Bread and circuses. "So long as they (the Proles) continued to work and breed, their other activities were without importance."

in fascistamerica •  6 years ago 

Bread and circuses. This formula has been effective at keeping the serfs under the ruling class since Caesar's time. Pit fights have been displaced by the NFL and the rest of the glorified coliseum events where the people who would otherwise be standing up against their oppression cast aside their doubts and worries in order to dissociate from the modern day empire as it falls.


The billionaire class has been using the mass media quite effectively to keep the public in a constant state of worry, and worry about the wrong thing. You see, these media giants use the public’s despair against us.

They understand that we are living constantly beyond our means, buying things on credit and making ends meet through sacrifice of personal health and wellbeing. They use images of paradise to entice us into using the newest laundry soap or toilet paper, always keeping the next i-phone on the minds of the masses.

Meanwhile our entire planet is going up in flames, fine only certain latitudes. Still the point is that while we are focusing on the next butt which is set to break the internet, while we are looking at the newest xbox or prius our planet’s environment is quickly becoming unlivable for humanity. While we eat our whoppers and big macs the final nail in the coffin of consumer society is being placed and has already been struck. We simply refuse to see the clear and present danger presented by GLOBAL WARMING.


The United Nations last week came out with findings they collated from over 6,000 scientific studies, these findings point to the urgency which is needed if we are going to leave a livable planet for future generations, but let’s be honest, it’s almost time for the World Series of baseball and people are buying crackjacks and hotdogs, not giving two fucks about the consequences of their rampant consumerism. How can they? When the so called free press hides the effects of consumerism in order to keep their advertising dollars pouring in.


I am outraged at our society of entitled people. It just sickens me that the poverty stricken of the world have to suffer the effects of our consumerism. Whether it’s the child laborer sewing Nikes or the child slave harvesting cocoa pods for Nestle our society in the USA is unconcerned about the detrimental effects our “needs” have on the less fortunate.

We put our fashion needs ahead of the the wellbeing of children in Bangladesh and our hunger for the newest technology ahead of the child miners of rare earth minerals in the Congo. Our needs are the physical death of children in this moment, and we don’t care, so it’s natural for us not to give two shits about the children of the future.

I really wish I had a way to snap the neck of capitalism and exploitative labor. I wish it was within my grasp to change the values systems we live within to hold the lives of youths up high. I wish I knew how to create real change in this world. I wish the obvious solutions were embraced by the ruling class. Until these ideals of genuine human rights and the rights of all life to exist are embraced I will swear off the bread and circuses and pursue a better world through my words and deeds.

See You In The Streets!

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