CAFO People

in farmwars •  8 years ago 

Barbara H. Peterson

Farm Wars

Fighting Monsanto's takeover of the world's food supply with genetically engineered food-like substances (GMOs) is a full-time endeavor at Farm Wars. As I look around, I see more and more people who remind me of cattle, living on a CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation). They eat what is in front of them, never questioning what it is they are putting in their mouths. Health is deteriorating, medications are used to "help" us overcome the damage we inflict on ourselves due to our poor eating habits, and the only ones who benefit are the industries designed to make us sick and profit off of that sickness. Hence, the following graphic.

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So you're saying that just because it's edible doesn't mean that it is actual, nutritious food?

Exactly. Just because something has been manufactured to taste good, doesn't make it nutritious food. You can actually make cardboard taste good, but that doesn't mean it's good for you. Companies regularly use harmful additives to make substandard ingredients taste fresh, last long and appear to be healthy.