Quote of the Day #3

in famous-quote •  7 years ago 

Today's quote has a lot to do with me.

Today's Quote is ...

Meme made by me

Repetition makes us feel secure and variation makes us feel free. - Robert Hass

I said that this phrase has a lot to do with me because I value freedom above all things and I feel very comfortable with variations. I think there are other ways to achieve that feeling of security, if someone needs it, to which Robert Hass refers in less monotonous (and predictable) ways than repetition.

Although ... if you live in a society where repetition is the necessary point to feel safe it could always affect you in some way even if you do not want to, this, I think, would be something inevitable. You get up, go to work for 8-10 hours, go back to the house, you eat, take your TV dose, go to bed and you repeat this 5 days a week, 20 days a month and 240 days a year for most part of your life just to put an example ... sounds familiar?

Something that I have to admit (I have already accepted it as a "fact") is that yes, most people end up succumbing to repetition to get that sense of security as a reward but this, in my view, makes them much more vulnerable to the ravages of life as well as dehumanizing them, ending up functioning more like robots than rational thinking beings.

As I see it, stand up with the variation and freedom!

Do you think the same? Or do you prefer repetition and security?

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This is actually very true for example when driving through the same streets as usually

Actually if I go to a place I always try to comeback for another way ... just to change, learn a new part of the city, maybe find some new graffitis (the graffiti photos is a really good motivation) ... of course, if I am not to tired, if I am tired then I comeback the shortest way possible XD

It's sad that there are only like 2 options for me to choose from

Why just two?

I live in a very remote location. I can only choose from 2 roads

After traveling for 3 decades I can definite say repetition is not my preference in lifestyle! lol
...but I also accept that it is for the vast majority. (repetition).

There is nothing wrong with that in the slightest - just don't ask me to join the club!!

There is nothing wrong with that in the slightest - just don't ask me to join the club!!

Same here ;)


Great article @juanmiguelsalas
And your type of writting and style is good too
Good info about freedom/quote etc
Have a good day