CPS & Outcomes For Children: Fact vs. Fiction

in familyprotection •  7 years ago 

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CPS was established in 1973 in response to "an epidemic of child abuse." The problem with this legislation is that it is nothing more than a smokescreen. There is, nor has there ever been any epidemic of child abuse in the United States... so let's call a spade a spade. CPS was established to give the government control over families, not to protect children- that historically has been the job of families. The original legislation was pushed by activist lobbying groups such as the Children's Defense Fund and the National Education Association (the teachers union) at the behest of the United Nations- whose goal is hegemony over all the citizens of the world. The philosophy that drives legislation is statism... the belief that the citizen is property of the state, and it goes by many names.

Whether you call it statism, Socialism, Communism, Fascism, totalitarianism, authoritarianism, or any other of a hundred other names is irrelevant- the outcome is always identical... In any dispute between the state and the individual, "compelling state interest" will ALWAYS supercede the interest of the individual. When it comes to children, the right of the parent as the ultimate authority over the child is inevitably subverted by the state. In essence, it is the state that is responsible for parenting rather than the family. How do we know this?

The premise given for the establishment of Child Protective Services is found in the name- child protection. However, the agencies tasked with this obligation not only fail to do so, they destroy families for what, to any rational adult, would seem to be ridiculous reasons. In lieu of the child abuse epidemic cited by the founders of social services, neglect was added to the mix. Neglect is a very subjective matter... in the case of CPS removing children from loving, and well kept homes, a couple of dirty dishes in the sink can constitute neglect. In other words, neglect is in the eye of the beholder and if the agenda of the beholder is to remove children, then they will invent neglect where none exists.

Let's go back a bit. If there is no epidemic of child abuse, there is no need for CPS... after all, abuse- that is; violence, sexual abuse, or any other forms of genuine abuse, are law enforcement issues and can be handled by a call to local police. However, CPS has to justify their existence... it's axiomatic that once a government agency is established they don't just go away. The more children that are removed from their homes, the more the need for CPS and naturally the bigger their budget. The unfortunate victims of this are, it goes without saying, families and more particularly, the children themselves. Factor into this mix the legislation of 1997 where the federal Dept. of Health and Human Services pays bonuses to the states for each child removed... the Dash For Cash is on!

Now here is the outcome, as unfortunate as it is, that I want to focus on- adoption. If, as they claim, CPS was truly interested in ensuring the best possible outcome for children, wouldn't they prefer to see children placed in the best possible environment rather than in foster care (which we all know is a total disaster)? This is simply not the case... In spite of the fact that there are a myriad of faith-based adoption agencies that would place children in loving environments that would provide them with a strong moral foundation, they prefer to place them with state sanctioned agencies (who adopt out to gays, lesbians and other deviants), or leave them in the abysmal foster care system. Reintegration back into families should always be of paramount importance... however, with the adoption bonuses, this rarely happens. Although adoption should only be used as a last resort, lamentably it is not... and the children are the losers.

There is in fact, a war going on against faith-based adoption services. According to an article in the Daily Signal, family attorney Autumn Leva, Vice President of the Family Policy Alliance, says: "One of their latest strategies is an attempt to shut down faith-based adoption agencies. The result is indeed a dangerous numbers game, but the victims ultimately will be the 100,000 children waiting to be adopted and the birth moms looking for a placement agency to meet their needs." As I wrote, faith-based agencies attempt to place children with families with a married mother and father- a stable home environment. The opponents " believe these agencies shouldn’t be permitted to operate according to their faith. Instead, they should place children with same-sex couples or even transgender individuals—regardless of what may be best for the child, the birth mother’s wishes, or the agency’s religious beliefs.

So, they are attempting to pass laws or regulations in the states that would force faith-based agencies to shut down or else violate their faith." I ask again, if CPS is truly operates in the best interest of children, why are they trying to push a political agenda instead of looking out for children? The answer is as simple as it is nefarious... The nuclear family is the biggest threat to the statist agenda. It's time to take a stand...




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Thank-you @richq11 for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

CPS was established in 1973 in response to "an epidemic of child abuse." The problem with this legislation is that it is nothing more than a smokescreen. There is, nor has there ever been any epidemic of child abuse in the United States... so let's call a spade a spade. CPS was established to give the government control over families, not to protect children- that historically has been the job of families. The original legislation was pushed by activist lobbying groups such as the Children's Defense Fund and the National Education Association (the teachers union) at the behest of the United Nations- whose goal is hegemony over all the citizens of the world. The philosophy that drives legislation is statism... the belief that the citizen is property of the state, and it goes by many names.

Here's one for yow: Weberism. It was the great sociologist Max Weber that pushed the idea that "rational-legal" methods of control were better than "traditional" or "charismatic." Weber didn't worship bureaucracy - he did note that bureaucracies grow unless they're pruned - but he did leave the impression that such growth was only a problem for the national budget.

As your stories show, there are more serious problems that come with expanding bureaucracies.

Way in the future, historians will puzzle over why we purportedly free people allowed ourselves to be turned into subjects of the State with hardly a fight.

When I was in college I sat and read Essays in Sociology cover to cover. One of my favorite quotes comes from old Max: "Politics naturally engenders a class of people whose sole purpose is the doing of politics."

What we need is a @familyprotection national march on Washington to protest the CPS. The media would be forced to show it. Thanks @richq11

No, they'd downplay it like they did the March For Life (the pro-life rally, not the fascist kids march)

From my point of view, it is a situation where the protection of the child has been politicized and makes decisions of personal interests, it is absurd that one can believe that the religions of the people can affect the children and this discrimination should be controlled. Regards

While I generally agree with the information put forth in this article, I strongly disagree with bigotry against homosexual individuals. I know and love many people who happen to be gay. They are not deviants. They are loving, responsible parents, too. Straight people do not have a monopoly on loving parenthood.

Probably because you didn't spend 5 years of your childhood being raped repeatedly

That's an awful thing for anyone to go through. I am so sorry someone hurt you like that.

I speak from experience not bigotry... I'm 72 and I've been watching the evolution of the "gay community" for many years- they're not who you think they are, or who they pretend to be.

My family and my friends include people who are homosexuals. I don't feel like they are pretending, and I do not feel that they are degenerate. While I do not claim to have any special knowledge about who others "really are", I believe I know them well enough to say they are loving, good and decent human beings who deserve my respect. I will continue to protect my loved ones who are homosexuals because I have seen their goodness, because I love them, and I have often witnessed them being judged in a collectivist and unfair manner. I believe people should be taken on personal merit. Hateful, harmful and abusive individuals come from all persuasions and walks of life, just as good people do, as well.

I don't care what people do in the privacy of their homes. But when they parade around in public nearly nude in front of children these are not people exhibiting their "goodness," it's wrong disgusting and perverse. Gay people have all of the same rights as every other citizen- they want extra rights and are trying to push their worldview on others. There is no reason to teach sex to 6 year old kids in kindergarten- hetero or home... it's wrong. I know what's it's like to have sexuality pushed on you at 5... it's not education, it's brainwashing!

I don't care if someone is straight as long as they act gay in public.

I don't think anyone should be inappropriate with children. But that's not what we were talking about. This whole conversation grew out of my disagreement with the statement in the above article that called gays and lesbians "deviants". That is all. I simply disagree with the cruel blanket characterization.

What a strong accusation, not even the scientists have generalized these behavioral patterns by sexual preferences, within these communities we exist people with such sexual preferences, more stable than you, even with professions like psychologists (in my specific case) who give therapy to victims of aggressions by heterosexual papdres for free, for years, we are good children, good professionals, examples of citizens and above all, altruistic. The fact that you visualize sexual violence by an individual does not mean that we are all like that, even we are not Americans are tolerant, not all whites are good people, not all parents execute their role correctly. I insist, do not generalize behavioral parameters since each individual is different and sexual preferences do not behave in a specific way. If so, the divorce was created to dissolve heterosexual couples where many times it was propitiated by infidelity.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Stop trying to sound smart, you're not doing a very good job. Learn the meanings of words before you use them. By the way, speaking of violence... the highest per-capita domestic violence occurs among lesbians... this is from the DOJ.

I regret to say that the person who has not continued responding has a doctorate in clinical psychology and her specialization was in sexology, she is a university professor and she seduces me because she graduated in my undergraduate promotion, she is currently doing research on homosexuality, bullying and the continuous attacks in their country of origin. When you want to make such a strong judgment, be sure to read, consult reliable sources and especially educate yourself.For individuals with cognitive distortions is that their country suffers constant terrorist attacks, while increasing their knowledge will be more flexible and above all will not die ignorant.
Oh, by the way I'm also a psychologist and I also offer free consultations for those who need it, either due to limited resources or mental disability.

The fact that as a professional does not reinforce his homophobic exposure does not mean that I stop doing a good job. Regarding my vocabulary, I speak Spanish of origin. Therefore, at times it is difficult for me to find the right word to express what I want to say. When you READ and EDUCATE, you will start by helping your country, your direct descendants and above all, you will make the world a place with less aggressiveness. Oh, it's not that I want to sound smart, I'm sure I have more certified studies than you. I hope this very well and every time there is a terrorist attack in the US ask yourself if you, with your cognitive distortions and inflexible judgment, badly unfounded, cooperate so that those atrocious facts are repeated.

you are right to expose that the neglect of our children is in the eyes that look, since by any action so minimal these take disproportionate actions. However with all responsibility as a person and professional I tell you that there are many homosexuals more decent than heterosexuals, even better professionals, more altruistic because we have to suffer rejections and labels like yours. There is a book called about homosexuality and it has a review of 500 specialists and each one gives its point of view, each of them has at least one doctorate and 80 rigorous research works, for the triumph of humanity, none thinks as you since education reinforces mental flexibility.

While I believe that child abuse is an issue, CPS is not needed because the system had failed miserably in terms of protecting our children. The problem is that CPS is becoming more and more like a business. What happened when there are no more child abuse? CPS wouldn't be able to operate lol and they would shut down. Even my college professors (who is currently working in these agencies) understood the necessity to be wary of the system that they are a part of. While the system doesn't care about the children, most of the people who work there do.

I love the article however a few things I need to mention. CPS was started in 1974. Also the following is a copy and paste from the following link http://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/1828/Child-Protective-Services.html.

In addition to the case-by-case determinations by the chancery court regarding children's property and guardianships, Parliament, in 1601, promulgated the Poor Law Act, which, among other provisions, provided the government jurisdiction to separate children from pauper parents and to place poor children in apprenticeships until the age of majority (21 for males and 16 for females). In 1660 Parliament passed the Tenures Abolition Act, which presaged the end of feudalism, including guardianships in chivalry that had formed the basis for the earlier Court of Wards and Court of Chancery over the guardianship of both children's and the Crown's inheritance and property interests.
From 1660 until 1873 the Court of Chancery administered equity jurisdiction in conflicts between private parties over testamentary guardianships. It was during these equity determinations that the Court of Chancery expanded the substantive scope of child protection to include, in addition to inheritance and property, concerns over a ward's rights to marry, to a particular type of education or school, to the choice of religious training, and to child custody arrangements. In 1839 Parliament dramatically expanded the court's jurisdiction to determine the best interest of children through the Custody of Infants Act, which provided court jurisdiction to over-ride a father's parental rights, including rights to custody and visitation.

This was the first instance where court rule was made that took children from their parents. Please go read the link as there is much more to the history "way more than I can post here".

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