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Anyone who has an orchard to cultivate, knows that everything depends on the correct sowing. There are different types of sowing and these can also take place in different places, that is, in the soil or in the nursery.
In the middle of the earth it means that the seeds are sown directly in the soil where the vegetables and vegetables of the future will be born. .
The seedbed is, instead, a small plot of land, or even a box, in which the seeds are planted, and then the first shoots are moved in the garden.
Sowing: preliminary operations
Before starting planting, it is good to know that there are preliminary operations that must be performed to ensure that the crop is successful.
Dissolve the soil
The soil must be prepared before sowing and this operation must be done in the spring.
During the winter, the brush will surely grow, so to plow the land we will also eradicate it forever. These are certainly the heaviest phases from the point of view of physical work.
The soil should be worked with care, the clods should be made crumbly so that future seedlings can grow. We must not neglect any passage, nor proceed with superficiality, otherwise the harvest will be the worst.
Subdivision by crops
Then we move to organize the garden by areas, since the vegetables will be divided into sections, depending on the different types.
For example, if we think about growing winter vegetables, it is good to consider planting them in the mountains created with the furrow, keeping any stagnation at bay.
On the contrary, all the spring and summer vegetables will be placed directly in the furrows, to fully exploit the irrigation water.
Phases of planting and moon.
Once the land has been prepared for sowing, the period should be calculated well. In fact, all vegetables should be planted at a certain time of the year so that they can grow and develop.
A higher or lower temperature is enough to explode everything. Keep this in mind for each individual vegetable.
Many farmers also consider the phases of the moon. According to these beliefs, the sowing should be carried out following the various phases of the moon, which can increase or decrease.
Waning moon: in this phase we can cultivate the so-called hypogeous plants (that is, what grows inside the soil) and the vegetables with a lock.
Crescent moon: it is the phase in which you can plant the epigee vegetables (which develop unlike the earth).
Once all these points have been clarified, all that remains is to discover what the different methods of planting are. In fact, we are talking about planting postarellas, emissions, files and boxes.
Sowing for postarelle
Planting in postarelle is also called sowing in holes or locks and is used for all those plants that have a creeping habit and extend in width with growth. So we speak, for example, of pumpkins, courgettes, beans, beans, but also of watermelons and melons.
This procedure involves planting at most 4 seeds at a time by placing them in small holes, dug with a foraterra, a garden tool used for this purpose.
The holes are dug following a single row and leaving the same distance between one and the other. The seeds are placed at a depth equal to twice their size. This is because they should not be buried too deep.
A groove that is used for irrigation is dug around the holes. In this way you will create small assemblies.
Then we proceed to cover the holes with the earth that will be hit with a roller or a shovel. In some cases it is used to spread a cloth on the floor. The irrigation has to be normal in the initial phase. Only after germination is the cloth removed and the different seedlings separated.
Planting transmissions
The planting station is the oldest, but also the fastest. It can be done both in the seedbed and on the ground. In fact, it consists of throwing the seeds to the ground, taking care to distribute them evenly.
To ensure this, in general, the seeds are mixed with soil or sand. Then they are buried using land.
For irrigation, care must be taken to proceed with a rain shower, which distributes the water gently, preventing the seeds from moving.
It is a suitable technique for small seeds, such as carrots, cut vegetables (such as lettuce and chicory), vegetables in quick-revegetation vegetables and root vegetables (such as radishes).
Sowing in rows
This type of planting is the most frequent for those who cultivate a garden. It is often used for beans, peas and corn, but in general it adapts to any vegetable.
We proceed to dig equidistant and parallel rows, distributed in rows. To proceed on a regular basis, stakes and ropes are usually used.
The rows are left next to the rows to let the irrigation water flow.
This is a very fast and practical technique, since even subsequent operations, such as soil reinforcement or weeding, can be carried out easily.
Sowing with cassone
Let's move on to the last planting technique, the one with a drawer, also called planting under shelter. This is a type of sowing done inside closed greenhouses or boxes.
Thanks to the achievement of higher temperatures, the growth of vegetables occurs more quickly.
It is normally used for transplanted plants, such as tomatoes and aubergines, or when it is necessary to have an early production.
Other useful tips for planting.
Once the various points have been clearly clarified, consider that the soil must be constantly humid in this delicate phase. The watering should be regular and not too heavy or powerful. A too strong jet could, in fact, undermine the seed.
Finally, do not forget that each vegetable has specific cultivation needs: the temperatures, the depth of planting and the distance between the rows will be different from one species to another. Always ask well before venturing into the cultivation of the garden....