. The consumer society just knows money. It wants you to put up and shut up. If you are poor you are considered sub human and don't matter. The school system, the entertainment industry do not care about community. There is no critical thinking done in schools. The news papers address the mass at a grade 10 level. There is no intelligence in current culture. That's why people get to be rude to children. It will take 1000 years of mourning to make up for what humanity has done to it's children! Unforgivable. Oh I can forgive too, mercilessly!

I was a scared kid in a scared world and the social services behaviour exasperated these psychological, emotional and social strains. Yet I know I can't take it personal. We have stupid people doing a job they don't care about. The institutions don't know about training people to deal with extreme circumstances. And so they take a not too bad circumstance and make it out to be extreme! So they can put a label on it, so they can go by the book and get paid. They don't have to have a relationship with you or your family. If your child simply 'misbehaves' in school by not being able to memorize brainless facts they may be forced onto psychiatric medication. If the parent doesn't let the kid take the meds, the government will take the children away from the parents and call it abuse and neglect. I was neglected by my mom, neglect is a form of abuse, yet the government was criminally negligent and still is towards many children and families. Time to teach mental illness and show the disturbed aren't really crazy. They are alone and vulnerable in a place devoid of community. We live in a disgraceful militant consumer culture. The discrimination against the poor is real.

So yea, a way to tell between right and wrong is to simply ask doesn't it benefit the children? If not it's no good. The indifferent machine only acts in the name of help with one size fits all treatments. It never gets to know you personally. The only saving grace one has I think is their own experience that no one and nothing can deny! And so that is the task is to make sure kids don't get disappointed and lose their essence! That's all what systemic and literal cycle of abuse is from, kids who gave up on themselves and now live in adult bodies but they never grew up so they taking it out on everyone. The culture and institutions is a reflection of the current mass inner soul, or well it's supposed to be, yet it's been corrupted somehow. Well things haven't changed if you look at the history.

So anyway this is just a reflection of some thoughts tonite. Good to have my mind on these topics again. It's al working itself out. I will get better at telling my story or telling pertinent stories at least.

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This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @havok777 for supporting @familyprotection

Well said. Thanks for sharing your story with us.

At least your mother loved you and you loved her.
She could have used some help, but their solution is no solution at all and only makes things so much worse.

Seems like it could be a job opening for sure, there must be some line of ethics that could be deployed to change social worker and educators approach. I always thought it would be great if I could tell people of my experience. Maybe go to schools, give a speech. Re-inspiring to tell these kinds of stories. I feel I'm on my way to building the chance to do that.

The more these stories are shared, the more we reshape the way people think. @lifttheveil411 would be a good channel to share your story.

I agree. It gets encouraging the more people share.

I say work to become one of them, fight it from the inside. You have more understanding of the problem already, so you would excel *-)

Thank you for sharing your experience with us @havok777, the systems in place are not there to help or support but just to destroy and control. It starts as you said in schools and continues on , anyone not actively contributing is a target. People who suffer with their mental health are very vulnerable at times and really suffer, not to mention the stigma associated with being given a label. They are easy targets to have their families broken up. At a time when people should be supported and nurtured this is what happens.

There must be a way to step back from and then stop the insanity. To be a right community we should take in and know how to care for the vulnerable. It can start with proper food. Many people get disturbed emotionally or mentally just by not having the right kind or enough food. Hmm, yes, brainstorming some strategy.

Far too often these mental health drugs become mere band aids for a condition that either has not been properly diagnosed or could be addressed in a better way. We live in a fast paced culture. The me generation of the drive up window wanting a fix quickly. More often the things that last take time and work, Band aids are not a cure all. A impressive and emotional story you offer. Pain comes in many forms. Thanks for sharing.

Yea the problems of the face paced ME generation I agree. Must slow down life and find true connection. That's what people need to feel needed but not by being a mere cog in the machine. They must feel significant.

thank you havok. thank you so much for your story. you hit the nail on the head >>>They are alone and vulnerable in a place devoid of community. We live in a disgraceful militant consumer culture.

I think it's time to think about bringing people more together somehow. Address the culture directly

Great piece, about your important experience. It’s all about money and numbers, not people. We need to change that. Resteeming with love and absolute respect!

Thank you so much. I think I can keep brainstorming the change in my head and post about it!

Great post man. Thanks for sharing 🙏🙏🙏

Wonderful story by @havok777
Wel done and perfect work my dear friend...

ow! it touched my heart...

Hi introduction widiaendah...in indonesia

you are professional xD

Cool 👍

Great post . Thanks.....

excellent work! i like story

This post has been upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs