Big girls never crysteemCreated with Sketch.

in fashion •  7 years ago 

I have moved to London just like milion other girls to follow thier dreams .. see the big world .. somewhere here my story started ..London .. city of fashion that never sleep ...
Sometimes life need to teach you a lesson , maybe remind you who you are and where you come from. Simple naive girl with big dream, not able to see nasty people around ..
Only few months later i was writing my little diary .. not to planed being published but to help go by hardest time in my life.... image

The Green Mile. I dont even know why I was watching the movie. I prefer more romantic films or chick flicks-ones where you know there will be a happy ever after ending. The Green Mile has too many male characters and too much negative energy for my taste. Most of it is set in prison , which is a little bit depressing . Well very depressing , actually.
I was siting on the sofa, all wrapped up in the blanket, eating a blueberry muffin and watching a bald man domesticate a mouse.He was laughing at it in crazy way. He loved that mouse just like a child, and was happy to snuggle up to it.Urgh! It made me shiver when he put his face right next to the mouse , and I wondered what could cause this kind of madness and desperation.
I was so tired, I started yawning , but watched the movie until the end, even though it left me feeling very negative , as the story included a sad, innocent prisoner, a bad , insecure prison officer, and crazy killer of little girls.
,, Come on , is only a story you know ", my flatmate Alisha , said when I kept going on about it the next day. I shook my head and left the house , unable to get the wretched image out of my head. I had no idea that I d also be sitting in a prison cell in just few weeks' time , so unhappy that I 'd be willing to give away half of my wardrobe for little mouse like that.

Original Velke baby neplacu published by Evitapress my real story. Book become best seller .. had masive support from girls and women .. helped them deal with thier own problems in life.
English / Czech and Slovakian original

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It tooked quite a while to published book in Uk ..
Well , people will told me .. there is no way you be able to do that not english .. people simply will not be intrested .. With massive support of few friends and I AM Selfpublishing team .. late nights and early morning ( being new mummy as well, i did find out is not that easy at all !!) Book Big girls dont cry is out on Amazon ...
So dont ever give up your goals .
Happy reading .. image

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