Why FantomCoin confirmed balance always shows 0.000000000 , when other cryptocurrencies don't have any problem to show quickly the confirmed balance, against the unconfirmed balance?
As below picture shows:
You have to mine at least 1.000000000 FCN
That's because Minergate.com unconfirmed coins, will be confirmed after a certain amount of earned Coins.
Here is a list about the amount of coins you need for the confirmation of your Balance on Minergate.com
Balance confirmation will be processed and your "unconfirmed" Balance will change to "confirmed" after you have mined:
Dash Coin: 0.1 DSH
Bytecoin: 20 BCN
Fantom Coin: 1 FCN
Quazar Coin: 1 QCN
Digital Note: 1 XDN
MonetaVerde: 1 MCN
Ethereum: 0.001 ETH
Ethereum Classic: 0.001 ETC
Zcash: 0.001 ZEC
Aeon Coin: 0.005 AEON
Monero: 0.005 XMR
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