Feds pushing to close lawsuit loophole that allows preganant women to sue for vaccine injury. I kid you not!

in familyprotection •  6 years ago  (edited)

...and we pay these people?!?!? I am so stinking fed up with the whole big pharma/vaccination industry and their seemingly all-powerful legislative lobbying network and the FDA, I would riot if I was bit younger and closer to D.C. What is wrong with these people? How is it possible for human beings to be THIS DEVOID of commonsense and common decency?

Here is a link to the article:


Here is a key excerpt from the above link:

"The Federal government is pushing through a new regulation that would give complete legal liability protection to vaccines makers, and the physicians who administer them, for vaccines given to pregnant women, even though vaccines are not evaluated for efficacy or safety in pregnant women or their babies. This regulation would close a current loophole in the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and open-up a whole new market for the vaccine industry. The regulation would allow the CDC to confer liability protection upon issuing a recommendation that pregnant women get a vaccine. This regulation will allow all children in the womb to be used as subjects for what amounts to medical experiments. "

I want accountability for this fiasco. I want Rand Paul and Mike Lee and our (supposed) patriots in The U.S. Senate to FILIBUSTER THAT!! I want the great patriots at Faux News (Cough. Wheeze) to cover this travesty like they do every time they think we should invade another country. Holding my breath on that one...

This is ludicrous.

The fact that such legislation to protect vaccine makers is even brought up should ring alarm bells in these morons' heads that...uh...maybe not all is well and just hunky dory with these vaccine makers and their fancy, 3-piece-suited lobbyists who give me gifts all the time... DO ya think?? (Apparently, they don't.)

Here is another key excerpt from the article:

"One study, however, found a significant correlation between autism in children (20% increase) and their mother getting a flu shot in the first trimester of pregnancy. The vaccine industry chose to disregard this alarming finding by claiming the rate was not statistically significant when spread over all three trimesters. Interestingly, DPT shots are not recommended in the first trimester. So much for the precautionary principle.


This regulation represents a new level of cynicism by the vaccine industry. They want to use their products in a vulnerable population even though they don’t know if the product is either safe or effective, yet they demand complete legal immunity for their actions. And they want to do this to people when they are at the most fragile phase of life: in utero."

OK. We need a revolution. I didn't want to have to say it, but I can't think of anything else that is going to clean up a capital that thinks it is just fine to INTENTIONALLY risk the lives of unborn children with untested drugs.

Enough is enough!

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We do need a revolution! Our politicians only care about getting paid not about the safety of us or our children. The fact that people think vaccines are safe truly blows my mind! If people would take any time at all to research this before letting doctors inject their children they would know it is poison and not safe at all. Its pathetic what big pharma will do to make money, its all a sham. This kind of stuff is exactly why my fiance and i are going to have a home birth and we will only go to naturopathic doctors.

Great post! I salute you and your fiance!

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Superb! ...and greatly appreciated...

I don't see any problem with it. If you are vaccine injured and can prove it you can still sue and get damages they just don't come directly from the company but from a fund established by the companies. I see this as exactly the same as the law that protects firearms manufacturers from some types of liability. A kid just got over 100 million for a vaccine injury. Otherwise no one could actually make vaccines or guns because they would spend all of their resources fighting frivolous lawsuits and we need guns and vaccines so those industries should be protected from frivolous lawsuits.

The money doesn't come from a fund it comes from the taxpayers!


The Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund provides funding for the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program to compensate vaccine-related injury or death petitions for covered vaccines administered on or after October 1, 1988.
Funded by a $.75 excise tax on vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for routine administration to children, the excise tax is imposed on each dose (i.e., disease that is prevented) of a vaccine. Trivalent influenza vaccine for example, is taxed $.75 because it prevents one disease; measles-mumps-rubella vaccine, which prevents three diseases, is taxed $2.25.


A very large percentage of vaccines are government-funded, and those that aren't are still going to people who pay taxes (or their parents do.) Rich is spot on (as always.)

What is the percentage of vaccines that are government funded? The money for the fund comes from a tax on vaccines, to the extent that the government is the buyer of vaccines I suppose an argument could be made that that percentage of the injury fund was paid for by taxpayers. No doubt the vaccine makers mark up their product by75 cents to cover the tax and they sell some to the government, but how much?

if you are upset by this potential change or have a comment:

Seeking Public Comments on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: Adding the Category of Vaccines Recommended for Pregnant Women to the Vaccine Injury Table (PDF - 196 KB).
September 17 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am (ET)
HRSA will host a public hearing to obtain public comments. View the August 30, 2018 Federal Register Notice (PDF - 196 KB) for more information.

As required by a recent amendment to the VICP’s authorizing statute, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (Secretary) proposes to amend the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) Vaccine Injury Table to include vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for routine administration in pregnant women.
Thus, the Secretary only seeks public comment on how the addition of this new category is proposed to be formatted on the Table.
Submit comments on or before October 1, 2018 using one of the ways described in the proposed rule.


"Secretary only seeks public comment on how the addition of this new category is proposed to be formatted on the Table.

one wonders what that means exactly, looks like they already extended it to pregnant women and the unborn in 2016 so if they are injured they can be remunerated as well.

I've been trying to start a revolution. I'm so radical I got kicked out of information war for trying to start a revolution. It is our birthright to start lynching these sick and depraved lawless killers. Here it is we got 80 million armed Americans in this country with NO BALLS!!! Fuck Rand Paul! He is a sell out. We need PATRIOTS! Real patriots! Everything this government has been doing has been unconstitutional since the Civil War.

But Americans love complying with lawless tyranny. They love it, LOVE IT! They love it so much they elected the son and grandson of a Nazi for President. And then people wonder why I've lost faith in humanity SMH.
rainbow business card2.jpg

I understand what you are saying, but we do need a revival first. If we can get God on our side, we might even retire the deep state/swamp without violence, but are we certainly are not going to do it (even with violence) without Him.

It has nothing to do with being violent. These lawless Nazi criminals have already committed the violence. They have declared war on us. We are acting out of self defense which is our birthright!

Yes, but "he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword."

There may come a time when we have no other recourse, but, like I said, if that time is already here, God will not be with us. We've turned our back on Him at every opportunity, so why should he support us, like He so obviously did our forefathers when they fought to free themselves from the tyranny of their time?

howdy sir mepatriot! wow this is astonishing..I mean if they pass this thing it looks so bad for our freedoms. And that one study showed a 20% increase in Autism? that's just sick.

Right on, brother. And yet, intelligent and good people refuse to believe there is a link between the increase in autism and the increase in recommended vaccinations. So sad.