in familyprotection •  5 years ago 

 A new law about the family violence is a real danger for all parents in my country. If it is accepted, it will be the beginning of the end... That's why now the society is so active in its struggle against this bill. 

 If the anti-family law called "Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence" is adopted (in any form!), it will mean:
● The legislative definition of “violence” will be broadened as much as possible — and even a sidelong glance or remark made by parents to a child will turn into “violence”.
● Criminal liability will be imposed for each “violent” action. People will live in constant fear, losing normal human relationships. Criminal punishment can be assigned without evidence, on the basis of a verbal slip.
● The Istanbul Convention of the Council of Europe will be ratified. It will turn into a binding law for everyone the ideas of radical feminism and a dangerous gender ideology (according to which everyone chooses a “gender” for himself, regardless of biological gender).
● Children will be taught anti-family ideas at schools. Instead of teaching them moral norms of a traditional family, they will be pushed to ideas of radical feminism and gender ideology.
● The feminist lobby will be able to fight and stop all people who are against their ideas, using false accusations, and seize more and more power in all spheres of political and public life.
Contrary to the assurances of lobbyists, their law will not help victims of real crimes. It will become an instrument of crime itself.

Now all social webs in Russia are full of articles and different expalantions for people who are not aware of what is going on. 

The tag #ForFamily has become one of the hottest these days. Some days ago mass protests were organised in many Russian cities. People try to fight, try to stop them, they don't sleep and it gives a hope....

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Sounds worrying I think around the globe these new laws and teachings are being slow introduced. As humanity we need to ignore these are much as possible and show others around us the wrongs in this situation. It's a process of spreading the truth the hundredth monkey is near we just need to hold on in there 💯🐒

Great informations BUT if you say or write stuff like that, to make it authentic, you always need sources. Links to laws, links to interviews were political say that. Otherwise its not an indeed for a fact. If this is really true put links in the article my dear.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

are we in the court, or writing an academic dissertation? author of the topic shared her opinion, and if that is not enaf for you but you are intrested in the subject, you may do a research yourself, and/or politely ask what were the sources. Dont act as we are in the court ("I dont believe you what are your strong evidences")

recently i've published a longread essay on the censorship of russian internet becoming a reality -- I received the same attitude. it is such a fault.

needless to say, we look at the situation from inside of it. the author opinion is totally correct.. maybe you are not in the course, but Russia is fantastic land... authorities create laws that not intended to work as their rhetoric is aimed at. this one, obviously, is just another created masterpiece -- tool of pressure, that can be used on any Russian citizen (who is a parent) to oppress and suppress the free speach, free opinions, raise fear, and much more.

thank you for support!!

Hey, why so aggressive?
It would be more helpful if the author would do this.
Imagine: people all over the world read it, like it and really wanna help but have no time for research they don't care.
And only because of missing links and comments like yours such a great post will be called like "Fake News".
Everything is a fake news when its not proofed, linked with the right pages were it is to read.

For example:
Imagine this author would put political links and videos in were exactly this (personal experience) is a topic and were everybody can see that something wrong is going on, this could chance a little world.
The author could reach much more audience, politics maybe, scientists, supporter and this could be a chance and first step to change the situation how awesome this would be!
I liked the post, so I don't know why you wanna fuck around man. Its a great work what this author wrote BUT it can be much better, so I gave a tipp...don't forget that hon. It was a simple question and tipp from my side.
Peace out and meditate more sweetheart
Kiss kiss

excuse me please if i sound aggressive, not intended
I didnt quality it as a tip :P have a !BEER, mmmmm.

I wrote on not blockchain based platforms a lot about political, medicine and rights, so I really have done all mistakes in my articles which were possible. I didn't put links in, so people attacked my work or I wrote only from own experience without proofed examples or documents and people attacked BUT when I started to put all in, people understood and supported, they started to search more more. So my intention, when I wrote this comment, was from my heart. That others, maybe victims, learn from my mistakes and make it from the beginning better.
Thanks for the beer.
Hope to see more great work like that.

thank you for attention and advice if you really wanted to help, not to play a game "how clever I am, now I will teach you how to do it right";) many people here adore this game;)

people all over the world read my posts? Oh, common,we both know it's not so:) I Know Steemit unites nations and countries but we both know here all authors have their own readers and followers, and they read each other. Very few people read posts from the common list of posts.
I always used links when I started my way here, but then I understood people don't need them and don't require them. I have my own narrow circle of friends here who read and support me. They know I don't make FakeNews like you said.
Moreover, this post was written for Familyprotection community, that is supported and curated by respected people of the platform, and I just can't allow myself to make FakeNews. I respect and love this community and its activity too much.

Anyway, thank you for coming;)

Hey @lotusfleur, here is a little bit of BEER from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

I agree but sometimes an individuals take or opinion is more powerful i think

thank you so much!!

Anytime 💯🐒

Nice. Perfect. A lot of friends of mine a russian and I really care so spread all informations out to the world to open the eyes.
How powerful would be an individual with all evidences and our powerful steemit, awesome powerful!!!! Thanks for the link. :)

This is the power of Steem uncensored we need more people on here and sharing their opinions and knowledge 💯🐒