Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

in fasting •  2 years ago  (edited)


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1) Increased Human Growth Hormone

(HGH)With more HGH, your body may boost fat loss and muscle gain.

2) Increased Testosterone Levels

Intermittent fasting boost testosterone levels. This is why this method is gaining popularity specially among body builders and fitness conscious individuals who want to increase muscle mass while reducing body fat percentage.

3) Improve Insulin Sensitivity:

Research indicates that Insulin levels are lower for fasters, and low insulin levels allow your body to more easily access stored fat for energy. This can lead to weight loss.

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4) Cellular Repair:

During IF, your cells enter a process called autophagy during which they remove protein build-up and dead or damaged cell components.

5) Changes to Gene Expression:

This process may impact how your body develops certain conditions and diseases.

6) Increased Weight Loss:

Research suggests that by doing intermittent fasting alone can help people lose up to 8 percent of their weight in as little as three to 24 weeks—for a 90kg person, that’s about a 500g to 1kg per week. Unlike typical diets, you may be able to lose weight without counting calories on this plan.

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7) Reduce Leptin Resistance

Leptin resistance causes increased hunger and makes it difficult to loose weight. Intermittent fasting have shown to reduce leptin resistance and reduce the hunger.

8) Higher Metabolism:

The weight loss may result from an increased metabolic rate. Research suggests intermittent fasting could boost your metabolism by as much as 14 percent.

9) Lower Risk of Diabetes:

In overweight and obese individuals, intermitted fasting lowered insulin resistance by 3 to 6 percent. Lower blood sugar and insulin levels can cut your risk of type 2 diabetes.

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10 Decreased Inflammation Markers:

Inflammation is connected to several conditions and diseases. Reducing inflammation may improve health.

11) Improved Heart Health:

Fasting may lower “bad” LDL cholesterol, blood sugar, blood triglycerides, and other factors that increase the risk of heart disease, research suggests.

12) Slow Aging:

With lower inflammation and cell damage, intermittent fasting may also reduce signs of aging and extend longevity.

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