RE: Medical Kidnapping: A Threat to Every Family in America Today

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Medical Kidnapping: A Threat to Every Family in America Today

in familyprotection •  7 years ago 

She wants to see us post something to our website or Facebook Page? Ok. Let's find out who LindaCanadianCoconut really is, and why she is soliciting funds for the supposed "protection" of children. We will comply with her request.

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There are lots of people who come onto Steemit pretending to be someone that they are not. I am trying to protect the real Health Impact news, who I have a LOT of respect for. But your history is dubious.
The first account that you followed was me, and then you followed @familyprotection.

I am constantly dealing with people chasing my vote. Lots of people are posting using the #familyprotection tag trying to get my vote, who do not truly care about this important issue.

Besides all of that, anyone who is posting work from other websites, and claiming to be that person, have always been required by Steemit to prove who they are. Steemit is set up to not tolerate imposters or plagiarism.

The appropriate action would have been to contact us OFF of Steemit to verify, as someone else just emailed us. We have been active in this subject field for years, and know most of the major players, but we do NOT know YOU! So now you need to verify to us who you really are, because the way you have gone about doing this is very concerning.

I truly am sorry.
It wasn't long ago that I reached out to Health Nut News, because someone here was claiming to be Erin and kept arguing with me about why they would not verify themselves. When I messaged her, she said that it was NOT her.

I jumped the gun this time.
All the flags have been removed now.

Thank you! :D

you are welcome. Again, I am truly sorry.

Please contact us at either the Health Impact News contact form, or the contact form and identify yourself.

You may message me on Discord under canadian.coconut
I will NOT reveal my real name, as I have small children to protect. I know that you want to protect children just like I do, so please stop with these demands to identify myself.

I have been blogging on Steemit for 1.5 years. You are free to read my whole history on my blog -- @canadian-coconut

@markwhittam recently started @familyprotection, and invited me to assist him.
@familyprotection is a "community" on Steemit, and it is the community format to ask people to donate a portion of the upvoted Steem funds they receive from community upvotes back to that community.
SO -- as long as the people in our Steemit community are willing to donate from their posts that were nicely rewarded thanks to our community, that is ALL that matters. Your concerns are misplaced. We are responsible to our community members, and as a community we have discussed issues around the funds before.

Again, I am truly sorry that I jumped the gun by assuming that you were not true representatives of Health Impact News. I hope that you can forgive me and we can move on and work together.

// Linda (canadian-coconut)

(sorry, meant to post from my own account.)

"so please stop with these demands to identify myself." Wow, talk about double standards. We went through a lengthy approval process with Steem to begin with which took about 3 weeks, and then the second day on Steem you come in and for whatever reason proclaimed to everyone you did not think we were the real Health Impact News, flagging all of our posts which basically censored them. We work with a lot hurting and suffering families, and have so for years now, and my questions about the identities of the people in this group soliciting funds to supposedly help families have not been answered satisfactorily. I totally respect someone's desire for privacy, but when you start soliciting public funds, there has to be accountability, which includes identifying the people managing those funds.

I only ever claimed to be a homeschooling mom when I joined Steemit. You claimed to be someone with a large following and well-known. Steemit rules are strict about not impersonating someone else and that is what the flag is created for.
I admit I made a gross error. I am sorry. maybe in Discord chat I can explain better why I was sure at the time I saw huge red flags. But I was wrong.

You are also seeing red flags about familyprotection and you are wrong too just like I was.
If you read the posts that Eco-alex linked to you, it should soon become clear. Perhaps you also need time to learn about Steemit as it is WAY different than other Social Media.

I do not regret accepting Mark's request to start this community. He knows my full identity and trusts me. The community knows my history and character and appreciate my support.

Please take the time to learn more.

I'm happy to see the flags have been removed, and FP know who you are now. Sorry if this wasn't handled in the way you would have liked it, it is a hard job curating FP posts, and sometimes mistakes happen. I'm happy this one was resolved quickly and earnestly! Im sure FP want nothing more than to support the real healthimpactnews!

Very easy to verify, you can reach them at [email protected]

it has been done, and verified.. drama is over.. please understand FP are doing their best to perform their due diligence. The flags were temporary! thanks!

No, the drama is NOT over. We still do not your identities, and if you solicit donations for a cause as you are doing, there has to be transparency. So unless you contact us immediately via our website contact form, we are going to proceed with exposing you to the greater REAL child protection community.

So, did you ever talk to @markwhittam?

Im sure you will hear from Mark today. For now here is a link to the familyprotection openledger account.

You can see all funds here, and all transfers and rewards are very transparent and shown on the family protection account

I hope this helps for now.

With all due respect, all this shows is where the funds are, correct? Who is managing this, is there a board of directors, a non-profit or other organization, etc. How will the funds be used? Who will make those decisions, etc.

Is this the Thanks we get for trying to help?????

We need to talk asap!!!!!!!!!!!

Call me on 0034643004865 if you have telegram we can video chat too, I want to see your face when you accuse me of any wrong doing.

I've had time to go over this whole situation and I must say that you clearly have no idea how steemit works, you start an account without doing an introduction post and expect us to believe you are the real healthumpactnews, very unprofessional.

You make four posts in one day and then use the the tag that I invented.

Because of people trying to take advantage of our generosity we now have to look into all posts under the fp tag and try to determine if it's real or just another fake account full of copy and paste posts from a genuine site such as health impact news.

@familyprotection was born on Blockchain and we don't have an external website because we want to keep it on the Blockchain, and plus we want the CRYPTO we raise to go to families in need and not on fancy websites.

This is the cryptoworld and as far as I'm aware there is currently no laws governing what we are doing, we are not a registered non-profit organization or charity.

I am just a man who survived the foster care system and who nearly lost his children to cps because of my choice to homeschool,

I decided to start an awareness group, which I personally donate money to so that one day I might be able to help a family who is going through what we have.

Every single penny raised so far is there for everyone to see, 100% transparency, nothing to hide. All the time an effort I and @canadian-coconut have put into this project is voluntary and we have never touch a penny.

We did donate CRYPTO to a family @hickorymack who desperately needed to get cps of their backs, this woman was homeless and now she has a house for her family partly thanks to this community so please go ahead and expose us to the REAL child protection community and see where that gets you.

I understand you being upset that we questioned your authenticity but you have to look at it from our point of view, you looked just like the 5-6 scams previous scams that have already taken advantage of our generosity, because of the way you entered steemit without doing any research into how Genuine people do things around here it was bound to raise suspicion.

I would like to do a video call with you so that we can both get a better feel for each other because we are the real deal and we have nothing to hide.

We are currently on the run from Swedish CPS so this is my temporary Spanish number 0034643004865

"Help"?? How exactly were you trying to help by flagging and censoring our posts? And please point out where I have "accused you of doing wrong?" I have asked legitimate questions about anonymous people soliciting funds. This was my very first comment on Steemit on the post regarding the FamilyProtection group: "I am editor of Health Impact News and I am new to Steemit. How can we learn more about the members who run this group?" And for that I was flagged and censored, and accused publicly of "not being the real Health Impact News?" I identified myself, and could have been easily verified by emailing us at the link provided in our profile (which one member did after all fuss). Yes, we are new to Steemit, but we have a large following that we can expose to Steemit, including in this topic area/cause, but if this is the way you treat new members who join, I think you will find it difficult to recruit more members to your group who are currently not on Steemit.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

please wait for Mark to get in touch to answer these questions. He and Lina set this up and can answer these questions. For now here is a little more information from one of Marks posts. I am helping them, but am not a decision maker!

i totally understand you wanting to know these details.. note that FP is not (yet) a formal organisation, or institution. It is an initiative that is just at its infancy and is totally on the blockchain, and until the time is right will remain on the blockchain. Right now there is no website etc, but i think that in the works.

ill step out now and let mark pick up with you .. i think Linda has had to sign-out for the day, so i have done my best to start this productive conversation off and not leave you dangling whilst you wait for mark to arrive. I think he's on European time right now, so he wont be around for some hours.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

In answer to how the funds will be used, i believe FP are in the process of making those decisions. Mark has made quite some efforts to find out many people ideas about how best to use funding.. If you are interested here are a few posts about that.
Marks Callout Post

Some Responses

I realise this doesn't answer your question, but I hope gives you a sense of FP and where they are at right now.

More from mark soon im sure!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

i understand your scepticism. WE deal with the very same fears that you do.. Please be patient and im sure FP will privately put your concerns to rest..

my identity is VERY transparent on Steemit! please feel free to start by checking me out on google

linda can direct you to view their open-ledger account where you can see all the FP funds in the most transparent way possible! PLease be patient now, thank you!