[FamilyProtection] Raising Strong And Emotionally Sound Children

in familyprotection •  7 years ago  (edited)

The arsenal of a family to defend itself and keep CPS out sometimes relies on the strength of the children in the family. Children are a precious gift, a gift so precious that the joy they bring is so much great, a blessing so enormous  that parents are left utterly wrecked if ever they lose them to some governmental "busy bodies". 

It is usually a thing of sorrow to me whenever I read of parents been reported to the CPS by their own kids, because perhaps "mama" refused to get them that latest "goodies", refused to let them go out "visit" a friend on a particular day, or just maybe she "yelled" at them for misbehaving. There is no greater sorrow than this, what an irony!. Sadly, a child does not understand the consequences of calling cops on you or yelling in your cottage and neighbors or passerby ends up calling CPS, and a caseworker swims in and make every "irrelevant" thing relevant, and nails you with other lies!. I've heard of so many families loosing their kids on the ground such "innocent act" of a child or teenager.

Cases have also arose, where immature kids who do not understand the idea of "parents disciplining them in love" are made to indirectly testify against their parents. A weak child is easily brainwashed and confused to state facts in a "one-sided" form because of all the psychological examination CPS might have made them pass through. This is quite mind bugging, that our kids might "innocently" play a part in their own removal. This is why, as parents, we need ensure that we are building them up strong, and making them understand that certain things are done in the home because you Love them.

Children Must Comprehend That You Love Them


At the end of all my posts, I usually add a statement below the post: "Keep loving your Kids and fight for their right to be loved by you!", but the truth is that no parent is to be told to love their children before they do, their love for their kid is boundless. For children to grow into a matured mind and properly, they must understand that you love them no matter what happens. You may disapprove of some immoral acts they committed, but they need to see deeply that you love them despite that.

A parent drive should always be to satisfy a child's long-term welfare not some immediate pleasure they can provide for the child. Do not get me wrong, loving them doesn't demand you act on and satisfy every wild desire they have, nah!. When a child is aware that you love them despite your refusal to do something or you ground them/discipline them, then you are raising a STRONG CHILD. 

An Exemplary Life For Them

Fights and quarrels might arise in the home between parents, but while you are at it, call yourself to remember that children Live and Grow by what they see. CPS is ready to psychologically uproot every dormant picture you might have painted in the eyes and minds of your child. A caseworker might ask your child, "Do your parents quarrel and fight?" and the young child would innocently answer "hmmmmm, rarely, but occasionally quarrel". The caseworker would write this in her report book as; "They quarrel a lot, and this quarrels mostly leads to fights, this is a great emotional abuse to the minor".  Gradually your case is becoming tedious and complex!.

When a child witness fights and quarrels by their parents, it diminishes their confidence, thereby creating a sense of distrust and confusion in the child, your child is weakened and can be played like a tool against you. Try to leave an exemplary life, no parent should go on a drug or alcohol rampage, your child is watching and they live by what they see. Many kids have been taken from homes because they were seen with some "odd habits" that are influenced by their parents.

Oh "Discipline" Thou Art My Refiner 

In building a strong home and guiding a child to true maturity, the concept of discipline can't be overthrown. Many people might question how you discipline, they might even threaten to call the government on you!. We are in an age where kids are left to wander around, where discipline is gradually been seen as "evil"(for example, Spanking). Some even protest it is unlawful to keep your teenage child indoor as a type of punishment. But no parent need to be told how to discipline their kids, because they understand how best they should do it. I am a fan "Discipline".

I am not a parent, but I understand what good discipline does in building up a child. The family is the ground where values and every other magnificent virtues are instilled in a child. They need to know that they have limits to what they can and cannot do. In raising a strong child, your disciplining should not be to provoke your child to bitterness or wrath, but rather punishment should be administered in "LOVE".  Never punish a child without him being capable of understanding why he/she is been punished. The growing of a child to becoming strong should encompass every goodness and gracefulness a parent can give.

The disciplining of a child MUST encompass "Praise and acknowledgement" of good actions. Always reward good deeds by acknowledging them, praising them and inspiring them!. This  boost their maturity to handling situations and their emotional development would pace faster.

Their love and confidence in you grows more and more. YOUR CHILD MUST KNOW, despite all the punishment, grounding, refusals and every other, that you Love them and you do all that for their sake! Some parents spanks and others ground or some other sort of discipline, but I must say, NEVER spank or use a belt on a child when you are angry!, your disciplining of a child MUST NOT be to vent your own anger, wrath or frustration because it might lead to injuries and abuse. Rather, discipline them in a manner that the child "learns" from what has happened. Your eyes should reflect CARE when you correct a child.  

Knock, Knock I Am CPS.

There is need to give a child some space, and let them handle some task on their own to give them a sense of responsibility. They need to grow to the extent, despite being young but slightly independent. We should never leave our home without keeping our child under a care to look after. But there are some little kids who can surprisingly take care of themselves. We have heard of CPS being called because a child is left alone at home and that turned into a problem. Let me narrate what little John did when a caseworker knocked on the door because she was tipped a child was alone and that something was suspicious because the child was crying the day before.

Caseworker: Hello who is here, (the bell rings and little John came to the door)
John: Good afternoon Ma'am
Caseworker: Where are your parents, I heard you were locked in and you were beaten and maltreated(Caseworker clearly exaggerating)
John: My mum isn't home, she went to the mall. My mum did not maltreat me, I did something wrong and she disciplined me.
Caseworker: What kind of discipline, did she beat you with a belt or give you injuries?
John: Oh no, its between me and my mum, I am not injured but I know my mum cares for me a lot that was why she corrected me. I have to go back in now because I am making some bricks in my playhouse. (John told me when I came back home)__Narrated by a Mother  

Surprisingly, the mother was concerned that the caseworker might come back. But she never did, John handled such a huge case in a fine manner. He understood his mother loved her and the discipline was measured in Love!. That is a strong Child!, and even if John was ever going to pass through examination by CPS psychologists, he already has a strong mind built up in defense of his mother's love. Many at times children are turned against parent by CPS, and that is so sorrowful.

Spend Time With Them

I won't say much here, I have been graced to see many families who support their kids and always a stone throw away when their kid need them, and I have had my share of this too. Even on Steemit here, I have had the opportunity to read of families who are with their kids always and  even home-school, how great is that!. I have read about @misslasvegas, @markwhittam, @canadian-coconut, @crosheille and many many more who spend time to home-school!. @misslasvegas last post showed how confident and Strong are kids have become, to the point where she even learns from them!

 Kids grow stronger and become much more supportive even against external busy-bodies when they are confident of the home they are in and know that no matter what they do or you do to them, You would always love each other. TELL THEM  about CPS too, and make them understand the consequences of being "innocently" tricked, brainwashed or played upon by caseworker. 


Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.
Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.
They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court.
__Psalm 127 : 4 - 5

Put GOD in the picture!

Keep loving your Kids and fight for their right to be loved by you!

Peace to you all,

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We must unite together @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes.


Thank-you @kryptocoin for bringing awareness to the plight of families and children.

Very well written and thoughtful advice @kryptocoin. I agree that we need to teach our kids and prepare them for situations that could arise. A family I know once told me this

So many parents are afraid to teach their kids about guns because they don’t want them to get hurt or accidentally hurt someone else. Well our take on it is this, we sat each of our kids down around a table with a gun on it. We made them look at it and as they did we urged them how much damage it could do. We talked about the dangers of it, how kids accidentally kill them selves and their friends when parents leave them laying around and also how it can protect a family and be used for hunting wild game for food. After our talk we taught each of them how to properly shoot it and handle it with safety and care.

They figured instead of hiding a gun and one of their kids ends up finding it and the unimaginable happens, they would just teach them and show them what and what not to do. They’d rather be the ones to teach their kids about a gun instead of letting them learn from the streets or from someone who could teach them improperly. If we teach our kids in advance they will be prepared for anything. Teaching is also protecting and showing that we love and trust them with information. Thanks for sharing this and thank you for the shout-out ;)

That was a huge decision those pair of parent had to make!.
Something that is INEVITABLE is that children will always learn, so its left for parents to influence that learning process. Its either they learn from you or they learn from others out there. Some are scared and reluctant to talk to their kids about some specific things, but I believe

Any kid that is capable of asking an "intelligent question" deserves an intelligent answer.

The shout out to you was well-deserved!
Thank you so much for your great contribution.

Yes it really was a Huge decision. I feel that way exactly. If they don’t learn it from us they will definitely learn it from some where else...and I’d rather it be from us! Good point, if they are intelligent to ask it they most likely can handle an intelligent answer.

Thank you as well for all of your contributions!!! 😊

Emotionally sound children ARE important. As parents the goal should be to make the family as close knot as possible. That means making it easy and safe for your child to open up to you. Also being honest with your child and tell them the truth. If you have a serious fight or disagreement with your spouse, do not discuss it around your child. It does not help them to see your arguing. In fact is destroy and corrodes the insulation of trust. Teach respect early. The earlier the better. No means NO....not maybe...or if you can wear me down yes. Make sure your child has friends that are safe and a good influence to be around. Make God the glue in your marriage and family through prayer, children devotions and quiet times. grow your relationships with your children. Be aware of conversations or interactions your children encounter when you are not around. Ask them about their day. Don't discipline or quarrel with you children in a public place where spies of CPS would notice. If a CPS worker contacts you do not share unnecessary information that may encourage them to investigate further. And above all. Love your children. They are a gift of your tomorrow. A well written post with a lot of meat. Thanks.

A well written comment with a lot of bulk extending to many areas of the family!. Training children to grow in godly virtues leads to a higher climb. I have young ones around me and it is so great the progress they make when they trust you enough to open up their heart content to you. Thanks

It took a while reading through but it was read-worthy!!!!, surprisingly, I have not cast my mind to the angle of the children themselves. I like the fact you touched this too. Little john truly is well groomed!. Thanks for this post I just Resteemed. Keep doing what you do @kryptocoin.

Thanks for reading through, glad you enjoyed it.

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