Farm Wars is on Steemit!

in farmwars •  8 years ago 

I ran across this site and decided to give it a try. So, here goes! My name is Barbara Peterson, and Farm Wars is my site.  A little about me:

I live on a small ranch in Oregon where I raise geese,  chickens, goats and horses. This rural lifestyle is under attack at the  most basic level. Federal regulations and the corporate takeover of our  food supply with Monsanto’s invasive GMO technology is designed to make  it next to impossible to raise animals and organic food. It is time to step up to the plate and fight or lose it all without a  whimper. Choose to take a stand and fight. We can make a difference. 

This Revolution Is Personal 

Barbara H. Peterson 

Farm Wars 

“… the most formidable military machine  depends ultimately on the obedience of its soldiers, … the most  powerful corporation becomes helpless when its workers stop working,  when its customers refuse to buy its products. The strike, the boycott,  the refusal to serve, the ability to paralyze the functioning of a  complex social structure–these remain potent weapons against the most  fearsome state or corporate power.” — Howard Zinn in The Progressive  magazine, January 2000, p20  

When the government tells you that you  cannot grow your own food, and slips pesticide-ridden GMOs into the  nation’s food supply unlabeled, it’s time to discard the system. 

When government agencies tell you what you  can and cannot eat, then enforce that compliance with armed goons, it’s  time to discard the system. 

When you are forced into bondage in order  to merely survive, then get taxed to death so that survival is at a bare  minimum, it’s time to discard the system. 

When “too big to fail” corporations stomp  on “consumers” like they are just so much rabble to use up and throw  away, it’s time to discard the system. 

When you go to a hospital to get well, and  that hospital kills you through incompetence and outright malice, it’s  time to discard the system. 

When Big Pharma poisons are legal and natural plants are not, it’s time to discard the system. When poisoning the nation’s water supply  with a known hazardous waste is standard operating procedure, it’s time  to discard the system. 

When poisonous chemicals are dumped from  the sky on an unknowing populace in the guise of “protecting” the  people, it’s time to discard the system. 

When the media routinely lies and hides the truth, it’s time to discard the system. 

When people are routinely maimed and  killed  by government approved drugs that are made mandatory by that  very same government, it’s time to discard the system. 

We the people want something real, not  televised hype and brand marketers telling us what we should do, think,  and feel, while counting the profits raked in through stealth and false  advertising. 

We the people are sick to death of being told what is good for us and what is not. 

When I was born, I did not sign up to be  property of the state. I have one mother and don’t need another in the  form of Big Brother. If you the power brokers want a fight,  you’ve got it. This will not be a fight calling for bloodshed and ruin,  but for life. For independence from tyranny. For self-sufficiency and  hope. For a breaking away from the ties that bind us to a corrupt and  dying system that was designed from the onset to fail. This will be a  revolution welling up from the tortured soul of every man, woman and  child who has woken up to the oppression we are living under, which is  so tyrannical in its nature that we the people are being suffocated.  This revolution will be one of empowerment of the individual over  corporate interests and the war machine. 

This revolution is personal. 

Nobody is waiting in the wings to save  us.  The cavalry isn’t coming.  The cavalry is here.  If you’re still  looking for your hero, check the mirror. (Nick Brannigan) 

©2012 Barbara H. Peterson 

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Aw, I appreciate you, Barbara. Thank you for making a stand. For food safety. For freedom. For a brighter and healthier future for the children...

Thank you! Not quite sure how this site works, but willing to learn. The message needs to be shared ;)

Welcome. You should probably do a post in #introduceyourself if you have not done so already.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment