Down Down Down - How Much Lower Shall We Fall?

in familyprotection •  7 years ago 

This Infogram Grafted From

Cast your eyes back to history, 30+ ACTS/legislation have seen the light of day, but more Children keep being snatched. These Legislation have simply led to the legal kidnapping of children into an innumerable ill situations and the destruction of families!. Here we are today, an ineffable number of crimes and destruction have been wrought by these ACTS and CPS. They are all created with obvious loopholes, to draw off many more children with ease!, with the backing of Law.

The flowing fear has become so serious that someone said to me: My wife is 5 months heavy, but with all the latest happenings with CPS and what my cousin recently passed through, I am not comfortable anymore, I can't stop thinking 'what if?'! .

Down Down Down

Down Down Down
A long way falling still
Drama so started and curtain opened
Back in 1935 the populace watched
For Grants and funds began

Down Down Down
The wings of time we have come
The curtain still up and families watching
In waves of year 2018 the tears flows
Children marketed in quantity ineffable 

Down Down Down
Memory fails as I travel back in time
No, I remember still the tricks and ACTS
Back within the time of inception and now
All I see is the system's crude crimes in-quantifiable.

Legislation sprang in quantity so great
Reforms and correction joggled here and there
Piece by piece the mansion so built rose
Blooming and nourished through families divided
Mothers aching and young ones torn and broken.

Children sweeping through in quantity plenty
Yet more they needed, in numbers humongous they shouted!
ACTS upon ACTS, legislation more so made
Thin lines drawn between Abuse and Care!.
Neglect made wide opened for CPS benefit
Families made to thread on eggshells so soft
Loving homes turned into Hadean grounds

Greed so great, setting fires unquenched
Men made and turned against humanity
For federal incentives ruled the ground against families
Ruthless workers rose, the heartless and the ugly
Erasing the happiness of each homes their fingers touched
Children adopted off quickly in exchange for Caeser's gold

Time unravels so fast taking along so many more lives
Shouts of Special needs arose and the psychotropic waves stormed
Children killed and destroyed for some fancy papers
Children sane but turned insane
All that did matter was the buck so flowing in pockets wide
While the populace so stood unmoved

Acts Upon Acts still unraveling
No positive change, no not one
Worse and worse the infections have consumed Us all
Reformations and fine-tuning very much promised
More than One Score and half laws and reforms so made already
Piece by piece and little by little they wrecked us all, killing our immunity.

Down Down Down
1935 an opening inception
2018 is come we are all terrified beyond grasp
For the monster has become so huge
What can be done we ponder still
Up       Up       Up
Piece by piece, little by little
We will make each family and child Safe
Shall we be scared to birth a Child?
For the fear of loosing them?
For the fear of this Monster that so threaten?
Shall we continue to live in fear of life?

Make A Bloom

This is an Original Piece by MakeBloom( @kryptocoin ) inspired by The call of change, to stand on the mountains and tell the Evil that is unspoken, laying in the shadows consuming families and children for time so long. A call for awareness, unity to stop the ever hungry Monster, CPS

Join the noble cause @familyprotection

Peace to you all,


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This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by the @familyprotection community.
Governments around the world are using "Child Protection Agencies" to take children away from loving families and place them in foster care or group homes, or put them up for adoption.

Thank-you @kryptocoin for supporting our community.

If you @kryptocoin perceive this comment to be spam we will remove it at your request, Every penny we raise will go to helping families in need as all the funds we raise are transparent and accounted for.

Each generation duplicates the sins and bad spirits of the previous. Morality dies. Families die. Children are abused. This is not an accident. We slowly got here. This has been going on now for at least 6 generations. I know of a video you should watch called the 6 generational spirit. Thus each generation gets worse and worse as they lower the bar. Down. Down. Down. How much lower you ask? With God's help this is a cycle I pray. I hope there is an ebb and tide. It is up to God. But I fear it may and will get worse before it gets better. God is not completely out of the picture yet. But He is being gradually replaced with Satanism, humanism, Islam and every other ism. Well in a way it is our fault. We have turn our backs on Him as a culture. So this is what we get. In the meantime Muslims are having 8 babies per being fruitful and multiplying. Are Christians multiplying anymore? No. Our culture and values are dying because of it. We have no one to blame but ourselves for allowing the bar to be lowered. Children are destroyed. Families are destroyed. We did not get here by accident. And it will take a miracle to crawl out of this hole. But maybe in a generation or two or three it might happen. Good must prevail God will prevail in the end. I know I went off on a tangent I hope you do not mind. Good poem and article my friend @kryptocoin.

Not at all, I love the tangent you took!, this generation has fallen so low, a chaste and morally sound individual is seen as an archaic person, an old school!. This have led to many things, we no longer have a what made us initially strong and wise.
The talk about the 6 generational spirits, though I haven't seen the video, reminds me of what the scripture said about the passing of time even with Isreal. They turned away from Him, each generation a little bit farther than the previous. Abraham built alters, Iseec built alters and Wells, Jacob built Wells Far more than alters, the rest generation we're simply materialistic!. This trend is what has taken over.

Rom 1:24-32, has so much to say, these are the reasons why the world is going farther from the core values and moral soundness we used to have. Until we recognise and love our God and neighbors to the extent we won't hurt any of them, not even the littlest Child, I fear. Coexistence in peace and respect for each family as well. For the error we allow today, will be magnified by the generation to come. And the truth, strength, moral soundness, respect for humanity, unity, values and virtues we make today will be magnified by the next generation aswell!. Do we pass the baton of positive change?-that is the only way to triumph against all the greed and evil we see today. But the encroaching dark will always bow to the light. Thank you Troy for your sound comment

Thank you for this eye-opener and heartfelt information. I hope that people who will read this will realize how important a family is.

Since the world is pushed towards more and more individualism, we reach a point where foundations such as nation, gender, religion AND family lose their meaning. You are no longer defined by your background. And I would be fine with that, if they weren't contradicting this deconstruction of foundations by imposing ridiculous amounts of acceptance.

We can be whoever we want to be without being defined by our backgrounds, but we must also accept every other person for who he is. How is that possible? How am I free to choose when my choice has no value next to all other choices?

If all opinions are equal, then what is the point in having one? Or, for purposes of this topic, what is the point of family legislations when families do not matter?

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection!