The agricultural teams go back to the nineteenth century in which animals and knives were used to plough the land, these represented a great job for people and effort for animals, due to the different types of soil in which they worked , some were very arid, dry and others were dunes in which they worked easily. The first machine that was used was a steam machine, which was very complicated for the farmers because it was using a boiler to generate steam and speed.

Steam Machine

Thanks to the agricultural machinery such as tractors, seeders, Fumigators, Harrows, harvesters, they help the farmer in a great way, facilitating and optimizing the cultivation tasks.
Tractor: It is one of the most used equipment by the power that is generated to plough the earth, to transport wagons, among other activities.
TractorHarvester: Cleans and thresh The collected products from the field.

- Harrow: Used to furrow the Earth, using discs or knives that are inserted into the ground.

- Sprinkler: It is used to fumigate the crops when there is the presence of pests or diseases that attack the plants, they can be manual for those places of difficult access or industrial.

- Lawn mower: Used for controlling the size, cutting the grass after it has dispersed the seed, and bad vegetation.
Lawn mower
Agricultural machines are of great importance because it allows them to work in inaccessible places, helps to reduce working time, increases the production of food and items, decreases the cost of labor and accidents, allows them to transport Material from one place to another without having to expose the life of any worker.