France's ambassador to Egypt, Masih Läckelkr, wrote to me, "You can stay in the embassy apartment in Cairo." I am preparing to come to Paris for two months from Cairo. At the French Embassy there, for the beginner's job. I wanted to spend this month in South Africa or Israel. But considering the bilateral relations between the political situation of Pretoria and Tel Aviv, the French Foreign Office rejected my request. They wanted to send me to Canada but eventually the Cairo settled. There was also Cairo in my favorite list. About four thousand frogs are available every day in Egypt during the tourism season. There is no objection to anyone going to such a country.
My residency at the Phoenix Square near Sheraton (Cairo) Hotel. I was raised in the embassy's apartment. The four-bedroom spacious flat at Barotla Building. I'm the only resident The flat is abandoned. There is no one living here for a long time. At night, the lonely house slumped. There is no special furniture, except for a few chapattisan chair and table. On my arrival, a bedroom with a kitchen and a sitting room was cleaned, but the remaining rooms were dust. The kitchen is decorated. There are two refrigerators, gas furnaces and other furnishings. Bedding has been received by. Embassy councilor Maciou Stefan Gompar's house near my apartment. On the night that I reached Cairo, his Italian wife Christina lent me a pair of sheets, two towels and balis.
In Cairo, the temperature is 20-25 degrees Celsius. Last night I put one of the sheets on. Whether it is due to the weather or not, after the full rest of the night, after two noon, the two eyes will come to mingle itself. I like the evening in Cairo, Cairo. The end of the day begins with a gentle mind. The city filled with coldness of the day. Seeing it repeated every day. I do not know if there will be any change in summer. Cairo is really enjoyable this evening. 'Nile' has gone through the city. We know whom we call the Nile. Nile Meghna, Yamuna or Kirtinasa of one time is not desperate like the Padma. In many places the river is tied to the piles. A huge restaurant there. Nile water is thrown at the chair. But no one sees it touching. Rubbish Nile Water Contaminated There are currents but not suitable for bathing. What will happen or how. Egypt's population is currently 40 million About thirty percent of it live in Cairo. In many ways, hundreds of types of waste are collected. Nevertheless, it is impossible for the two neighbors of Cairo to do so. Hundreds of people gathered there every day on vacation In many evenings, we also go to a restaurant to sit in a restaurant. The second secretary of Bangladesh Embassy Shahadat Hossain, computer engineer Ahsan Saheb, the founder of Radio Kairo Bangla ceremony, Mohammed Ali or a student of Rajshahi University, Rocket became my companion. Many Egyptians, like foreigners, are seen in the face of local beer stalls. I like this chat for other reasons. After a long time abroad, the joy of speaking with people in their own language is different. And in the light of the huge city of lightning flowing through the middle of the emblematic, Nile's calm, and uninterrupted appearance is also a fan. Occasionally, the movement of only one or two engine boats dissipated the illuminated light on the river for a moment.
Bangladeshi communities in Cairo are very small. The Bangladeshi students studying at the embassy's campus and the students of Cairo University may be close to one hundred. So far I have not been friends with any Egyptian I did not find a restaurant outside for breakfast on the first morning in Cairo. Then Ramadan was going on. When one of the neighbors said, 'I will open all eleven.' I asked, 'Are you from India?'
No, Bangladesh.
After listening to the Egyptians, Bangladesh welcomed the 'Welcome'. Only a little girl with a young woman and two young people in this city. They are my co-instructor in Paris and like me now outside of France. Shahinaz and Tarek Switzerland Khaled Tokyo In March, the driver of Khaled meets on the way to Cairo on the last day, at the Gail airport. A few days ago he had given some things in a small bag to reach his parents. His flight one hour ago. Khaled said that today is not fasting. I got to eat tea, two Meet a young French woman The girl is Algerian. He told Khaled that he had graded up his Economy class up and made him executive. Khaled said, "Today is my day." What do you want to drink? Whiskey, Vodka?
Before coming to the airport, Sipi's restaurant was eaten with Sapidi. Boiled potatoes and chicken. The French say 'fried in the pool' Publish me by leaving the metro and taking it off. Hurry yourself He will take Nairobi-bound Airbus Air France from 11-59 minutes. My throat dried up I told Khaled, thank you. A bottle of water and tea
Her parents are both smart. I got my phone from Moydan Finni or Fini Square. No one has landed in the eight-storey flat. Because the father of Khaled had been paralyzed for some time before. The boy has not yet been told this bad news Lest he fall into exile. The gentleman sitting quiet in the car. Khaled's mother is driving The hair of fifty-five women is slightly white. Excellent English said. Khaled's father is both English and French. Woman wearing skirt Shoes. Khaled was happy to get the goods sent. Before dinner, he invited the dinner. They were not relieved with my consent. Khaled's father said,
I promise you will come.
I did not think I was getting the promise
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Misarīẏa sabhyatā pr̥thibīra prācīnatama sabhyatā. Saptama āścaryēra ēkaṭi raẏēchē kāẏarōtē. Pirāmiḍa. Pratnatātāttika gabēṣaka ēbaṁ itihāsabidagaṇa ē niẏē ḍhēra gabēṣaṇā karēchēna. Bhramaṇapriẏa āmāra kāchē tā sandarbhēra biṣaẏa nā halē'ō gabhīra kautuhalēra ādhāra. Tā'i ēka aparāhnē kāẏarō biśbabidyālaẏēra bānlādēśi chātra māhabuba, rañju, mēhēdī ō chālāmakē niẏē gijāẏa pirāmiḍēra uddēśyē bēriẏē paṛi. Ōrā sabā'i kampi'uṭāra iñjiniẏāriṁ paṛachē. Ōdēra halēra abasthā ḍhākā biśbabidyālaẏēra halēra matō'i. Tabē nirāpattā byabasthā bhālō. Chātradēra paricaẏapatra kāchē rākhatē haẏa. Biśbabidyālaẏē ḍhukatē'ō kakhana'ō kakhana'ō sēṭira praẏōjana paṛē. Ṭyāksi niẏēchi āmarā. Kāẏarōtē mārsiḍija āra bi ēma ḍabli'u gāṛira chaṛāchaṛi. Sē jan'yē'i anēkē bāṛiẏē balē jārmānitē'ō ēta mārsiḍija nē'i. Ḍhākāẏa aṭōriksā, ṭēmpōra matō ēgulō bhāṛā khāṭē. Ēkhānē tēlēra dāma prāẏa jalēra matō balē bhāṛā'ō kama. Sarbōcca ārōhī saṅkhyā cāra. Āmarā anurōdha karē pām̐cajana uṭhēchi.
Rōda paṛē āsachila. Āmarā yakhana gantabyē paum̐chuluma takhana hālakā dhūli jhaṛa hacchē. Thēmē thēmē. Yākē damakā hā'ōẏā'ō balā yāẏa. Paryaṭakadēra bhiṛa kamē ēsēchē. Cāra-pām̐cajana uṭa'ōẏālā āmādēra ghirē dharala. Cuktitē tārā pirāmiḍa ēlākā dēkhātē cāẏa. Misarē yata pirāmiḍa raẏēchē tāra madhyē gijāra tinaṭē pirāmiḍa sabacē bikhyāta. Ēgulōra ākāra baṛa ēbaṁ antata duṭira kāṭhāmō majabuta raẏēchē balē'i dhāraṇā. Tabē sabagulōra bahirdēśē kṣaẏa śuru haẏēchē. Udōma ākāśēra nicē prakr̥tira niryātana saẏē hājāra hājāra bachara halō pirāmiḍagulō yē dām̐ṛiẏē āchē sēṭi'ō ēka bismaẏa. Prācīnakālēra ē'i prayuktigata udbhābanakē abhinandana. Biśāla biśāla kaẏēka mani pāthara ēkaṭāra para ēkaṭā sthāpana karē nirmita haẏēchē sabhyatāra ē'i tribhujākr̥ti camaka. Pātharagulō ēta nipūna hātē kēṭē juṛē dē'ōẏā haẏēchē yē pirāmiḍēra akṣata uparibhāgēra masr̥ṇatāẏa cōkha rākhalē'i tāra pramāṇa mēlē.
Āmarā uṭa nē'ini. Abaśya marutē ghurē ghurē anēkakṣaṇa dharē phērā'unika sabhyatāra nidarśana dēkhatē bāhana hisēbē sēṭi bhālō'i hatō. Paścimēra anēka paẏasā'ōẏālā paryaṭaka'i uṭē sa'ōẏāra haẏē marura dahana dūrē rākhatē cāna. Āmādēra madhyē chālāma bhālō ārabi jānē. Sē'i daradāma jēnē ēka kathāẏa balala, ‘pōṣābē nā.’
Āmāra sāthirā purōdastura chātra. Dāmāla sbabhābēra. Pirāmiḍa ēlākāẏa ḍhōkāra jan'yē māthāpichu daśa misarīẏa pā'unḍēra ṭikēṭa kraẏē'ō chila tādēra anihā. Mēhēdī āmākē balala,
āpani āmādēra sāthē āsunatō.
Dēkhēna'i nā kībhābē ḍhuki.
Yadi dharā paṛē yā'i.
Balalē'i halō. Kata ḍhukēchi phām̐ki diẏē. Ēkaṭi cōrā patha jānā āchē āmādēra. Ēkaṭu hām̐ṭatē habē ē'i yā.
Āmi rāji ha'ini. Māhabuba āmāra sāthē thākala. Bāki tinajana gēla ēyāḍabhēñcārē. Ēbaṁ khānikabādē pāhārādāradēra māmadō pramāṇa karē yōga dila āmādēra sāthē. Sē'i thēkē āmarā hēm̐ṭē hēm̐ṭē dēkhachi. Marura hā'ōẏā cōkhē ḍhukiẏē dicchē dhulō. Kakhana'ō tā'i basē jirōcchi pirāmiḍēra pādadēśē. Bhābachi kē sē'i mānaba yāra māthāẏa prathama ēsēchila ē rakama ēkaṭi bismaẏakara bastura nirmāṇa parikalpanā. Prācīna pr̥thibīra sē'i santāna yē nijēkē nijēra kīrtira mājhē bām̐ciẏē rākhatē cēẏēchilēna sē biṣaẏē kōnō sandēha nē'i. Abēlā. Paryaṭakadēra bhiṛa tā'i kama. Kē'u kē'u mauna haẏē basē. Tādēra maunatā jānāna dicchē pirāmiḍa yuga manthanēra. Nirdiṣṭa samaẏa pēriẏē gēchila. Pirāmiḍēra bhētaraṭā tā'i dēkhā halō nā.
Chōṭō-baṛō miliẏē misarē pirāmiḍēra saṅkhyā anēka. Ēkhānē baṛōra pāśāpāśi chōṭō'ō dēkhatē pācchi āmarā. Gijāra ē'i pirāmiḍagulō'i sabacē ākarṣaṇīẏa. Āra kāẏarōra ēkadama lāgōẏā balē asaṅkhya mānuṣa āsē ēkhānē. Pirāmiḍēra ārabi pratiśabda āharāma. Āharāmagulōra abasthāna anēkakhāni ēlākā niẏē. Yārā gāṛi kimbā an'ya kōnō bāhanē ghōrēna tādēra kathā ālādā kintu āmādēra matō yādēra caraṇa bharasā tādēra bālitē hām̐ṭāẏa anēka kaṣṭa. Tēṣṭā pācchē khuba. Jalēra abhābē kōmala pānīẏa pānē tr̥ṣṇā āra'ō bēṛē yācchē. Ēra mājhē'i bālitē rañju āra mēhēdī pārāpāri karachē. Āmi ēkaṭu khēẏāla karatē'i mēhēdī balala, ‘pōlāpāna niẏā āra pāri nā. Murubbidēra sāmanē śarama dēẏa.’
Āmarā yakhana sphiṅkasakē sāmanē niẏē basē paṛalāma tāra muhūrta āgē sūrya ḍubē giẏēchila. Yēṭuku ālō bhēsē bēṛācchē pr̥thibītē tātē sphiṅkasakē lāgachē rahasyamaẏa. Mānuṣēra māthāra sāthē sanyukta haẏēchē sinhēra śarīra. Arthāṯ sphiṅkasa ēkādhārē amita balaśālī ō bud'dhimāna. Ēbhābē'i nijēdēra haẏatō kalpanā karatē cēẏēchilēna cārasahasra bacharēra'ō āgēkāra mānuṣa. Sandhyā ghaniẏē āsatē thākala. Sphiṅkasēra sam'mukha barābara ēkaṭu dūrē khōlā prāṅgaṇa. Sēkhānē sāri sāri cēẏāra. Dillitē rēḍa phōrṭē ēka daśaka āgē yēmanaṭi dēkhēchilāma ēkhānē'ō sē rakama lā'iṭa ēyānḍa sā'unḍa anuṣṭhānēra āẏōjana calachē kintu āmāra saṅgīdēra paṛāra cāpa thākāẏa ē'i camaṯkāra anuṣṭhānē yōga nā diẏē phērāra āẏōjana karatē halō.
Pirāmiḍēra bhētaraṭā dēkhalāma phērā'unika bhilēja sākakārāẏa. Sākakārā kāẏarō thēkē pam̐ẏatriśa-calliśa kilōmiṭāra dūrē. Sēkhānē āra'ō āchē khrisṭapūrba 2360 sāla āgēkāra rājā unāsēra prāsādēra dhbansābaśēṣa. Pratidina pracura paryaṭaka āsē ēkhānē. Ṭikēṭēra dāma'ō caṛā. Tabu āgamanēra kamati nē'i. Śāhādata hōsēnēra gāṛītē bēlā ēgārōṭā nāgāda paum̐chē dēkhi bāsa, kārasaha nānā dharanēra gōṭā calliśēka gāṛi ēra madhyē'i sākakārā dakhala karē āchē. Sākakārāra pirāmiḍa gijāragulōra matō naẏa. Ē dharanēra pirāmiḍakē balā haẏa sṭēẏyāra pirāmiḍa. Yā dhāpē dhāpē uṭhē gēchē uparēra dikē. Tabē dhāpagulō sim̐ṛira matō chōṭō naẏa. Anēka baṛō. Āmāra dhāraṇā chila pirāmiḍēra bhētaraṭā phām̐kā. Biśāla kōnō trikōṇā gudāma gharēra matō. Kintu yakhana aparisara suraṅga pathē kōmara bhēṅgē prabēśa mukha thēkē nicēra dikē nāmatē thākalāma takhana sē dhāraṇā āra thākala nā. Lañcē uṭhā-nāmāra jan'yē yē dharanēra kāṭhēra sim̐ṛi byabahāra karā haẏa ēkadama sē rakama sim̐ṛi bēẏē biśa-pam̐ciśa miṭāra ḍhālutē nāmalē kṣudra prakōṣṭhēra mējhēra matō ēka phāli jāẏagā. Sēkhāna thēkē ābāra ēka'i prakriẏāẏa pirāmiḍēra śīrṣapānē uṭhalē ēkaṭi kakṣa pēlāma. Kakṣēra gāẏē prācīna misarīẏa lipi. Tātē anēka kichura chabi lipi hisēbē byabahāra karā haẏēchē. Yēhētu ō'i yugē mudraṇa yantra chila nā sēhētu balā yāẏa ēgulō lithōgrāpha. Pātharēra upara khōdā'i bā chāpānōkē lithōga
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ার মতো কী আছে। বিষয়টি তো গুরুতর কিছু নয়। এখন অবশ্য জেনেছি মিসরীয়রা এরকমই। আমরা যেখানে প্রতিজ্ঞা শব্দটি দৃঢ় ইচ্ছে বা সম্মতি প্রকাশের বেলায় ব্যবহার করি এরা নাকি সাধারণ সম্মতির ক্ষেত্রেই শব্দটি অহরহ প্রয়োগ করে। কোনো মিসরীয় যদি ‘ইনশাল্লাহ’ বলে তার অভিপ্রায় ব্যক্ত করে তবে ধরেই নিতে হবে কথাটি সে রাখবে না। দুর্জনেরা বলে, ‘দুর্ভাগ্য হলো অধিকাংশ ক্ষেত্রে মিসরীয়রা ইনশাল্লাহ ব্যবহার করে।’ প্রসঙ্গক্রমে জাতিসংঘের সাবেক আন্ডার সেক্রেটারি জেনারেল জনৈক কম্বোডিয়ান ভদ্রলোকের একটি গল্প মনে পড়ছে। আমাদের ইনস্টিটিউশনে উন্নয়নশীল দেশ বনাম দাতাসংস্থার প্রক্সি বৈঠকে ওই বৃদ্ধ তাঁর ঝুঁড়ি থেকে এটি খসিয়েছিলেন। দর কষাকষি অনুশীলনকারীদের উদ্দেশ্য তা ছিল কতকটা উপদেশের মতো। কারণ একটু আগে সরবোন বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের এক ফরাসি সুন্দরী একটি বিষয়ে রাষ্ট্রদূত হয়ে বৈঠককারি জায়ারের কুৎসিয়ানজাকে মিথ্যেবাদী আখ্যা দিয়ে আলোচনায় অসম্মতি জানিয়ে ক্লাস ত্যাগ করেছ। মেয়েটি একটু চলবলে। কিন্তু সে যে বালখিল্য আচরণ করবে তা কেউই ভাবেনি। প্রাক্তন জাতিসংঘ কর্মকর্তাটিও নয়। ফরাসিনি ক্লাসে ফিরলে তিনি ভূমিকার পর বললেন, কোনো কূটনীতিবিদ যদি হ্যাঁ বলে তাহলে বুঝতে হবে কাজটি সে করলেও করতে পারে। ‘চেষ্টা করবে’ বললে ধরেই নিতে হবে কাজটি সে করবে না। আর যদি না বলে তবে বুঝতে হবে সে কূটনীতিবিদই নয়। তেমনি কোনো মহিলা যদি বিশেষ কোনো প্রস্তাবে দৃঢ় অসম্মতি জানায় তাহলে ধরে নিতে হবে কাজটিতে সে রাজি হলেও হতে পারে। আর যদি শুধু না, না বলে তবে বুঝতে হবে প্রস্তাবে সে রাজি। জবাব যদি হয় হ্যাঁ তাহলে নির্দ্বিধায় বলা যায় সে কোনো মেয়েই নয়। ভদ্রলোকের ইঙ্গিতপূর্ণ গল্পে হাসির সাথে ডেস্কে দ্রুত লয়ে হাত পড়ে সবার। ফরাসিনির মুখে লাল লজ্জা ছলকে ওঠে। তখন তিনি কথা ঘুরিয়ে বলেন, আমাদের বান্ধবি কূটনীতিবিদ না হলেও শতকরা একশ ভাগ নারী। ওই গল্পের মতো মিসরীয়দের বেলায় বলা যায় কথার সাথে ইনশাল্লাহ যোগ না করলে সে মিসরীয়ই নয়। যার মানে দাঁড়াচ্ছে এরা সবাই ইনশাল্লাহ বলে অর্থাৎ কথা রাখে না। শ্বজনের মৃত্যুতে মিসরীয়দের শোক পালনের প্রক্রিয়া অদ্ভুত। মোহাদ্দেসীনে প্রায়শ আড্ডায় যাই আহসান সাহেবের বাসায়। একদিন দেখি ওঁর বাসার অদূরে সুন্দর সজ্জায় সামিয়ানা টানানো। ভেবেছিলাম বিয়ের অনুষ্ঠান। আসলে ওটি একজনের মৃত্যু উপলক্ষ্যে করা হয়েছে। আত্মীয় স্বজন ছাড়াও ভাড়াটে লোকজন বসবে সেখানটায়। যাদের কাজ হবে মৃত ব্যক্তির জন্যে কান্নাকাটি ও আহাজারি করা।
Egyptian civilization is the world's oldest civilization. One of the seventh wonders is in Cairo. Pyramid Archaeological researchers and historians have researched it. Though it is not a matter of interest to me, it is interesting to entertain me, although the interest of deep curiosity. So one afternoon, with the Bangladeshi students of Cairo University, Mahbub, Ranju, Mehdi and Salam got out of the pyramid in Giza. They are all reading computer engineering. The condition of their hall is similar to the Hall of Dhaka University. But security measures are good. Students have to keep their identity cards. Sometimes it is necessary to enter the university. We've got a taxi. Mercedes RMW car Chhachchhari in Cairo. That's why many say that there are so many Mercedes in Germany. They are rented in autorickshaw, tempo in Dhaka. Here the cost of oil is almost the same as water, the rent is less. Max ascending number four. We requested five.
The sun was coming down. When we arrive at the destination, there is a slight dust storm. Stop stopping It can also be called a windstorm. The crowd of tourists has come down. Four or five camels surrounded us. They want to show the pyramid area in the agreement. Among the pyramids in Egypt, the three pyramids of Giza are the most famous. Their size is big and at least the structure of the two is strong. But all of them have started erosion. There is also a wonder that the Pyramids are standing thousands of years in the form of torture of nature under the uneven sky. Congratulations to this ancient technological innovation. This triangular splendor of civilization has been built by placing a huge huge monkey stone one after another. The stones were so cut off in the hands of the monk that the eyes of the pyramid on the surfaces of the pyramid could be seen as evidence.
We did not have camels. However, it would have been good to travel in the desert for a long time to see the patterns of the furoric civilization. Many western travelers want to keep away from the burning of the dough by riding on a camel. Our Arabic know better than saalam. Knowing that bidding, he said in a statement, 'do not do it.'
My parents are full students. Damn nature In order to enter the pyramid area, the purchase of ten Egyptian Pound tickets per capita was also their inability. Mehdi said to me,
You come with us
I do not see how to get in.
If caught.
It was said. How many sparrows are stuck in. There is a trace way to know us. This is what will be a little walk.
I did not agree Mahbub is with me The remaining three went to adventure. And on the occult, the guards of the guards proved to us and joined us. From that we walk walking. The dust of the drought is in the eyes of the dust. Never sit at the foot of the pyramid. I wonder who is the man whose head first came in such a wonderful construction plan There is no doubt about the child of the ancient world who wanted to keep herself alive during her work. Abella. The tourist crowd is so low. Some people are silent. Their silence tells the pyramid era of Manthan. The time has passed. The Pyramid is not seen inside.
The number of pyramids in Egypt is very small Here we can see the small and small children as well. These pyramids of Giza are the most interesting And there are countless people coming to Cairo right here. Arabic word for pyramid ahram. The position of the people of Ahrams is quite a lot. Those who move in cars or any other vehicle are different but those who, like us, have a lot of trouble walking on their sand. I'm getting very excited Thirst of drinking water is increasing due to lack of water. Ranju and Mehdi are crossing the sand. I noticed a little, Mehdi said, 'I can not take it. He gives a smile to the elders. '
When we sat in front of Sphinx, the sun had sunk in its moment. The light that shines in the sky, it seems to be mysterious in Sphinx. The body of the lion has been attached to the human head. That is, Amit was strong and intelligent at the same time. In this way, perhaps they wanted to imagine themselves four hundred years ago. The evening came to an end. The square open in front of Sphinx is a little open. There are row rows in the chair. As I have seen in the Red Fort in New Delhi a decade ago, there is a continuation of such lights and sound shows, but due to the pressure of my companions, it has to be arranged to return without adding to this wonderful event.
In the Pyramid I saw the Pharaoh Village in Saxka. Sakkara is located 25 km from Cairo. There are also ruins of Raja Unas's palace in the year 2360 BC. Every day there are plenty of tourists come here. The price of the ticket also increased. But there is no shortage of arrival. Shahadat Hossain's car reached at eleven o'clock in the morning, the bus, cars and many different types of cars occupied by Saikkara. The Pyramid of Sakura is not like the gijara. Such a pyramid is called Pyramid of Stair. Which stepped up step by step. But the steps are not as short as the stairs. Much bigger I thought the pyramid was empty inside. Like a large triangular warehouse. But when I started going down from the entrance door to the lower level, I could not imagine that. The type of wooden stairs used to move in the launches, in the twenty-twenty-five meter slopes on the stairs of the stairs, is a stomach floor like a small cell wall. From there, once again, in the same process, the pyramid got topped up and found a room. Ancient Egyptian script on the cell Many of them have been used as scripts. Since there was no printing machine in that era, it can be said that these lithographs are lithographs. Lithog to engrave or print on stone
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