The cultivation of eggplants

in farms •  6 years ago 

The eggplant, is a perennial plant by nature, has large and oval leaves, rough to the touch. The fruits are generally dark purple, although there are white, green and light purple fruits; These fruits are cylindrical with an approximate diameter of 6 cm. These can weigh 1.3 kilos, with shiny skin. This is a plant that grows well in temperate climates, although it is a plant that is very resistant to high temperatures that do not exceed 30 ° C.

Mode of spreading the eggplant

The eggplant spreads through the seeds, which means that before starting the crops we must have the seeds. The seeds are purchased in agricultural stores, but it is necessary to use seeds that adapt to the climate where you are going to establish the crop. If the seeds that are going to be used are extracted from fruits of your crops, you should make sure that they have been stored properly and that they do not present insect bites; In case you decide to buy them, you should look at the expiration date, which is indicated on the package. The seeds generally retain their germination power for a period of approximately 3 to 4 years, so those who have remained longer than this period are unlikely to give a good result.

The way to cultivate the eggplant is by transplant, therefore it is necessary to elaborate the seedbeds or almacigo, for the obtaining of the seedlings, that soon will be taken to the field.

The nurseries or almacigo, can be done in germination trays or preparing a small space in the soil to place these seeds.

Seedbeds in germination trays:
To prepare the germination trays, the following steps must be carried out:

  • We must wash the trays well.
  • Fill the trays with a mixture of a light substrate.


  • Open in each cell or alveoli, small holes to place the seeds.
  • Place the seeds to a depth of 6 millimeters.
  • Cover the seeds with the same soil.

Development of seedbeds or soil on the ground:

To prepare seedbeds directly on the ground, we must locate a site where rainwater does not accumulate, in addition to the land being rich in organic matter.

  • Move the earth well and form beds raised to 15 centimeters.
  • Place bands with wood, to form a rectangle with measurements of: one meter wide, the length will depend on the amount of seeds available; 2.5 grams of seeds are needed for a square meter, for a density of 875 plants per square meter.
  • Add a good substrate and compost on the surface.
  • The surface of the nursery must be level.
  • Place the seeds broadcast, ensuring that they are not stuck.
  • Then cover the seeds with a light material, (sifted sand).

In both modalities, these seeds will germinate in the following 5 to 7 days, and will remain in these sites for 25 days or when they reach a height of 10 centimeters; Considering the ideal time for the transplant.

Preparing the land for the transplant

For the sowing in the open field, it is necessary to plow the land, for it two passes of harrow are made with the use of agricultural tractor, the important thing is that the land is loose and free of lumps and remains of weeds.

Elaboration of the ridges and furrows for irrigation, this consists in making lines of grooves in parallel forms, for the cultivation of the eggplant it is recommended that the ridges and furrows are within a separation of 1.50 m between each line. the furrows are made by hand when it comes to crops in small quantities. In case of large extensions, the furrows are made with furrowers coupled to the agricultural tractor.


Transplantation of eggplant seedlings

Once the seedlings have reached a height of 10 to 12 centimeters, we proceed to the transplant, this work is recommended to be done in the afternoon when the intensity of the sun has lowered.

  • Wet the soil well, before placing the plants on the ridges.
  • Immerse the roots of the seedlings in a solution with fungicides and rooting.
  • Place the seedlings on one side of the irrigation furrow, opening holes at a depth of 5 centimeters and at a minimum distance of 70 cm between one another; the aubergine plants occupy a space of 1 meter wide, so a good separation between them is necessary.

Irrigation plan

The first irrigation should be applied the day after the transplant, then the irrigation will continue every two days and as the plant grows, the risks will be different, the important thing is to keep the soil moist.

Fertilization plan

  • The first fertilizer is applied to the 5 days after the transplant, this is applied by foliar with liquid fertilizer with high content of phosphorus, earthworm humus, fungicides and insecticides.
  • After 10 days, foliar fertilizer with NPK content and fungicides and insecticides is applied.
  • After 15 days the first granulated fertilizer of formula 12-24-12 is applied, which is carried out with the first hilling.
  • Aubergine plants require nitrogen fertilizers, for their vegetative development, but this type of fertilizer is reduced in the flowering stage to avoid the fall of the flowers; and then continue when the fruits are well formed.
  • It is important to apply foliar fertilizers and granules with potassium in the flowering and fruits setting.

What is the hilling?

The aporque consists of bringing soil to the foot of the plant, to strengthen the stem and roots, in this task it is used to apply the granulated fertilizers; generally the aubergine crop requires three hives in the first 4 months. then they are made if the crop requires it.

Aubergine harvest time

Eggplant is harvested at 45 days after the transplant, because its fruits are usually eaten tender.


Pests that attack the cultivation of eggplants

Eggplant cultivation is attacked by the whitefly and some mites and aphids, but usually the plague that attacks this crop is the whitefly. The aubergine crop is very persecuted by the whitefly which feeds on the sap of the leaves causing defoliation and also transmit many viruses.

Recipes for the production of insecticides and natural repellents to fight the fly banking, aphids and mites.

The peel of the orange, the neem leaf and the fabric softener to wash the clothes

Place the orange peel and the neem leaves in a pot of water, and cook until it boils and the water reaches a brown color; Regarding the quantity, use 20 oranges with enough neem leaves, the important thing is that when obtaining a good colored liquid, once the cooking is ready, proceed to strain so that when using the sprinkler, do not obstruct the pressurizer.
How to use: add one liter of this liquid to the rear sprayer, then add two ounces of fabric softener and complete the sprayer filling with water. Then proceed to fumigate the crop trying to bathe well in the lower part of the leaves.

Original content by @oscarcede

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