Prettty sick shit acturians basically just even confirmed 4 us the anti-gravity , amasingass space programs with tech literally right outta star trek/star wars & the orville etc.
Already exist...
Alot of this was gifited by certain races in exchange for them doing all sorts of things
Including military conquest of other star systems including ours...
I think its time more of this tech is shared with all of us...
Like u know crystals are literally free energy devices even wikipedia dosen't like about that shit.
It's called piezoelectricity.
U just get a larger crystal though u can power larger stuff numnuts duh....
We've had free energy devices the whole time we just as a collective couldn't see many things...
All of this was by design because we are the creatore/super beings /gods of our entire universe because we are creating it every moment WE ARE LITERALLY FUCKING IT !
It's not just fantasy if it literally fucking has always exited ALL OF UR FANTASYIES HAVE ALWAYS BEEN REAL BITCHES!