Bollywood star Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's next project Fanney Khan will address the issue of body-shaming.The film which also features Anil Kapoor will revolve around a father and his 16-year-old daughter, who seeks popularity and approval."At the same time, it's about the whole body shaming of a girl - most of the girls not just in India, but around the world go through. The male gaze thing or female gaze also (which is) very scary," the producer Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra told
.He added that body-shaming has "become rampant across the world," something that Aishwarya was a victim of after giving birth to her daughter.While a newcomer has been roped in for the role of the teenager, details of Ash and Anil's roles have yet to been revealed. According to Anil Kapoor's role is nothing like he has played before. "It took me time to understand him," the actor said of his character.Speaking about working with Aishwarya again he said: "Though she’s not cast opposite me I am really glad to work with Aishwarya again. She is a delightfully professional artiste. I’ve done two films with her in past, Taal and Hamara Dil Aapke Paas Hai. Both did well. With Fanney Khan I hope to achieve a hat trick of hits with her.”"Fanney Khan is a metaphor for someone aggressive and over-reaching himself,” Anil explained.Fanney Khan is said to be a remake of a Dutch film Everybody's Famous and will be directed by newcomer Atul Manjrekar.
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