Happily Ever Alone: Woman “Happiest Without Children or a Husband”

in familyprotection •  5 years ago 




Hello dear friends. Don’t you just want to die alone ladies? You’ll be so happy though! C’mon ladies!



What? How will you earn more money being married? Is there proof married men earn more than single men?

Married women die sooner? Since when? Statistically women have always lived longer than men. The widow is almost always a woman. This is just straight up bullshit lies based on new world propaganda. Not an ounce of truth in this garbage.

“She on the other hand has to put up with that”? Put up with what? The husband living a little longer? Are you reading this?

Are you mad ladies? Do you resent the fact that your man will live longer because he has you in his life? That you calm and center him, you give him love and longevity? That PIG! 😂


Okay, so men should married and women shouldn’t bother. Who are the men supposed to marry then? Each other? You got one thing right here though. You are doing a “massive disservice. That’s spot on!


Lower levels of misery? Well that sounds like an accurate measurement to me lol. “Yo, how are your misery levels?” “Umm, they are low but, I’m super DEPRESSED!”

Seriously, it’s a depression epidemic out there, and I know it ain’t just married folk. Ya know what? I was depressed mother fuckers, But I conquered that shit! It’s squashed BRO! Here I am now, back to shit all over your propaganda. Even though, I know they want me too. I’m still gonna do it!


🤣 look how happy she is! All alone, playing on her phone. No stupid husband or kids running around. Nothing but her and her social media, her selfies and Snapchat filters. What memories! Like the time she was alone on her phone. Or that time she was alone, watching Netflix and eating ice cream. Or maybe that time she sick in bed and her husb... umm, no one brings her soup. Well maybe she can teach her dog to bring her soup something.

Maybe mom will come over. Although, she’s probably really miserable herself. Being that she did get married and had kids. It’s surprising that she’s even alive. Ya’know, because marriage kills women. It’s been PROVEN!


Oh that’s sneaky! They’re only happy when their spouse is around. 🤣

Look, obviously some PEOPLE (not just women) are happier alone. But, the majority of humans are happier together, making families. That’s how the human species survives. It’s in our DNA to do this!


Fucking miserable eh? Is that a quote? Because you didn’t put it in quotations so is that what they all were saying or did you just add that?

Honestly, do you buy any of this?


First off. It’s funny they 40 year old. I have a steemit post about a 40 woman pushing dying alone as this amazing thing.

Depopulate MeToo!: Shill Pushes Women to Depopulate Humanity.

Well of course, because it’s all based on perception and not her own biological instinct to settle down and have children. That’s all for status right? It’s never been for the joy of having family and a lifetime of memories. anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, family photos (that’s the ones without Snapchat filters), family vacations, board game night, bedtime stories. The joy of watching your children learn and grow up. All meaningless perception right? FUCK YOU!


So because you might find the wrong guy, don’t try? Just be alone? NO, being alone does not make her live longer. If she’s unhappy with her partner, find someone else. This is just so retarded! Do you not see the obvious propaganda here?

What it’s really about.

This is an attack on the traditional family. Why? It’s a threat to the new world order. It’s a threat to the depopulation agenda. It’s a threat to social-communist agenda. It’s a threat to individualism/selfie culture agenda. It’s a threat to minimalism, tiny homes, anti-Property, nihilism, Luciferianism, Trans/lgbtqwxyz Agenda etc

The family nucleus is one of the last few thresholds. One of last few things holding the old world the together. It has to be eradicated and the concepts of mother and father eliminated. They are already doing some on government papers. Under the guise of not causing mental distress on trans-people. However, if you recall in the book Brave New World (a blueprint of their agendas) the concepts of mother, father, parents, birth, family and marriage were all eliminated, and it was the state that created and decanted (bottled birthed) humans in the laboratory.

Fertility is being destroyed, population growth artificially increased via ‘migrant crises’. I’ve covered all this in previous posts that I will link below.

Now women and men as well. You need to understand that this up to you to make a change. I don’t believe in forcing anyone to start having families. However, ‘they’ want you living that selfie life, drinking and partying and watching your Netflix. Having random care free sex and getting drunk and high. Working in their glass towers until you die. They want you to live like big kids. They want you to live like kids and die like kids, under the care of daddy gov.

I not gonna look down on you, I know many of my truther friends who don’t have kids or a family, I get it. However, if you really want to be a rebel. “A REBEL FROM THE WAIST DOWN”

Yeah! That’s right! I’m giving that saying a whole new meaning. Fight back with your fertility. Breed and make smart kids, who can think critically and see through the propaganda. It’s a challenge, and governments are already hard at work to take control and turn our kids against us.

Still, there’s more of us than them. All we have to do is refuse to comply and you’d see how quickly their control would crumble. I know that’s very optimistic at this point. However, we are not beat yet. Okay, I think I’m done with this crap.

VenomnymouS Out!

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How have I not seen you before?!

I wish you weren't so right! But you are! It's such an agenda trying to tell women they'd be happier without husband and children! And it's true that in my first marriage, I was deeply unhappy, but that had more to do with marrying a narcissist who didn't know (or care) how to treat women. And in the year that followed, I did run into a few women whose bad experiences had turned them against the cause completely. But those were still the exception. Most of the women I met who had come out of bad relationships still looked for a good one - still loved their children and wouldn't be without them - fighting even in court for them. How is that a sign of women being happier without?! If anyone should have been happier without, it should have been those of us who went through abuse.

And yes, the longevity thing... If you bring in the fact that childbearing isn't without risk, then there is a small added risk for being married, but that's about it. As you pointed out, statistics don't hold that concept up at all. But then, this group of people aren't for telling facts.

I saw "Clarence Thomas" "trending" yesterday on Twitter and realized that this black man calling abortion out for eugenics (the fact is that a larger percentage of black babies are aborted compared to white babies) - is being slammed by the pro-choice movement. Why is it a "women's issue" to have the right to kill unborn babies - half of which are future women??? Maybe it's okay if it's black women...

Anyway, thank you for being bold. I'm also checking out your YouTube channel.

Hell yeah! Thanks for the comment. You got some great points in there too. I totally forgot to address the risk of childbirth which has increased substantially over the past decade. This correlates with women having babies later in life. I didn’t catch the Clarence Thomas thing. I don’t pay as much attention to media these days.

It was a bold post, I know women don’t like to be told things (typically). But what they don’t realize that the media is constantly telling them what to do. It is out of my respect for women, that I feel compelled to speak out.

This agenda applies to us men as well. Just not on the scale as with women. Mothers scare the crap out of the new world order lol

Thanks so much again, always appreciate a new face on here.

It's not women having babies older that's the risk factor, it's older women having their first babies. We were designed to have babies into older age (40s, not 50s+) - but it wasn't supposed to be our first. When you look at the risk factors related to age, it's mostly for first-time mothers. (Other "age" risks have to do with higher numbers of children - but we've mostly accounted for this risk medically now.)

I don't catch much of the media these days either, but when something is trending, I'll sometimes check it out - just to see what's going on. Then when it's a group of people screaming (waving letters around as if it substantiates their extreme bias) I pay attention - at least long enough to find out what the ruckus is all about. Then, I go back to ignoring the media.

I'm not sure if it's women, in general, who don't like to be told things - or if it's women who have been sold some of the lies being pushed in colleges across the country who were told not to listen to the other side... I don't like being wrong, but that's why I put so much effort into being right. :-) But that's just me personally - and I have some very male aspects to my brain - though I also have six children, lol.

Yes, the agenda is against all of us who want things the way that we were designed. I have always looked back to how we, as a species, were made - it may not be a perfect view, but it's often a useful one.

I've been around Steem for nearly 1.5 years now, so funny I hadn't noticed you before, lol. I mostly write fiction (romance/action/fantasy) and share my photography/artwork. I actually stay away from controversy whenever possible because I'm not really cut out for debate, but I've learned to question everything I'm told - and to look for the most natural/instinctive path. The one that (until now) was the one of least resistance - as a species.

Good to meet you, anyway. I'm also on Discord if you ever want to chat. same user name #2883

Yes sorry, I meant women having their first born later in life. That and all the medical interventions pushed on women from pregnancy all the way up to and during birth.

I hear yeah. That’s kind of the way I approach news these days. I think you are right, these college educated women who are most definitely brainwashed with new world order views. Are programmed to refuse anyone that doesn’t agree with their groupthink.

6 Children? That’s awesome! I have been using steemit for about 2 years and you found me now so it’s all good lol.

Thanks again for your insightful comments

Hey why don’t you join my buddy’s server. https://discord.gg/aVRSHW
Plenty of cool people (like myself) are in there.

Yes on the interventions!
When I was expecting my eldest, I heard about this doctor in New England somewhere who only took breach births - and had, like, a 2% Caesarean rate. Goes to show, eh?
I learned, quickly, to be afraid of intervention - so much so that I probably made the wrong decision a couple of times, but when you can no longer trust the doctors, you have little left.

What's funny with six children, I can still name 2 relatives each that they need to replace. In my generation alone, my brothers are unlikely to have children and two of my three younger cousins are unlikely to have children, my older two cousins had three between them...
That's why I was grateful for you pointing out that population increases in the west are only because of immigration. After all, in many places, schools are closing due to lack of students. The cities may be bulging at the seams, but the countryside is wasting away.

Anyway, I did join the server, I might lurk a bit for the moment - especially as I have writing to get done today (I share between 1100 and 1400 words daily - those have to be replenished. Even more desperately right now as I've been toing and froing between two works and have about 6 weeks before I need something done for Steem. I get fortnightly Curie upvotes right now. :-) )

See ya around. Feel free to tag me if you think I might be interested in a post. I hate missing things.

The interventions are so bad. For my first child, we got a doula (who was pretty useless come the big day).We joined a natural birth class, and studied our asses off. It was a friggin nightmare. After 72 hours of trying everything to birth the baby naturally. He just wouldn’t come out. We ended up doing a c-section. The anesthesiologists sucked so they had to knock my wife out and they finally brought me the baby. I immediately put him on my bare chest because my wife was unconscious.

Blah, I hate remembering it. That’s how awful things are in the medical profession. It’s all by design, because ultimately the goal is for human reproduction to take place by laboratory only.

The second kid went way better. We attempted vbac for a good while but ended in c-section.

My family isn’t much better at reproducing. Between four siblings (including myself) and 2 cousins. A total of 6 kids to carry on the family. It’s pathetic!

Anyways, I’ll let you get back to your writing. When I get a moment, I’ll be sure to checkout some of your work. Alright, talk to ya in the discord later.

So very true.
My eldest was born in the US - the rest were born in the UK.
The US is very invasive and treat you like you're ill rather than pregnancy being a very normal part of life. I know now that I had an infection after birth - and also suffered a sprained hip - not because of anything to do with the actual pregnancy/delivery, but because I wasn't adequately cared for - despite the over-medicalization of American obstetric care. Probably a miracle that I left that with my fertility. (I remember them telling me to only take showers until my stitches healed - and maybe that would be the right information if you weren't dealing with continuing blood.)

The UK is (mostly) run by midwives (watch Call the Midwife for some historical references there - frightening, but the general care is the same now - where there are enough midwives, anyway.) The general care was far superior though the moment anything weird goes on, they're quick to opt for intervention still. But it's still several steps better. After I had my second, the first thing they had me do was take a bath! Hence, no infections.

I suspect you're right as to the purpose of over-medicalization - of everything, really.

Anyway, done with breakfast at last - now I have a misbehaving plot to twist back into shape. (It's a story that's been split several times for getting too big... so now I've got to put the pieces back together.)