It's Coming & It's Going To Hit The Global Economy Like A Tidal Wave - Episode 1642a

in fbi •  7 years ago 

FBI was a dealt a blow by a Judge that says the FBI must verify the Steel Dossier.Media trying to figure out the names of the Jurors and the Judge has been threatened in the Manafort case. Judicial Watch is suing to get Brenna's emails. Afghan President offers another cease fire. North Korea agrees to allow UN aviation group into NK. Syria stabilization fund has been canceled by Trump. Q posts another post and it seems the deep state might be preparing something big.

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Thanks for the information, Dave.

Well done.. I have listened to over 1000 episodes I'm fascinated by the changes... and evolution.

You are going absolutly right way on steemit.
Carry on. Thanks for share with us.
I need more learn

Im a huge fan of the X22 Report have been for years now🖒

Excellent reporting as always Dave. Concise breakdown and delivery of this information is challenging and you are among the best. I pray whatever they are plotting is foiled.

Great report!

They need a big event cuz they’re dying .

Obviously I listen to the show - but I am still not convinced that anyone big will face prison. Therefore Trump's prison plans must be seen in a more prudent light as the continuation of slavelandia in the USA. Bring the jobs back to America so the prisoners can pay for their own incarceration. The US locks up more of its citizens then any other country. There is now an unprecedented national strike occurring across the prisons of America - see here