Nhyariah Mack: A Medical Kidnapping Story, Part 2.

in familyprotection •  6 years ago  (edited)

This is the continuation of Nhyariah's story, which started yesterday HERE. I'm going to apologize right now, this has taken me hours to write, if it gets disjointed or doesn't flow well, please try to understand. The tension headache from the stress and the tears is killing me.

After being dragged out of her daughter's hospital room, Jasmin was given no contact with Ny, only getting information 2 weeks later, and what she learned floored her.

Ny had no history of chronic strep throat, or Tonsilitis. And though Jasmin still "technically" had parental rights of Nhyariah, she was not informed or consulted at all. But, DFCS approved of the doctor's going ahead and removing the girl's tonsils.

They claimed this was to resolve her sleep Apnea. But even in their fantasy world, removing Ny's organs didn't help.


In a world called reality the doctors fucked up in a big way. During the unnecessary procedure, they collapsed Ny's left lung. She came down with Pnumonia and spent an entire month in recovery.

Did they release her to her mother afterward? Of course not, don't be ridiculous. They sent her, shiny new oxygen tank in-tow, to a foster family.

Had DFCS and the hacks at Egleston left Ny in her mother's care, she'd still be a happy little girl.

It wasn't long before the foster family rushed Nhyariah back to the hospital in distress. There are conflicting reports, one claiming Ny was suffering from "Acute Respiratory Failure following trauma and surgery" but a second copy of the report says she has "severe lung disease".

Oh. Because that doesn't look like they're trying to cover their asses or anything. 😒


Anyone with sense, or any semblance of a soul would at this point admit their mistake and leave the little girl alone. Before their "intervention" Ny had been a small girl who could not walk. After their "help" she was a small girl who could no longer breathe without 24/7 oxygen.

But, you guys, come on. This particular small girl was small! So of course that part of the equation just kept eating at them.

So, just a few months later they decided to cut her open again. They thought putting a band around her stomache "might" help with Ny's weight. They didn't know if it would even work, but they wanted to go ahead with it anyway.

Jasmin was at least informed this time, but in the scheme of things, that counts for nothing. She refused to consent to their experimental surgery.

They did it anyway. Our Little Ny was in surgery for 4 1/2 hours.

Ny died on that table.

Two full hours of that surgery was taken up by hospital staff working to stabalize Nhyariah as she kept slipping back. Did they stabalize her? Yes. But don't call them heroes. They're the ones who killed her in the first place.

During the following 30-day stay in the ICU, Ny developed RSV and MRSA, because hospitals are super clean environments to raise sick children in. 🎺 toot that sarcasm horn!

Nhyariah went from being on zero medications while living with her mother to 12 different meds under DFCS and Egleston Hospital staff.

Oh! Let's not forget! The banding surgery worked. It worked so well that Ny gained an unhealthy amount of weight in an incredibly short amount of time, dislocating her hips. And exersize now causes her to lose her breath, even with the oxygen.

The Next Chapter

During all of this torture on her child, Jasmin was busy jumping through DFCS hoops. She took every class, attended every training session and court appearancs. But nothing Ms. Mack did could help Ny. Jasmin's baby girl's condition was steadily declining.

Nhyariah was finally returned to her mother's care in late April of 2016. Ny required constant care, so different than the child they had taken away.


The hospital provided in-home healthcare workers to assist with her daily needs. But let's be real, this isn't a fairy tale.

Jasmin described relentless harassment from the workers, asking her daily, among other things, if she was "tired yet". They seemed to always be pushing and waiting for her to give up.

Jasmin was only given a little more than a month with her baby girl. On June 1st, Ny was returned to the hospital. She was not healing from her surgeries and her breathing was getting worse instead of better.

I wish that I could tell you that she was brought to any hospital other than Egleston Children's Hospital, but, again, this is not a fairy tale.


Egleston staff gave Jasmin 2 options. They would perform a Trachyotomy, which would effectively institutionalize Ny for the remainder of her life, or send her to Hospice care because there was nothing else they could do for her.

Jasmin took option 3. Her previous court appointed lawyer was no longer on their case, as custody had been returned, so Jasmin requested a new one in order to gain allowance to transfer Ny back to the Pensacola, Florida hospital for a second opinion.

What parent would trust these people after all they'd done? Her decision to defy them did not go over well.

The very next day, DFCS filed for an emergency court session to remove Jasmin's parental rights over Nhyariah completely!

Let me be clear. Her other children are safe with her. But the child with a rare medical disorder worth $500,000 in medical research grants? Not safe.

Sums it up quite nicely doesn't it?

Judge Fatima El-Amin not only denied the request, even with the Florida Hospital ready and willing to take Nhyariah, but she also stripped Jasmin of her rights.


What follows is even worse. Jasmin was horrified when in a meeting with DFCS and Hospital Staff on July 13th that in the entire time that Ny has been in DFCS "care" she has not seen a Neuroligist or Cardiologist. Why? They didn't even know they should be looking out for her heart condition.

Because as Jasmin has been saying the entire time, the idiots in Georgia have not consulted with her doctors in Florida. How could they even claim to have read her history?!

They scheduled her surgeries without even knowing about a congenital issue that would have made any sane doctor think twice about cutting anyone open, let alone a child.

The Florida doctors had been regularly monitoring Nhyariah's heart since her surgery at 2 years old. Without that monitoring, the stress of surgeries, dying, pnumonia, MRSA and RSV all within the course of one year, had these Georgia doctors claiming that she could go into cardiac arrest at any moment.


So they tell this woman, and her sweet baby, there is nothing they can do for them. Let's make Nhyariah comfortable and put her into hospice care.

You guys, they fucked this child's body up and dropped her like a bag of rocks.

The doctors in Pensacola send a letter to Georgia, they want to take Ny, they will take over treatment, but just like in Little Alfie Evans case, they were again denied.

Judge Heartless up there says to Jasmin, "Stop thinking about a transfer, it's not going to happen."

Jasmin appeals again and again, let Ny go to a place that can save her! Again and again they refuse.

And the court hearings stop having anything to do with Ny and everything to do with Jasmin.


Stop posting on Facebook, stop posting on any Social Media. Do not speak to reporters. They gave her an unconstitutional gag order.

Because she's making waves. People from the public are speaking out, contacting the staff and demanding that Ny be sent to Florida.

Next up, their interest is quite dramatically changed. In another meeting, they have a heart for Nhyariah and they want to do transplant surgery immediately.

In all this time they have ignored her, Nhyariah has showed no symptoms of needing a heart replacement. She has been holding steady. The hospital refused to entertain any other treatment but very suddenly they want to do a transplant?

Jasmin signed a form stating they could not harvest Ny's organs, believing these people were STILL experimenting on her daughter.

She told them no, no heart transplant. Take her to Florida for a second opinion.

More and more appeals, they will not let her leave. The window for the heart to be viable has passed. This was in September.

It's expensive to keep a child in the hospital so long. So once again DFCS looks into sending Ny off to Foster Care. This time expecting she will die with strangers.

Jasmin fought every day until the very end, desperately trying to get her child out of the greedy, incompetant hands at Henrietta's Egleston Children's Hospital and Georgia DFCS.

With no access to her organs allowed, doctors again lost interest in Ny. But heaven forbid they hand her over to a group of people who cared!

Her heart stopped on the morning of December 7th, 2017. They got her heart going again and Jasmin made one last plea. Take her to the people who want to save her!

Nhyariah Mack left this world that afternoon.


Jasmin is still fighting back, trying to get her daughter's story out into mainstream media, and organizing vigils in front of Egleston. A rally is in the works currently but a date has not been set.

I have reached out to Jasmin, if I hear back I hope to update you all with future info regarding rallies in Ny's name.



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Thank-you @hickorymack for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

What a disgusting story. It clearly shows that Child "Protective" Services cares NOTHING about the children. They acted like barbarians.

I completely agree. It's absolutely terrifying to think that this happens to children in 2018, and nobody can stop it.

It completely blows my mind and breaks my heart.

My blood just ran cold and all the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end! They may as well have delivered her to Dr Mengele!

I don't know how you managed to write this down. I feel physically sick just thinking about it.

Broken heartless demented aspects of this realm shine blatantly through in this unnerving case. All my love and compassion go out to Ny & Jasmine and the rest of their family. My love to you @hickorymack for your bravery to pull yourself through to create this post in the blockchain. So not an easy task. My stomach is ill. My heart is aching. This is my child, your child. Our child. RIP sweet fighter sweet Spirit Nhyriaha 😢

That is crazy ! Hard to believe this happens in society. Sick

My heart aches so for this Mother and Child. To lose a child is the worst pain a mother can experience. To lose one in this way horrific. I am praying for Jasmin to find peace.

Same. Her siblings as well. They're old enough to remember her as they grow up.

The trauma this poor family was put through just because Ny was born with a rare disease is sickening.

All I can say is I am crying with you....

Wow!nice that's great

No. No it isn't great. Or nice. It's terrible really.

Badly want to issue my first flag for that sickening reply. So sorry 😣

We, the People against:

Mullah 'judge' Fatal El-Amin: You are hereby charged with Murder.

Every social worker facilitating the crime: You are hereby charged with murder.

Engleston Hospital administration personnel: You are hereby charged with Murder.

Medical personnel involved in unauthorized medical procedures: You are hereby charged with Murder.

State of Georgia government: You are hereby charged with Murder.

May God have mercy on your souls!

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Did you actuallt read that entire script in one minute flat? 😱

Naw, they are just spamming for follows.

Thank you for sharing this families tragic story at the hands of an inhumane system. I believe the mothers assessment they were using her child as a guinea pig and to harvest organs is probably correct. This will not stop until people wake up to what is happening.