Big VAX and their legal allies want to strip the license of attorney Alan Phillips, J.D. of N.Carolina for opposing them.

in familyprotection •  6 years ago 

This is another one of those sad stories that indicates how closely the USA has fallen towards a totalitarian police/surveillance/government-"healthcare" state. This wonderful, free-thinking attorney, Alan Phillips, J.D. of North Carolina, is being investigated with the goal of having his license to practice law stripped simply for opposing Big Pharma's most sacred cow--their presumed and assumed right to vaccinate the population without recourse or resistance from real science or the public.

Attorney Alan Phillips, J.D. is author of the extremely helpful and enlightening book, "The Authoritative Guide to Vaccine Legal Exemptions." Needless to say, this is not a title that Big Pharma exactly placed very high on their favorites list. There has not been any real indication given to date as to why (publicly) attorney Alan Phillips, J.D. is being investigated, or for what he is being investigated. No "probable cause" or even list of grievances has even been offered. Presumably, he might eventually actually get a chance to find out what he is being "charged with" before his license is revoked, but under NDAA and The "Patriot" Act, who knows? Our 4th and 6th Amendment rights are (purportedly) stripped now, if the government defines you in any nefarious way as a "terrorist." I am sure this book is probably considered terroristic to Big Pharma profits, and some would falsely argue also "to the health of the populace."

(Phillips, left...with Dr. Mayer Eisenstein anti-VAX M.D.)

Here is a story with just a couple more details. (We'll have to keep an eye open for more as they emerge):

Here is an excerpt from the above link:

"According to Phillips, the N.C. State Bar is basically trying to disbar him using 'invented facts and law,' when all he’s actually doing is helping people exercise their right to legally avoid vaccines. He also says the N.C. State Bar’s witch hunt against him is inherently unlawful because it lacks a legally-required 'allegation of misconduct.' Since there’s no accusation being made of wrongdoing, there’s no legal basis for the N.C. State Bar to sue Phillips. Furthermore, it’s a blatant conflict of interest, as Phillips actually filed a good-faith complaint against State Bar attorneys for making up facts and law in a 2017 'Letter of Warning' that he received."

Here is how you can get his excellent book, "The Authoritative Guide to Vaccine Legal Exemptions:"

Here is a petition that you can sign in favor of attorney Alan Phillips:

Please help this guy. If they can take out one the nation's key anti-VAX attorneys, with all his legal experience, we are all going to be (pardon the expression) "screwed." We all need to do whatever we can to help this good man. Our children's and grandchildren's health may depend on it. Please get his book, sign the petition, forward the URL to this story and resteem!

You can also donate here should you choose:

Here is a final excerpt from the article cited above:

"By demanding that Phillips hand over private information about his clients, the N.C. State Bar is engaging in an unlawful 'fishing expedition,' meaning it’s attempting to uncover some type of wrongdoing on Phillips’ part without having a legitimate reason to even initiate the process. It’s a lot like when a police officer pulls an innocent person over and searches his vehicle looking for anything that might incriminate him. Unless there’s probable cause or reasonable suspicion to do so, such an act violates the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which protects against unreasonable search and seizure."

You can also send personal donations to Phillips through PayPay at [email protected].

Thanks all.

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