Eastern Europe - a haven for pedophiles

in familyprotection •  6 years ago 

For the past few days I have been following a very thorough investigation on sexual violence against children in my country, Romania, and, besides the horrific details of the cases presented, the most worrying thing is perpetrators can get away with almost anything. The law doesn’t give a damn what happens to children and that in a modern country, full member of the European Union and all. (Here is a link for Romanian-speaking readers!)

You can go to jail for a minor tax fraud or buying a joint, but sexually abuse a child and you walk away. The text of the law states sexual offences against children are punishable by 3-10 years in jail. In many cases, though, the sentences are suspended and the offender gets to do community work. In one case, a father abusing his own daughter was offered to do 120 days of community work at a Center for children with disabilities. The judge didn’t see any problem with that, the DA’s office did not appeal the sentence, the degenerate father was not punished. It’s a pedophile’s heaven in the heart of Europe. If I were of a conspiratorial mind, I’d say this soft approach to sexual violence against children is done on purpose…
Just a few facts - there were 762 reported cases of sexual abuse against children, while for this year we’re looking for an upward trend - no wonder, since many perpetrators don’t get to spend even one day in jail.
Reading through some of the cases is a sickening experience, as the journalistic enterprise was brutally honest, relying heavily on the victims’ testimonies. No embellishments, no hiding behind vague terms like abuse. What you get is real children telling their stories, children that are not old enough to use grown-up words to describe male genitalia so they use childish terms in their deposition, narrating exactly what did Daddy take out of his pants and what he did with it. In one of the cases presented the girl was 9, another was 11. We’re not talking about isolated incidents, but systematic abuse that went on for months or years.
The same testimonies that were later discussed in court, in front of a judge - acts of depravity committed by men against their own daughters. Yet, no jail sentence. In many cases, the victim gets to stay under the same roof with the attacker, because the mothers are too poor to afford to leave. You might believe the child protective services would object strongly. They don’t.

Sexual abuse against children is a problem in other Eastern European countries, as well. The figures (adjusted in terms of general population) are similar in neighboring Bulgaria, with almost 300 cases last year. And as experts point out the cases that are reported are only the tip of the iceberg as children are ashamed or too frightened to talk. In Croatia, 10% of children will experience some form of sexual abuse before turning 18. Same percentage in Serbia, where experts warn such offences go largely unreported due to social taboos.
According to one study, there are several factors contributing to the perpetuation of this kind of abuse:

  • Widespread feeling of impunity among the perpetrators;
  • Lack of trust in the institutions that are meant to provide security;
  • Spread of models of violence as a legitimate means of imposing one’s individual opinion, convictions and decisions

Indeed. If children in a community learn that when one of them was abused the law did nothing they will be less inclined to report an eventual abuse. At the same time, the perpetrators will be less afraid to act on their sick impulses. What’s the worse that could happen? A bit of community work?
This post will end without a poignant conclusion, anything strong I’d like to say would contain language you wouldn’t want to read… language little girls use to describe the nightmare they’ve been through.

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Thanks for reading

Images: 1,2.

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This is the sickest thing that I can imagine. I truly feel helpless to change or fix any of it. I see it in my area as well and feel such anger boil up at times.

Scary statistics right there. Unfortunately it isn't even restricted to eastern Europe alone. Not sure about actual figures but reports from Africa and the Middle East are Astronomical.

No doubt about that, but I was under the illusion things got better here, what with being in the EU and so very civilized. Guys in Brussels send out all sorts of warnings when it comes to 'violations' of the common (liberal) aganda... I guess children are not on the agenda...

Crush those who harm and prey on the weak, women, the disabled and children. Oh, and crush terrorists who prey on everyone.


This is definitely a global issue, part of that one world order crap. They have been pushing this for some time, as witnessed by all the moms they have convinced to dress their little girls up like street walkers, and those beauty pageants for little girls. Not to mention how young they want to teach them about genders and sex in school. These are some sick adults and there are quite a few of them it seems the more one looks at the evidence that has been uncovered. So many it seems the authorities barely smack them on the hand in the places you write about. SMDH.

Knowing what I know, 10% is very conservative and likely just reported cases, like you say. I would most certainly say that it's a much higher rate.