RE: Fight Fire With Fire! Then We All Get Burnt!........................Again!

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Fight Fire With Fire! Then We All Get Burnt!........................Again!

in familyprotection •  7 years ago  (edited)

".. which leads to each of us, in some way actually beginning the doing of creating something that we do want to see in the world. We need to allow the failing corrupt system (a system that is currently screaming with desperation right now as more people are waking up to what they are up to) to fall while building a better one outside of the corporate fiction masquerading as our governments. We need to render them obsolete. Interact with them as little as possible by educating ourselves as the where they get their footholds and not giving them that."

yes, i agree @erinn

the idea is to give up the idea of fighting or killing or shaming or enemy and create what we DO want. as a personal supporter for home educating parents for over 10 years, i know parents need personal support locally, NOT an organisation.

on a personal note, i had my 6 month old breast-feeding child stolen by the father at the advice of the police. one week later, my father and i attended the magistrate's court, where my son was returned to me.

no apologies, no reasons, no nothing.

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