It Takes A Village... From Patents To State Ownership of Children

in familyprotection •  6 years ago  (edited)

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When Hillary Clinton penned her book it had nothing to do with villages in any traditional sense of the word, a more accurate representation would have been: It Takes a Government To Raise a Child. The Clintons and other New World Order globalists seek to destroy not only families, but any vestiges of Western Civilization... for decades if not more, this has been the intent of government and the child advocacy groups (NGO's). Everyone loves children and the ideologues play on emotional appeals to achieve their nefarious goals.

 When most people today hear of a terrible child abuse case, their immediate reaction is to call on the government to protect the child and bring justice to bear on the situation. This reliance upon government to enforce child protection, rather than families, churches or non-profit groups, is a relatively new concept in history.

As American government has grown ever larger in response to society’s expectations that it should be all children’s protector, Americans have discovered these good intentions have created a system that is becoming more and more intrusive, demanding and corrupt. Parents’ protests, state hearings and local media attention are gradually bringing the public’s attention to a Child Protective Services (CPS) system that has the power to rip children from their parents – and do it without any of the civil rights and protections ALL American citizens are guaranteed.

How did a government service meant to protect children become something entirely different? How and when did CPS start – and why are Americans facing its growing power without even basic civil rights.

People have a reasonable expectation of protection by their government- to preserve the safety not only of the individual but the family as well. This is why the advocacy groups almost always present the family as the underlying problem. " In several hundred studies published by Lloyd deMause and his associates in The Journal of Psychohistory, they have provided extensive evidence that the history of childhood has been...   Forced labor which was often both dangerous and required long hours, early marriages, sexual abuse of children (male and female), and brutal “discipline” in the form of beatings, starvation or worse, all these were commonplace for many children around the world." However, as was the case with slavery, it was the western world that strove to end not perpetuate these problems- the solution- strong families.

 By early 18th century England, common law had established a legal concept called parens patriae – Latin for “father of the country” – identifying the king as a protector or supreme guardian of those classes threatened by forces beyond their control, particularly “charities, infants, idiots, lunatics.” 

 Child protective services traces back to parens patriae –a legal concept still used today in the U.S. which was inherited from a time when it was assumed the king could do no wrong. Amazingly, this assumption that the state as “parent” is viewed as capable of achieving only good still exists giving the American CPS system virtually unlimited power with very little oversight over those it chooses to label “unfit. 

But what happens when the protector becomes the abuser? If government is the ultimate arbiter of differences, where do we turn for redress. The Constitution provides the individual- and by extension the family- with redress, but when the state is corrupted by globalists who view children as their property, where do we go? This corruption has grown slowly over time, beginning with NGO's in the late 19th century. The New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NYSPCC) began in 1875 and is still in existence today. It spread out to include over 300 groups nationwide.

Increasingly in the early part of the 20th century, Americans turned to government for help with a wide variety of issues. The legal concept of parens patriae (government as parent) was used to establish a juvenile justice system during this time.  The rise of child protection as a government responsibility coincided with this new attitude. This has evolved into a political juggernaut with almost no oversight. The globalist intentions of these groups were evident as far back as 1917.  A Social History of The American Family: From Colonial Times to the Present, by Dr. Arthur W. Calhoun stated:

 American history consummates the disappearance of the wider [or extended] familism and the substitution of the parentalism of society…. The new view is that the higher and more obligatory relation is to society rather than to the family; the family goes back to the age of savagery while the state belongs to the age of civilization. The modern individual is a world citizen, served by the world, and home interests can no longer be supreme. 

Parens patriae is further refined by Dr. Thomas S. Szasz, psychiatrist and social critic:

 Under the doctrine of parens patriae… it is recognized as legitimate that, in some circumstances, people may be treated as stupid children, and the government as their wise parent… In brief, to whatever extent we bestow the power of parens patriae on the government, to that extent we grant it despotic powers. Nor can we expect that such powers, once granted to specific agencies, will remain localized. On the contrary, the process will spread, and unless halted, will envelop the state. 

All of this is what led to the  The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act of 1974 (CAPTA) and the  The Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 (ASFA). In a little over 20 years the manufactured "child abuse epidemic" provided the state with all of the impetus needed to destroy the American family. Following in Hitler's footsteps, the US government declared children to be property of the state...

 Where once the emphasis was placed on trying to eventually reunite children with their biological parents, state and federal guidelines now favored fast-tracking adoption of children in foster care. This required a new focus on terminating the biological parents’ rights. MSNBC anchor Melissa Harris-Perry sums up the globalist perception in 30 seconds:

Whether or not the child welfare system was designed to help children and families at the outset is a matter of conjecture- one thing is for certain, it isn't anymore. Rather than look for evidence or an equitable solution, CPS- like the gunslingers of old- shoots (removes) first and asks questions later.  According to Massachusetts attorney Gregory Hession: 

 Many judges now believe that the government creates and grants rights, rather than preserves existing rights that are bestowed by our creator and cannot be taken away. Thus, they will ignore your parental rights if it suits them.

Judges often explain rights away if they do not favor them politically… Parents’ rights to direct the upbringing of their children were never questioned until recently.

Now, the state sees itself as the parent, and it lets you have temporary custody of your own child, unless and until you do something the state doesn’t like. Then the child goes back to its true parent – the state…. 

One of the problems with  parens patriae is that it's never been properly defined legally. Although laws of this sort go back to medieval times if not before, in a contemporary sense there are no clear boundaries- it's just carte blanche for the government to do as it chooses. It was used in tobacco litigation and has been suggested for obesity... if your child is overweight it may become an excuse to remove them from the home. What's going on is clear- the government is looking for more and more ways to separate children from their families. Child Abuse Pediatricians is one of the newer tactics employed by the globalists. If the state had the best interest of families in mind they would be looking for ways to reunite them- but clearly this is not the case.

TOMORROW: Parents Without Rights

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"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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Amazing post @richq11! What that talking head said was not just a fluke, they're steadily trying to make a meme out of that phrase which Céline Dion repeated in her latest commercial advertisement. Non compos mentis is the legal latin code for those adults who are to be treated like "stupid children." P.S. I like that book, it's a good one! The work called the unseen hand is my all-time favorite work of his. In my opinion, it's very much worth checking out!

It looks like it's worth a read- I'll get it when cryptos go back up!

Thanks for your interesting article. I somewhat agree with your article, but I think its emphasis should be slightly on something else and that is on the influence of business (capitalism) and especially of big business.

I think the focus on the overarching state (in this case America) is a nationalistic concept somewhat globally antiquated already and only still relevant in a few states anymore: like the U.S., North-Korea, Iran and so on comes to mind – countries with a strong nationalistic feeling, often for some specific reason.

The focus on your article should also perhaps not be on the Globalist agenda, since this is still quite vague, but as I mentioned on the influence of capitalism and money making and the influence this had on viewing the individual as an economic unit and influencing states (as you rightly point out) to increasingly treat its citizens as individuals, even children, so that they can be targeted as such (economic units) to whom products can be marketed and sold. And all potential clients should be protected at all costs, even if children need to be protected from their own families in order for them to keep selling products to their customers.

So, to sum up: I think big business atomized the population into individuals, thereby negating the family unit, convincing us that our individual tastes in shoes and clothing and cars and so on is of paramount importance and when this individualization got saturated the next obvious marketable offset point for their products became the child: with children’s toys, clothes, technology and so on…and of course they would want to protect these consumers and the state duly obliges.

Thanks again for an interesting article.

  • Omar Daniel Fourie (21 Nov. 2018).