The word autofagy comes from the Greek word 'auto' and 'phagy'. The meaning of the first and the meaning of the second. Autophagy is a physical process by which cells produce energy using their waste. Also help to get rid of the body from damaged and dying cells. And the autofagi process happens occasionally if you refrain from taking food. As it happens during the fasting day. Then, due to lack of nutrients, cells use their own waste. As a result, the inside of the cell becomes clear. Then the cells of the new cells were destroyed by killing the dead cells. Thus the cells of the body get rejuvenated. Japan's scientist Yoshinori Vasumi received the Nobel Prize in Physiology with a research on this autophagy.
Autofagy processes are carried out by the formation of new cells in place of protein decay and damaged cell. It is the natural process of the body. Autophagy mechanism accelerates when cells move to dying conditions and their range increases. Autophagy begins with the cells where cellular stress begins. This condition arises when the cell does not grow due to the lack of nutrients and its vitality goes away. And there Autofagy starts automatically. In this process, the cells produce the power to handle the repair process using their wasted waste.
Autophagy and cell death
Cells are killed by autophagy in special cases. Call it a progressed cell death or PCD. Autophagy Cell Death Calling Cell Death Apoptosis is called the target cells that die.
In fact, there is a need for new cells along with the death of the cell. Therefore, the work of constructing a new cell must be done with subtle subtle cells. Autophagy sets the balance between these two tasks. As the unpleasant and damaged cells are destroyed on one hand, the process of formation of new cells continues.
Autophagy and Stress
Autophagy helps cells survive due to lack of nutrients or survival in the environment due to external adverse conditions. This process is seen in fungi, plants, fruit insects and insects. Autophagy process is also used in laboratory mice or guinea pigs and in human bodies.
Therefore, autofagi starts when the body cells lack food. This cell erosion is rare. Kill dead and unnecessary cells and form new cells. Therefore, keeping fasting can accelerate the autophagy process. In essence, the body gets new cell or new life.
Source: News Medical