Pennsylvania Act 31 & Homeschoolers

in familyprotection •  7 years ago 

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When I wrote about the apparent epidemic of "dental abuse" in Pennsylvania, I got so PO'd that I forgot something else I came across on the website covering what it is that constitutes neglect- "educational neglect"... What I found requires a post of its own. Way down at the bottom, under Behavioral Indicators I found: "Not registered in school." (See link below) This piqued my curiosity, so I investigated whether or not homeschooling was even permitted in PA and if so, then what were the requirements (and boy, am I glad I didn't live in Pennsylvania when I decided to homeschool).

There are at least two reasons why parents opt to homeschool (neither being that they don't want their kids educated)... The most prevalent being: 1) a profound lack of basic values- immorality being forced upon children as young as kindergarten and: 2) the educational system is broken beyond all repair. Let's face it, the chances of a kid getting a decent in a public school is slim and none... if they do it's in spite, not because of it. Another reason I consider more than valid is to avoid mandatory vaccinations- unfortunately, the state of Pennsylvania thought of this. "A child has had the legally required immunizations. The supervisor [parent/teacher] must also provide evidence that the child has received the required health and medical services (such as annual vision and hearing tests)."

The requirements are so restrictive that a parent who wishes to teach at home must basically have the same credentials as a teacher. This is done to discourage people from teaching at home. I'll post the link at the bottom so anyone can read how difficult it is to homeschool in PA. This is called incrementalism, where one state will adopt restrictions and when successful it will spread to others. It was over 20 years ago when I began homeschooling my children. In Arizona, the requirements were fairly lax. I had to send a certified letter of intent to the Arizona Dept. of Education expressing my wish to teach at home. I got one back which basically said, "thanks, we got your letter, have a nice day." That was it.

In Michigan there was no requirements, or so I thought. Officially there were none- except that CPS showed up and expressed their disapproval for homeschooling and their "concerns that my children wouldn't receive proper socializing with others their own age." After reassuring them that we hadn't withdrawn from society, only public school, they went away... temporarily. That's how it works, a little at a time. They chip away at people's rights and if you believe that the state of Pennsylvania cares about your child being educated, think again. Like all states, they're afraid that your children will be exempt from their indoctrination and learn to think independently... the anathema to their worldview...
This is about control, not education. Once the Pennsylvania law is successful, other states will pick it up and adopt laws that are similar. I hope you take the time to read through some of the links below- particularly the second that lays out what the requirements are to homeschool in PA... it will be coming to your state soon (if it hasn't already). And please don't forget to support @familyprotection.



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I am a Pennsylvania homeschooling parent and have been for some years now. Believe it or not, the current rules are actually a bit better than they used to be, lol. It's ridiculous. It's up to each individual school district to administer the regulations to the homeschooling families residing in their school district (and they get tax dollars to do so). They do this based on their own interpretations of the laws. Some are okay and some are absolutely horrendous. We actually hired homeschooling legal representatives just in case. As a more recent "kick in the pants", our current Governor is in the pockets of the teacher's union. It's a mess here.

Must be a Democrat... The NEA has been "partnering" with them for decades! I think they're trying to discourage people overall from doing what should be one of our "unalienable rights." They are our children after all!

Yep, he's a member of one of the two main recognized political parties, specifically Democrat, in this case. I think that the so-called educators and their supporters think that they're the only ones smart enough to know what's best for our children and that the rest of us are a bunch of dimwits who only know how to blink and breathe (through our mouths, of course). ;)

They are turning up the heat and push their agendas on all fronts very aggressively. I am afraid in 20 years the words "home" and "family" will not exist anymore. The speed of their progress is breathtaking and on so many levels that effective resistance is almost impossible. They are already pushing for 3 year old children to have mandatory indoctrination.
Once they grow up and have children themselves, they don't even consider home schooling...

That's the plan... all coming from UN headquarters!

It is about control as the CPS chips away at our rights. I had a college friend who, with his wife, home schooled their 7 children in Illinois and Arkansas. I did not understand at the time and was anti home school. Now I completely get it and feel for those who suffer the plight from the govt and cps. They should welcome it as it is less work for them. However the CPS and govt. wish to make it more work....because it is all about control. PREACH NOT ME YOUR MUSTY RULES I SAY TO THE CPS. Thanks @richq11

They came after me in Michigan at the same time I was teaching college!

That doesn’t even sound like homeschooling, it just sounds like they can have a teacher come in or do online schooling. When did this take effect?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It's there- when you see "Act" it's already a law... when you see "Bill" it's still waiting to be enacted. Sorry... in 2014

PA apparently have disdain for the Constitution, a human being's right to self-determination and the family.

Unlawful laws must never be obeyed. Instead, those who try to enact them are to be removed from public office, criminally charged and litigation initiated against these people.

Blood boiling.

Except that if you try, they come and take your kids away!

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That sounds like what New South Wales is currently trying to do here in Australia. Homeschool groups are fighting it across the country, because if one starts, then the others will likely follow. Victoria used to be the easiest state for home education, but it's just upped its control.