[GBTTW2__#3--FamilyProtection] CPS And The Poor All Day Long : Class And Racial Bias

in familyprotection •  7 years ago  (edited)

I tend to write post about issues affecting families out there, issues deeper than the public eye can see, rather that the public have decided to hide their faces from. These post are always fueled by "facts" derived from mails and interviews I and Eugene get from parents who have been seriously damaged and oppressed by the Child Welfare System, the silent voices that nobody hears of, the voices that have been made impossible to hear by the System. This is very much fundamental to telling the world that there is more evil lurking in the dark for every families and this evil is growing every passing second unchecked.

Many of this parents we have sometime met to give as much assistance as possible, but I must confess, this assistance seem very "limited" considering the huge "legal kidnapping company" they usually stand against. The emails and interviews we get from these parents are all in an alarming "bad" condition. We have gotten messages that stated that even after the numerous odds, their children were returned but looking at the other head of the coin, those whose children never came home even after all the "rituals" CPS has ordered, completely dwarfs the positive returns at an "alarming rate". 

CPS is a real nightmare to every family out there, a serious disease and infection eating deep into the foundations of what made us a community. But after this long a time, I must confess:

While every family out there is a target, the "impoverished" homes have gotten a missile blow
While CPS tears down and kidnap any family they get the opportunity to kidnap color or not!, but "families of color" have received the hugest injustice among them all.

Don't get me wrong, these are the "major" class of people CPS get to abuse and prey on the most. CPS is like the predator, who goes after the easiest prey as possible. But Oh rich families, what would be your state after all the "poor" commodities have been completely consumed by the CPS, they will come for you"!. This is basically true, as per our personal interviews and discussion, being "poor" is a crime!!, you read me right, it is a crime.  

This is become so serious, that in one state statue I read about two years ago, stated "Poverty" expressly as a "Neglect", while other state statues sort of paint it up, but implemented by many caseworkers as a tool for removing children from poor homes, like a predator who picks out the "weak" preys first, families who can't really fight back with the capacity of their pockets. Where is justice?, it is but swallowed by these people. When those who suppose to serve justice are  the evil themselves, justice is bagged in hadean pits.

Many who think most of these parents are truly abusers, ask yourself and ponder: "How many top class family or even middle class family do you know that has gotten their kids removed from them?, don't for a minute think that the rich don't abuse their kids or "NEGLECT" them!. So why is it just the "impoverished" homes, parents who truly love their children like a jewel" I leave you to ponder on this.

Racial bias has been ongoing in the child welfare system right from the beginning, and this hasn't disappeared either, it is growing stronger. Families of color have been victimized by the CPS so much that it is very prevalent and un-hidden, this is more so due to many factors that this post can't begin to enumerate, but one of which is:

The world is much milder on news affecting people of color, they generally presume that these people are getting what they deserve, remember that CPS goes after those who have no voice or public face!!. The rate of poverty is more with these people and this is dependent on even many more factors out there that have stood on their parts, for example, there is a barrier standing on the paths of people of color in job opportunities and even many more I can't begin to enumerate.

If you are of color and at the same time within the class of bias, CPS eyes you more. Why?, because of some sick extremists / radicals and also because they go for an "easier prey". As compared to equal population samples of children flocking into the foster care system, families being victimized by CPS, those of color are far more compared to the general population. The emails that has flocked I, Eugene, and our research email even shows this trend. Children of colors, especially the "African-Inclined" children are taken more than twice as much compared to their "white" brothers according to federal available statistics.

It is a crime to be poor, that is what we've come to know, color or not!, because CPS selectively victimize them. We need to fight this system with all we've got. CPS is one of the greatest evil of the 21st century, top kidnappers and highest family plaguing "company". Their goal is to recycle our humanity into something worst, deprived of all connection. Our fight is beyond color, our fight is beyond class, Our fight is for every family and children of the world. We fight so families can raise their children in love and without FEAR. 


100% of the liquid payout of this post and every other post through the month of January would be used to implement GBTTW2(Giving back to the world, Part 2)

55% will be donated to @familyprotection cause, 30% for Orphanage visit sometime february/march, 15% for random act of kindness.

Keep loving your Kids and fight for their right to be loved by you!

Peace to you all,
( @kryptocoin )

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This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @kryptocoin for supporting @familyprotection.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I don't understand why people want bad to someone , they want to be a worse world instead of a better world.And the government do nothing about that. I wish i could help those people.

When the protector is the abuser, no justice is served. We have to collectively make our individual and collective effort to keeping family and the good in the world standing.

And what is in the abuser mind when he do bad? He don't feel bad when he know he did abused someone?

nice post

This post has been upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs

Good post my friend

I have legitimately never heard of one good story with cps, or any 'family protection agency' involved. Not one. But I have experienced them first hand, and they are a serious problem! I have heard dozens of horror stories from people cps terrorized. From starving to beatings in foster care, to rape and murder. And of course they have zero accountability, full immunity. It's really sick. These people have dollar signs in their crooked eyes, and their product is our children. There are zero cases where they are needed, because there are cops for such instances. Dissolve these companies today!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


Please don't SPAM... Take a look in this:


This is your last warning. After this i will give you some heavy downvotes.