What exactly is Steampunk ? you may ask ,well it began as a sub-genre of science fiction set in the nineteen century when steam power was all the rage . From this brand of scifi a sub-culture has developed which encompasses fashion,music, design , model making ,gaming ,cos play ,all sorts of offshoots but all drawing inspiration from the same anachronistic well .
Walt Disney's "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" released in 1954 is where it all is supposed to have kicked off visually at least, the submarine and the diving gear are classic examples, The Time Machine in 1960 is regarded as another forerunner that inspired steampunk . In 1959 Mervyn Peake's novel "Titus Alone" was published , it is thought to be the first novel in the genre. It wasn't until 1987 that the term "steampunk" came into existence coined by the author K.W Jeter to describe the genre of fiction that himself and other writers such as Tim Powers and James Baylock were penning, a play on the word "cyberpunk" apparently. "Steampunk" has since made it into the dictionary.
Steampunk Couture was founded in 2006 by Kate Lambert, the clothes are a mix of Victorian and post-apocalyptic influenced designs, some of the more famous fashion houses have also bought into the steampunk asthetic , there have been numerous steampunk conventions and a World Fair so its catching on and likely to become more popular.
So if you like polished brass and brown leather, velvet and lace , and stuff that looks like it should perform some mechanical function but doesn't then you might very well find the world of steampunk fascinating . Check out the images below, they're typical of the scene and maybe getting steamed on Steemit mght be for you !
Comments are welcome, I'd appreciate some feed back, Thank you for your interest.![2529d1657020cd9495346720854fb582.jpg]
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