Hunger Games Fan Fiction. Hello new social world of Steemit! Let me introduce the author Spotteh-chan

in fanfiction •  7 years ago 

I am a father of five children ranging in age from 4 to 16. I am in on a few cryptos and decided this platform may be the place to get my 14 year old daughter into crypto.

See, she is an aspiring writer. Loves to read and write, and she likes to write fan fiction. So without further ado I give you my daughters first entry into the cryptoshere. She goes by the pseudonym Spotteh-chan.

Please upvote and share this and I will get more of her writings on here. I will not be the benefactor of anything I post for her, these are her words so any crypto gains will be hers to use for college. Thank you!

Photo credit : Cover made by @nxcturnally on Wattpad
Hunger Games Fan Fiction

A tall girl with chocolate-brown hair draping down to her shoulder blades smirked by the blazing fire that lit up the temporary camp for a small herd of deer shifters.

"You know what happens to the slow-poke late fawns like you?" She asked chuckling, walking around a short and small little girl with bright brown eyes that are wide with fear.

"W-What?" The small girl piped up. The taller one poked her.

"They get lost in the wild because they can't keep up, Then. Lions, Tigers, and HUGE Bears will eat you all up!" She exclaimed giving a small fake roar resembling a large cat. The little girl yelped getting up on two tiny legs and scampered behind a doe that had just bed down in a patch of grass.

"Emerald! You know you can't scare her like that," The mother scolded.

"We would never leave Crystal behind. Not on my life!" She added with a growl. The bigger girl frowned a bit irritated.

"Now Apologize." She instructed.

"But Mo-"




"Fine, I'm sorry for scaring you Crystal." She hissed making a fake smile to hide her anger. Crystal peeked from behind her mother giving a childish nod and shifted into a tiny fawn. White spots fresh, curling up beside her. Emerald did the same but bigger than her small sister. Her mother nuzzled them both.

"I love you two so much. No matter what always listen to your heart." She smiled. Crystal gazed up to her eyes shining when it reflected the stars above.

"I love you too mom." Emerald yawned laying her head down eyes closed. Crystal put her head down too little tail wagging slightly.

"What do lions, tigers, and bears look like mama?" She asked quietly.

"You don't need to worry about that, you'll never have to see one." She smiled. The fawn pouted at her response closing her eyes to complete darkness.




Grasshoppers chirped around them in the late springtime, some humid but cool air blew around them as well.

Everyone's breathing stirred into the air mixing together echoing in her skull while starting to fall sleep. She fidgeted not able too, Something was wrong.

The little deer raised her head to the sky. Thick black smoke covered the tops of trees. She got up quickly while others began to stir noticing the change as well. Crystal whimpered but a large gunshot pierced through the calm evening. It made her ears ring in pain while she stumbled at the sound.

"Momma!" She cried out in fear. The tender and calm mother now had become a bottle of emotion. As if twisting the cap off a shaken bottle, ready to explode.

"Emerald, Crystal. Come on it's not safe." She nosed them towards the running herd.

"Hunters!" One cried.

"They've come to kill!" Another howled out. Crystal cast a glance behind her seeing a dead deer laying limp on the ground.

She shuddered giving a frantic whine. Emerald roughly nosed Crystal forward.

"Hurry! Or you'll meet the same fate!" She growled as the herd advanced in front of them. The smoke grew thicker and the shots louder. Some deer fell to the ground dead but her mother thankfully was still by her side. Crystal kept up but began trailing behind breathing hard.

"Momma! I'm tired..." she complained. Her sister tried as well but it was noticeable she as too was getting worn out.

"Please try to keep up Sweetie. It'll be almost over soon." Her mother's deer ears flat trying to comfort her children the best she could in the middle of the attack.

"But Momma, what's going on?" Crystal whimpered small fawn legs trembling with exhaustion begging to fall before her while she put one hoof in front of the other.

"You'll understand soon." She replied.

Another gunshot blasted again making Crystal's ears ring once more this time much closer. The little fawn heard a sharp cry when Emerald had stumbled, falling clumsily to the ground in pain legs giving out on her. The mother rushed to her side.

"Momma! My leg!" Emerald wailed loudly. Crystal skidded to a stop and turned eyes wide. Her sister's leg, shot, crippled. The bullet digging deep down into her flesh like a drill. A hole, deep, blood pulsing from it, the hot liquid running down and pooling on the ground.

It was truly revolting.

Bile rose up in the little deer shifter's throat as Crystal lurched her head forward opening her mouth. It choked her as she threw up the liquid. Some still drooling from her chin the bad taste of it all made her gag when more erupted, making her body convulse and shake.

She swallowed down as much as she could before coughing. Her mother stared at her younger daughter then tried helping her eldest up.

"Come on, we need to go. The hunters will catch us if we don't hurry." The fawn held her leg up beginning to limp forward. Crystal went to her side trying to help her.
She wheezed at the smell of the black smoke covering the air and trees in flames. Emerald stumbled but stayed up with the help of her smaller sibling and her mother.

"Crystal. Hurry. The herd isn't far ahead. Go seek help!" She pleaded.

"What about-"

"Please baby! We'll be fine!" She cut her off. Crystal broke off from her family running as quick as she could. Her legs and body burned, she feared her body would give out any second but she pushed on.

White tails bobbed desperately trying to get free of danger. She pushed her way into the middle, sides of the deer hit her hard.

"E-Excuse me?! Pwease help! My momma and sister! Pwease help them!" Crystal tried over and again, the running and bumping her roughly getting her even more exhausted. She continued pleading heart sinking.

"Ow!" She yelped in pain being dragged away by the herd.

"Momma! Help my sister! Help pwease!" She yelled.

A gunshot reverberated throughout the forest causing Crystal to look back in horror. Her mother slowly fell to the burning ground next to her wounded sister. Crystal wasn't able to catch Emerald's gaze after the herd flinched, running faster after hearing Crystal's confused and scared scream. The fawn was pushed around more, then spat out beside the forest finally free from the horror movie.

The herd ran away, flames licking at their hooves and mingling up the leaves and branches. Crystal hit her head on a jagged rock, pain snapping through her head immediately knocking the fawn unconscious. Blood ran over the grass next to her trailing away from an unknown figure.


The sun rose over the forest and grass. Brown wood and greenery, now black and dark. Some smoke still lingering above. A wretched view.

Crystal slowly opened her eyes and winced at her head pounding with pain making tears start to form in her eyes. She shifted into a small child, her brown hair up in two pigtails. She gave a small whimper headache continuing. Crystal glanced at the black forest giving a loud wail remembering the terrible night leaving her mother and sister behind. The images so vivid she shook and dropped to her small knees trying to process it all.

"Mommy and sister and the herd are okay." She began to repeat rapidly tears eventually stopping.

Crystal slowly got up to her feet again her head searing with pain but pushed it away turning the opposite direction not wanting to face the demolished home.

Crystal perked up seeing lights of a town far away. She began to walk towards it every bone in her body ready to already give up. A blue polka-dotted sphere shined in the distance. She smiled a lite reaching toward it and picking it up. The ball was almost as big as her but light enough to carry. Crystal looked at the town softly.

"Maybe my mommy is there waiting." She sighed weakly tossing the ball.

It bounced forward past the spring border into a cold winter climate. The ball hit the snow and sunk so it wasn't visible.

"My ball!" Crystal quickly toddled over into the snow wind gusts blowing snow in her face making the girl's eyes water. Small flakes of snow like glass shard hitting her skin. A large figure loomed over her making her feel vulnerable and reminding the shifter of the separation until the tall shadow was blocking the sun that was shining behind some clouds.

It was a boy with white snow-like hair and charming blue eyes. He smiled sticking out a hand. Crystal smiled warmly thankful to see someone since the tragic abandonment.

"I'm Ragnar, Whats your name?"

"C-Cwystal..." She smiled.

The End..

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